
J - j

jabjynmak   v. to snarl (at), bark. Güjük jabjyndy. The puppy snarled. jabjynyp jogap bermek to answer with a snarl.

jady   [ja:dy] n. witchcraft, sorcery. ~ etmek to conjure, practise witchcraft/sorcery, bewitch.

jadygöy   [ja:dygö:y] adj. magic, witchcraft. ~ nazar a bewitching look.

jahan   adj. world. ~ urşy world war. ~a inmek to be born, enter the world.

~ ýagtylýar.   Day is breaking.

jümle-jahan   n. world.

jahankeşde   n. traveller.

jahankeşdelik   n. tourism.

1 • work of a traveller.

2 • tourism. ~ etmek to travel.

jahyl   [ja:hy:l] n. young man; without knowledge or experience. ~ çykmak to reach manhood.

jahyllyk   [ja:hy:llyk] n. youth. ~ ýyllarynda in one's youth.

jalbar   n. 1 • trousers. Usage: Brit

2 • pants, slacks. Usage: Amer

jam   [ja:m] n. serving dish, serving bowl, tureen. bir ~ süýt

jan   [ja:n] n. 1 • soul, spirit, heart.

2 • life, body. ~ girmek to return to life. ~yňy gurban etmek to sacrifice oneself, lay down one's life. ~ bermek give up one's life.

3 • person, soul, head. ~ başyna per head, per capita.

4 • dear. ~ym meniň! My dear! ~ dost! Dear friend! Usage: for a cause

~ etmek   to do one's best, do one's utmost.

~ çekmek   to give one's all.

janyňy ýakmak   to concern oneself with, worry about.

jana-jan   [ja:na-ja:n] adj. 1 • faithful, loyal, reliable, devoted, staunch. ~ dost devoted/staunch friend.

2 • own. Ol meniň ~ doganym. He is my own brother.

janawar   adj. poor thing (living thing), poor soul.

jandar   [ja:nda:r] n. living being, creature, creatures. janly-jandarlar living beings. Öýde ~ ýokdy. There was not a living soul in the house.

janhowul   [ja:nhowul] n. death-pangs.

janköýer   [ja:nköýer] n. 1 • fanatic, fan, enthusiast. futbol ~i football fan.

2 •  See: jana-jan.

janlanmak   [ja:nlanmak] v. to become animated, come alive, rejuvenate oneself. Tebigat janlandy. The natural world has come alive.

janly   [ja:nly] adv. active, lively; living.

adj. grazing animals; sheep and goats. ~ soýmak to kill a lamb, a sheep or a goat.

janly-jandar    ~ ýöremek to walk quickly. janly-jandarlar living beings.

janpena   [ja:npena] n. bodyguard.

jansyz   [ja:nsyz] adj. 1 • dead, lifeless, inanimate, inorganic. ~ tebigat inanimate. ~ göwre dead body, corpse.

2 • slowly, limply, inertly. ~ işlemek to work lethergically.

jan-ten   [ja:n-ten] n. heart and soul, body and soul. jan-teni bilen with all one's heart. See: jan; ten.

jaň   n. 1 • bell. gapynyň ~y doorbell. ~ kakyldy The doorbell bell rang.

2 • call, ring. ~ etmek to telephone, ring, give a call. telefonyň ~y ringing of a telephone.

eňegine ~ kakylan ýaly geplemek   Lit: to talk like a ringing chin to talk without ceasing.

jaňlaşmak   v. to ring up. Jaňlaşarys! We'll speak on the phone!

jaňňyrdamak   v. to ring. Jaň jaňňyrdady. A bell rang.

jar1   n. message. ~ çekmek to announce, cry out. ~ etmek to announce, cry out.

jar2   n. gully, ravine. ~dan geçmek to cross a ravine.

jarçy   n. messenger, town crier, herald.

jarnama   [jarna:ma] n. address, appeal.

jaý1   [ja:ý] n. 1 • building, house. ~ gurmak to build a house.

Usage: colloq 2 • place, room.

3 • establishment.

okuw ~y   

jaý2   [ja:ý] n. 1 • correct. ~ jogap correct answer.

2 • appropriate. Bu ~ sorag. This question is to the point.

