
Ö - ö

öç   [ö:ç] n. revenge, vengeance. ~ almak to take revenge. ~ alyjy avenger, revenger.

öçmek   v. 1 • to go out, go off.

2 • to die out, go out. Ot öçdi. The fire died out.

3 • to fail, cut out. Motor öçdi. The engine cut out.

4 • to become erased, to become illegible. Ýazgy öçüpdir. The writing has become illegible.

5 • to fade, to vanish. reňki ~ to become colourless, lose its lustre. ýadyndan ~ to vanish from one's memory.

6 • to stop talking. Öç, gepleme! Stop -- don't say anything!

öçük   adj. 1 • extinguished, switched/turned off, put out. çura ~ eken the light was turned off.

2 •  See: öçügsi.

öçürilmek   v. 1 • to be turned off, switched off. Telewizor öçürilen. The television is switched off.

2 • to be extinguished, be put out. Ot öçürildi. The fire was extinguished.

3 • to be erased, be rubbed out.

4 • to be crossed out, deleted. Onuň ady spisokdan öçürildi. His name was crossed out of the list.

öçürmek   v. 1 • to turn off, switch off. gazy ~ to turn off the gas. çyrany ~ to turn off the light.

2 • to stop. motory ~ to stop the engine.

3 • to put out, extinguish. ody ~ to put out the fire.

4 • to erase, rub out. Bu ýazanlaryňy öçür-de, täzeden ýaz! Rub out what you have written and write it again!

5 • to strike off, delete. spisokdan ~ to strike a name off the list. See: öçmek.

ödemek   [ö:demek] v. 1 • to compensate, pay, cover. çykdajyny ~ to cover the expenses.

2 • to justify. tamany ~ to justify hopes. ynamy ~ to deserve smb's confidence/trust.

öjükdirme   n. provocation.

ökde   adj. 1 • knowledgeable. ~ mugallym knowledgeable teacher.

2 • skilful, experienced. ~ ussa skilful repairman. ~ işgär experienced worker. Ol işine ~ adam. He is an expert in his field. ~ çapyksuwar skilful rider.

~ çykmak (gelmek)   to come out on top.

ökdelik   n. skill, expertise. işine ~ skill at work. ~ bilen skillfully.

ökje   n. heel. köwşüň ~si shoe heel. jorabyň ~si heel of a sock.

~sine düşmek   to pursue, chase, go after.

kimdir biriniň ~sini ýalamak   to lick someone's boots.

~ götermek   to take to one's heels.

ökjäň ýeňlemek   to move easily.

ökünç   n. regret, repentance. ~ bildirmek to express one's repentance. ~ bilen regretfully, deploringly.

ökünmek   v. 1 • to regret. Men oňa ynananyma ökünýärin. I regret that I trusted him. Beren soragyma ökündim. I regretted asking such a question.

2 • to repent. Han peýdasyz hem bolsa etmişine ökünipdir. Although it was a waste of time, the khan repented of his wrong-doing.

öküz   n. bull, ox.

Ýatan öküze iým ýok.   He who does not work, shall not eat. Category: prov. Lit: There is no food for an ox that is lying down.

öl   [ö:l] adj. 1 • wet. ~ bolmak to become wet. ~ etmek to wet.

2 • damp, moist. ~ geçirmek to absorb moisture. ~ bolmak to become damp. ~ etmek to moisten.

ölçeg   n. 1 • measure. agram ~i weight measures. uzynlyk ~i measurements of length. birlik ~i one measure of unit.

barrel ölçegi   unit of measure for oil.

Usage: clothing 2 • size. aýakgabyň ~i shoe size.

Usage: fig 3 • limit. ~ini saklamak to keep within limits. ~ini bilmezlik carrying things too far, not knowing when to stop. ~iňi bilmek to know when to stop.

ölçegli   adj. 1 • measured. ~ mata measured cloth.

2 • fixed. ~ norma fixed norm. ~ iş haky fixed wage.

3 • limited. biziň wagtymyz ~ our time is limited.

4 • size.

ölçegsiz   adj. 1 • unlimited, limitless, without limit, unrestricted. bir zady ~ ulanmak to use something without limit.

2 • boundless, unbounded, immense. ~ giňişlik immense space.

ölçemek   v. 1 • to measure. çen bilen ~ to measure by eye. çuňlugy ~ to sound, fathom. kimdir biriniň temperaturasyny ~ to take somebody's temperature. Kostýumy ölçäp gör. Try on the suit.

2 • to consider, to weigh something up. Ölçäp, biçip, belki-de meni syda bererler. Weigh it up, think about it -- they're probably going to prosecute me.

Ýedi ölçäp bir kes.   Look before you leap. Category: prov. Lit: Measure something seven times, but cut it once.

ölçermek   v. 1 • to move logs (so they can burn better).