3 • accurate. ~ atmak to shoot accurately.

4 • comfortable. ~ bolmak to be comfortable. göwne ~ bolmak to be comfortable, be just right.

jaýdar   [ja:ýda:r] adj. reliable, trustworthy. ~ ýerlerden alnan maglumatlar information received from reliable sources.

jaýlamak   [ja:ýlamak] v. 1 • to put in place.

2 • to bury.

jaýlanmak   [ja:ýlanmak] v. 1 • to be put in place.

2 • to be buried.

jaýlaşmak   [ja:ýlaşmak] v. 1 •  See: jaýlamak.

2 • to sit, settle, make oneself comfortable. Ol diwanyň üstünde jaýlaşyp oturdy. He made himself comfortable on the sofa.

3 • to make fit.[ja:ýlaşmak] 

See: jaýlamak.

jebir   n. 1 • oppression, yoke (of slavery or oppression). ~ çekmek to be oppressed. ~ bermek to oppress.

2 • suffering, affliction. ~ bermek to make somebody suffer. ~ çekmek to suffer. agyrydan ~ çekmek to be racked with pain. ~ çeken martyr.

jebir-jepa   pain and suffering.

jebir-jepa:ly   adj. agonizing, hard. ~ zähmet hard work.

jebir-sütem   -. See: jebir; sütem. ~ etmek to oppress. ~ etmek to make somebody suffer, torture.

jebis   adv. tightly. gapyny ~ ýapmak to close a door tightly, board a door.

jebisleşmek   v. to join two things tightly together , to fix something firmly.

jedel   n. 1 • quarrel, dispute, argument. Jedelleşmäň! Don't make a quarrel!

2 • bet. ~ etmek to bet.

jedelkeş   n. quarrelsome, quarrel-maker.

jedelleşmek   v. 1 • to argue, quarrel, dispute. Biz düýn ýygnakda köp jedeleşip oturdyk. Yesterday at the meeting we sat quarrelling for ages.

2 • to make a bet (on).

jedelli   adj. questionable, debatable, disputed. ~ mesele moot point, vexed question.

jedelsiz   adj. incontrovertible, without question.

jelegaý   n. land, area, place, locality. Sen bu ~da näme işleýärsiň? What are you doing at this place?

jelep   n. prostitute.

jellat   [jella:t] n. hangman, executioner.

adj. ruthless, pitiless, relentless. ~dyr gara gözleriň. There is no mercy in your black eyes.

jem   n. 1 • sum, total. ~ini çykarmak to sum up.

2 • all, whole. ~i önüm gross product. ~ bolmak to gather.

Usage: mathematics 3 • sum. iki goşulyjynyň ~i the sum of two parts.

jemagat   [jema:gat] n. the people, the public; community. ~yň öňünde in public. ~ ony sylaýar. The public respects him.

jemgyýet   n. society, organization, community.

jemgyýetçilik   adj. public, social. ~ pikiri public opinion. ~ eýeçiligi public property, public ownership. ~ işi community work, social work.

jemi   adj. amount of, number of, total number. puluň ~ amount of money. Bis ~ bäş adamdyk. There were five of us altogether.

jemlemek   v. 1 • to gather; concentrate, focus. ünsi bir zada ~ to concentrate one's attention (on, upon).

2 • to sum up. netijeleri ~ to sum up the conclusions.

Usage: mathematics 3 • to add (up).

4 • to make a conclusion, conclude, finish. Ol ahyry sözüni jemledi. At last he came to the conclusion of his speech.

jemlenmek   v. 1 • to be gathered, be concentrated, be focused.

2 • to be summed up.

Usage: mathematics 3 • to be added up.

4 • to be concluded.

jenap   [jena:p] n. 1 • (title for a man) Mr., Sir, Lord. jenaplar we jenanlar ladies and gentlemen.

2 • Excellency. siziň aly jenabyňyz! Your Excellency!

jenaýat   [jena:ýat] n. crime.

adj. criminal, felonious. ~ iş criminal case. ~ kodeksi criminal code.

jenaýatçy   [jena:ýatçy] n. criminal, offender, felon. döwlet ~sy someone who has committed a crime against the state.

jenaýatçylyk   [jena:ýatçylyk] n. 1 • crime (in general), felony.

2 • criminality.

jenaýatkär   [jena:ýatkär] n. See: jenaýatçy.

jenjel   n. 1 • quarrel, row. ~ etmek to make a row, quarrel.

2 • fuss, a lot of noise. ~ turuzmak to make a fuss.

jenjelleşmek   v. to have a row, quarrel.

jennet   n. 1 • paradise, heaven.

2 • Jennet - a girl's name.

jeň   n. battle, fight, war. ~ meýdany battle field.

jeňňel   n. jungle, thick forest.

jeňňellik   n. thicket, course shrubs.

jepa   [jepa:] n. 1 • suffering. köp ~lary başdan geçirmek to experience much/a lot of suffering. ~ çekmek to torture/torment to make so suffer torment.

2 • toil.

jeren   n. gazelle, small antelope.

jerime   [jeri:me] n. fine. ~ salmak to impose a fine (on), to fine someone. ~ tölemek to pay a fine. Kassa gidip, ~ tölörsiň! Go to a (state) bank and pay the fine!

jeset   n. corpse, dead body.

jeýhun   [je:ýhun] adj. storming, raging. ~ derýa storming river.

jeza   [jeza:] n. punishment. ~ bermek to punish. ölüm ~sy death penalty. berk ~ strict/harsh punishment. ~ çekmek to bear/take punishment, pay the penalty, be punished. Ol adamlaryň günäsi üçin ~ çekdi. He suffered punishment for the sins of the people.

jezalandyrmak   [jeza:landyrmak] v. to punish, have someone punished.

jähennem   n. 1 • hell. Usage: religious ~e git! Go to hell!

2 • word expressing indifference. ~, näme bolsa bolsun! So be it!

~ etmek   to lose; to hide.

janyny ~e ibermek   to kill.

jähet   aspect, perspective (per DG). See: jäht.

jäjek   n. Usage: colloq toy.

jigi   [jigi:] n. 1 • younger brother or sister. only Ahal-Teke men use jigi to refer to younger brothers. Other clans use it only to refer to younger sisters. gyz jigi younger sister.

2 • younger relative (via brother or father).

Usage: dial 3 • younger person. only Ahal-Teke men use jigi to refer to younger men. See: ini.

jigit   n. lad. in the sense of 'the lads'.

jikme-jik   [ji:kme-ji:k] adj. in detail. ~ gürrüň bermek to tell in detail.

jilt   n. binding, book-cover. kitabyň jildi the cover of a book. ~ ussahanasy binders, bookbinder.

jinnek   n. trace, grain, fragment, atom. Onuň ~ ýaly hem günäsi ýok. There isn't a trace of guilt in him.

jisim   n. 1 • substance. gaty ~ a solid. ýumşak ~ a liquid.

2 • object.

Usage: star, planet, moon 3 • body. asman ~leri heavenly bodies.

jogap   [joga:p] n. 1 • answer, reply, response. ~ bermek to answer, reply, respond. ~ soramak to ask a question.

2 • permission, consent. ~ bermek to give one's consent/permission, permit, be responsible (for). ~ soramak to ask for a permission.

Usage: mathematics 3 • answer. meseläniň jogaby the answer to a question.

jogapkär   [joga:pkär] adj. responsible, important, crucial. ~ bolmak to be in charge (of), be responsible (for). ~ redaktor chief editor. ~ işgär executive. Ol jogapkär. He is responsible.

jogapkärçilik   [joga:pkärçilik] n. responsibility. jogapkärçiligi öz üstüňe almak to take the responsibility (of).

jogapkärli   [joga:pkärli] adj. important, serious, crucial. ~ wagt crucial moment.

jogapsyz   [joga:psyz] adj. Usage: mathematics without an answer. ~ mesele unsolved problem.

jokrama   adj. burning, scorching, blistering. ~ yssy scorching heat.

jomart   [jo:ma:rt] adj. generous. ~ adam generous person.

jomartlyk   [jo:ma:rtlyk] n. generosity, lavishness. ~ etmek to display generosity.

jora   [jo:ra] n. (female) friend. used by a girl or woman of a female friend.

jorap   [jora:p] n. sock, slipper-sock.

joşdurmak   v. 1 • to make something overflow, cause something to overflow.