2 • to weigh; to consider, think over, turn over in one's mind. men ony köp ölçerip gördüm I thought over it too much.

öldürmek   v. 1 • to kill, murder. Çopan möjegi öldürmändi, möjek her gün bir guzyny alar gider oturardy. The shepherd didn't kill the wolf, so the wolf used to kill a lamb each day.

Usage: fig 2 • to torment, torture. Meni garaşdyryp, halys öldürdiň. You have tormented me with waiting.

öli   adj. 1 • dead, deceased. ne öli ne diri more dead than alive. öli ýaly ýatmak to sleep like the dead. ruhy taýdan öli spiritually dead. ölini kesmek to dissect, cut up a corpse.

2 • lifeless. Şol gözel görnüşi ~ ruhlary-da jana getirdi. This image of beauty brought lifeless spirits back to life.

3 • irresolute, weak character.

öliň soragyny soramak   to question someone to death.

ölmek   v. 1 • to die. ölüp gitmek to die. öz ajalyňa ~ to die a natural death.

2 • extinct. ölüp giden dil an extinct language.

ölüm   n. 1 • death, dying. ~ jezasy capital punishment, death penalty. ~ ýassygy deathbed. ~ ýassygynda ýatmak to be on one's deathbed. ~ adam saýlamaz. Death is the grand leveller. Category: prov. Ajal ýetmese, ~ ýok. One does not die before death. Category: prov.

2 • mortal(ity).

~iň öýünde   barely, with difficulty.

ömrylla   [ömrylla:] adj. never, for nothing, not for anything. men ony ~ etmerin I will never do it.

ömür   adj. 1 • life. Ýöne ömrüm şäherde geçdi. But I spent my life in the city.

2 • eternal, always. Ol ~ maňa sögüp ýör. He is always telling me off.

ömür boýy   throughout one's life, eternally.

ömürlik   adj. 1 • eternal, everlasting, forever, lifelong. ...tilkiň ysy ~ burnunda galar. ...the fox's scent will stay in the [dog's] nose forever. Ýigidem bolup geçen wakalardan özüne ömürlik sapak alyp... My boy also learned lifelong lessons from past experiences ...

2 • durable, lasting, sturdy. ~ edip salmak to build sturdily.

~ ýoldaş   lifelong partner.

~ uka gitmek   Lit: to fall into an eternal sleep to pass away, die.

öndüriji   [ö:ndüriji] n. producer (of goods). ...ýöne ol çilimkeşleriň we temmäki öndürijileriň arasynda nägilelik döretdi. ... but among smokers and tobacco producers it caused displeasure.

öndürijilik   [ö:ndürijilik] n. productivity, output, productiveness. zähmet öndürijiligi work productivity.

öndürilmek   [ö:ndürilmek] v. to be produced, be manufactured. Bu ýerde dürli önümler öndürilýär. Different kinds of products are produced here.

öndürmek   [ö:ndürmek] v. to produce, manufacture. süýt önümlerini ~ to produce dairy products.

önelgesiz   [ö:nelgesiz] adj. barren, infertile.

önjeýli   adv. productively, fruitfully. ~ işlemek to work productively.

önmek   [ö:nmek] v. 1 • to be born. özüňden önen çaga one's own child.

2 • to raise, grow. Bu ýerde hemme zat önýär. Everything grows here. ...köp üzüm öner, onsoň köp çakyr ýasap bolar. ...a lot of grapes will grow and then it will be possible to produce a lot of wine.

3 • to increase, rise, grow. Iş ýuwaş-ýuwaşdan önüp barýar. The work is gradually showing more results.

önüm   [ö:nüm] n. 1 • product, produce. süýt ~leri dairy produce. oba hojalyk ~leri farm produce. nebit ~leri oil products. ~ümiň gymmaty cost of products. ähli ~ gross product.

2 • produce, food. gök ~ler vegetables.

önümçilik   [ö:nümçilik] adj. production. ~ praktikasy practical training. ~ maslahaty production meeting.

önümli   [ö:nümli] adv. productive(ly). ~ işlemek to work productively. ~ suffiksler productive suffixes. Usage: grammar

önüp-ösmek   [ö:nüp-ösmek] v. to be born and raised. Men obada önüp-ösdüm. I was born and raised in the village.

öň   post. 1 • front. jaýyň ~i the front of a house. ~ tarapy front.

2 • beginning. ~üm gelenden soňum gelsin. Don't look at the beginning, look at the end. Category: prov.

~ ýeten   everyone, anyone.

~üni soňuny pikir edip geplemek   to speak after careful consideration.

adv. 1 • ago, long ago. Bu waka ~ bolupdy. It happened long ago. bäş ýyl mundan ~ five years ago.