2 • to inspire, to quicken smb's spirit, to arouse, to stir up.

joşgun   [jo:şgun] n. 1 • flood, overflow.

2 • enthusiasm, fervour, animation. uly ~ bilen geplemek to speak with great fervour.

joşgunly   [jo:şgunly] adj. 1 • stormy, violent, raging, wild. ~ deňiz wild sea.

2 • animated, enthusiastic, fervent. ~ söz inspired speech.

joşmak   [jo:şmak] v. 1 • to overflow.

2 • to be in full swing. Üş joşup başlady. The work is in full swing.

3 • to inspire. joşup zähmet çekmek to work with inspiration.

4 • to give something to somebody, fork out (colloq). bäş manat ~ to give somebody five manats, fork out five manats.

joýa   [jo:ýa] n. row, furrow, groove. ~ çekmek to furrow. hyýary ~lap ekmek to plant cucumbers in furrows.

jögi   [jö:gi] adj. 1 • feigned; affected. ~ adam pretender, sham.

2 • sly, crafty.

jöhit   [jö:hit] n. 1 • Jew.

Usage: vulgar 2 • miser, skinflint.

jöwen   n. maize, corn on the cob.

jöwenek   n. hail. ~ ýagýar. It is hailing.

jöwher   n. 1 • precious stone, jewel.

2 • Damascus steel. ~ gylyç sword/sabre of Damascus steel, Damascus blade.

jöwza   [jöwza:] n. sultriness.

juda   [juda:] adv. very, highly, too, very much. ~ köp okamak to read too much.

~ bolmasa   if not, as a last resort, if all else fails.

jul   n. 1 • sackcloth.

2 • cloth, dress. ~uňy täzelemek to buy a new dress.

~dan çykmak   to lose everything.

juma   [juma:] n. Friday. ~ güni Friday, on Friday.

juwan   [juwa:n] adj. young, young person. ~ ýigit young man. iki ýaş juwaniň durmuş toýy the wedding of two young people.

jübi   n. pocket. jübä salmak to put something into one's pocket.

Jübimde it uwlaýar.   I am out of cash.

jübüt   adj. 1 • even. Usage: mathematics ~ san even number. Turkmen buy an even no. of sweet things, an odd no. of savoury - strong or spicy things.

2 • pair, couple.

jülge   n. ravine, gorge, canyon; valley. with water flowing at the bottom, therefore usually green either side.

jümle   n. phrase; sentence.

jümle-jahan   n. world.

jümmüş   n. heart, depths, bowels. tokaýyň ~i the depths of the forest. ýeriň ~i bowels of the earth. halkyň ~inde in the midst of the people.

jüňk   jump. Men erbet habar eşiden wagtym ýüregim jüňk boldy. When I heard the bad news my heart missed a beat.

jüp   Usage: colloq

jür   adj. neat, accurate, conscientious; honest. işine ~ adam conscientious person, accurate person.

jüýje   n. chick, chicken; poultry. ~ guzlatmak to hatch chickens.

jüýjäni güýz sanaşarys   don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Category: prov.

jygyldyk   n. 1 • crowded place, crush, squash, scrum.

2 • flea market, bazaar.

jylaw   n. reins. atyň ~yndan tutup itmek to lead a horse by the reins.

~yny eliňe almak   to take the reins in one's hand.

~yňy bermek   to be led by somebody.

jyn   n. jinnee (pl: jinn). an intelligent being lower than the angels, able to appear in human and animal forms, and having power over people.

Ony meniň jynym alanok.   I don't like him/her.

Saňa näme ~ urdy?   What's the matter with you?

~yň atlanmak   to rage, be furious, be full of anger.

jynaza   [jyna:za] n. last rites, prayer read before funeral.

jyns   n. 1 • gender, sex.

2 • rock. dag ~ lary layers, rocks, beds, strata. gaty ~ solid layer.

3 • race. adamzat ~y human race.

jyňňyrdamak   v. to ring. Telefon jyňňyrdaýar. The telephone is ringing.