2 • before, previous(ly). wagtyndan ~ before one's time. Ol ~ beýle däldi. He was not like this previously. Biz ~ şäherde ýaşaýardik. We used to live in the city.

3 • beforehand, in advance. wagtyndan ~ bermek to give something in advance.

post. 1 • in front of, before. ~ünde in front of. mekdebiň ~ünde in front of the school. Gözüniň ~ünde ene-atasyny parçaladylar. They hacked up his parents before his eyes. ~e seretmek to look (straight) ahead.

2 • next, following. ~ümizdäki hepdede following week, next week.

3 • forward (motion). ~e hereket etmek to move forward.

~üni almak   to prevent, avert, ward off. urşuň ~üni almak to prevent a war. howpuň ~üni almak to ward off danger.

öňbaşçy   n. pioneer, entrepreneur.

öňbaşçylyk   n. leadership, guidance.

öňde-soňda   adv. sooner or later, sometime or other. ~ öýlenmeli bolarsyň sooner or later you will have to get married.

öňinçä   [öňi:nçä] adj. first; before. ~ pikir etmeli ekeniň you ought to have thought about it before. gitmezimden ~ men onuň bilen gürleşmeli I must speak to her before going.

öňki   adj. 1 • former. ~ wagtlarda in the old days, in former times. biziň ~ mugallymymyz our former teacher.

2 • last, previous. ~ gezek saňa haýsy erteki aýdyp beripdim? Which fairytale did I tell you last time?

öňki-öňkülik   adj. as before, like before, as it was. hemme zat ~ everything is just as it used to be. zatlary öňki-öňküligine goý leave it as it was.

öňki-soňky   adj. past and present. ~ny ýatlamak to remember the past and present. ynha, onuň ~ edeni this is everything he has done; this is the sum total of what he has done.

öňli-soňly   adv. well, properly. bir işi ~ etmek to do a job properly; to do something properly.

öňlük   n. apron; pinafore.

öňňin   [öňňi:n] adv. the day before yesterday.

öňräk   a bit earlier, as early as possible. ~ gelen bolsaň gowy bolardy it would be better if you had come a bit earlier.

öňürtmek   v. to pass ahead, outstrip, take the lead (over), leave behind. ol menden öňürtdi he outsripped me; he took the lead over me.

öpmek   [ö:pmek] v. to kiss, give a kiss. dodagyndan ~ to kiss on the lips, kiss on the mouth. ýaňagyndan ~ to kiss on the cheek.

ör   [ö:r] 

örç   n. bad to worse. ~ almak to become stronger, intensify, gain strength, grow louder. ýel barha örç alýardy the wind was becoming stronger and stronger. ~ bolmak to be on bad terms (with), not to get on. olar biri-biri bilen örç they don't get on.

ördek   [ö:rdek] n. duck. ~ horazy drake. ~ eti duck (meat).

örän   adv. 1 • very. ~ gyzykly kitap very interesting book. ~ sowuk very cold.

2 • too. ~ köp too much. ~ az too little.

öri   [ö:ri] n. meadow, pasture. mallary örä kowmak to take a flock out to pasture.

örk   n. tie, lead, leash, tether. örküni üýtgetmek to move the tether rope.

ýerden örküňi üzmek   to take off.

örklemek   v. to tie, tether. sygyry ~ to tether a cow.

örmek1   [ö:rmek] v. 1 • to knit. ellik ~ to knit gloves.

2 • to plait, braid. saç ~ to plait hair.

3 • to lay. kerpiç ~ to lay bricks.

örmek2   [ö:rmek] v. 1 • to grow, appear (vegetation, hair, fur). Meýdana ot örüp ugrapdyr. Grasses begin to grow in the field.

2 • to spread (rash, spots). Gyzamyk çykan çaganyň ýanynda dutar çalsaň, gyzamygy örýär. If you play the dutar next to a child who has measles, the measles will spread.

3 • to get up to go (after meeting, more than one person). Adamlar örüp başladylar. People began to go home.

4 • to get up (after sleep, more than one person). Sag-aman ördüňizmi? Good morning!

bir öýden ~   to live together, live in one family.

örňemek   [ö:rňemek] v. to multiply, produce.

örtgi   n. 1 • cover.

Usage: person 2 • veil.

örtmek   v. 1 • to cover, coat. odeýal bilen ~ to cover with a bedspread. reňk bilen ~ to coat with paint. Günüň ýüzüni bulut örtüpdir. The clouds covered the sun.

2 • to conceal, hide, cover up. kemçilikleriň üstüni ~ to conceal one's shortcomings.

örtük   n. 1 • sheet. buz örtügi sheet of ice.

2 • blanket. gar örtügi blanket of snow.

Usage: anatomy3 •  deri örtügi integument.

örtülmek   v. to be covered; to be hidden. buz bilen ~ to be covered with ice.

örtünje   n. cloak, cape. ~ atynmak to cloak, cover with a cloak, put on a cloak.

örüm   [ö:rüm] n. 1 • plait, braid. saçyň ~i plait of hair. dört ~ saç four plait hair.

2 • lay, laying. kerpijiň ~i lay of a brick; bricklaying.

örüşmek   [ö:rüşmek] v. to get up (as a family). See: örmek1.

ösdürmek   v. 1 • to grow, cultivate. Usage: agriculture gül ~ to grow flowers.

Usage: children 2 • to rear, bring up. çaga ~ to bring up a child.

3 • to train. ýerli kadrlary ~ to train local personnel.

Usage: animals 4 • to rear, raise, breed. maldarçylygy ~ to raise livestock.

5 • to perfect, improve. tehnikany ~ to improve machinery.

6 • to grow. saç ~ to grow one's hair. sakgalyňy ~ to grow a beard.

7 • to increase, raise. sanyny ~ to increase the number. See: ösmek.

ösmek   v. 1 • to grow, grow up. Usage: agriculture bile ~ to grow up together.

Usage: children 2 • to be well brought up.

3 • to increase, grow. Bazar ykdysadyýeti ösýär. The market economy is growing.

4 • to develop, mature. Şahyryň döredijiligi ösýär. A poet's creative work develops.

5 • to rise. gullukda ösmek to get promoted.

ösümlik   n. plant, vegetation. bir ýyllyk ~ annual. köp ýyllyk perennial. iki ýyllyk ~ biennial. däneli ~ler cereal crops, grains. ot-iým ~leri forage crops. ~ dünýäsi flora and fauna. Türkmenistanyň ~ dünýäsi the flora and fauna of Turkmenistan.

ösümlikçi   n. plant-grower.

ösüş   n. growth.

ösüşmek   v. to grow together, grow gradually.

ötegçi   n. traveller.

öten   adj. 1 • last. Usage: time ~ ýyl last year. ~ agşam last night.

Usage: grammar 2 • past. ~ zaman past tense.

ötmek   v. 1 • to cross. derýadan ~ to cross a river.

Usage: time 2 • to pass, go by. Ondan soň bir iki aý ötdi. After that two months passed.

3 • to overtake, to pass.

4 • to sting, to smart.

5 • to forgive, pardon. Günämi öt! I'm sorry!

6 • to be sold.

dünýäden ~   to pass away.

ötri   post. except. ondan ~ except that.

ötünç   n. forgiveness. ~ soramak to ask forgiveness. Men sizden ~ soraýaryn. Please forgive me.

ötünmek   v. to apologize.

ötürmek   v. Usage: colloq to pass (through). iňňäniň gözünden sapak ~ to thread a needle. maşynlary köpriden ~ to take cars across the bridge. hiç kimi bu ýerden ötürme don't let anyone pass here.

ötüşmek   v. 1 • to expire, elapse. wagt ötüşýär time is running out.

2 • to become neglected. ötüşen kesel neglected illness. See: ötmek.

öweý   adj. step-. ~ kaka stepfather. ~ eje stepmother. ~ gyz stepdaughter. ~ ogul stepson. ~ çaga stepchild.

öwez   n. compensation, indemnity; damages; replacement; refund, reimbursement. ~ini dolmak (doldurmak) to compensate, make up (for); to replace; to reimburse. ýiten wagtyň öwezini dolmak to make up for lost time. çykdajylaryň öwezini dolmak to refund expenses.

öwgi   n. praise. öwgüsini ýetirmek to praise (highly).

öwlat   [öwla:t] n. saint.

öwlüýä   n. 1 • cemetery, graveyard.

Usage: saint 2 • shrine.

öwmek   v. to praise, extol.

öwüp arşa çykarmak   to praise to highest heaven. Category: prov.

Özüni öweniň tanapy çüýrük.   One who praises himself (herself) is a fool.

öwredilmek   v. to be taught, be trained; to be instigated, be incited. oňa bu işi nähili etmelidigi öwredilipdir he was instigated how to do this work, he was trained how to do this work.

öwreniji   n. one who learns, student.

öwrenişdirmek   v. to train; to accustom (to), get them used (to). tertip-düzgüne ~ to train somebody to be orderly. ir turmaga ~ to get somebody used to getting up early. See: öwrenişmek.

öwrenişmek   v. 1 • to get used to, get accustomed to. işe ~ to get used to the work. adamlara ~ to get accustomed to the people. Sen yssa öwrenişdiňmi? Have you got used to the heat?

2 • to get into the habit of. Ol ýatmazyndan öň çilim çekmäge öwrenişipdir. He has got into the habit of smoking before going to sleep. Men muňa öwrenişmändirin. I'm not in the habit of doing that.

öwrenmek   v. 1 • to learn, study. okamagy ~ to learn to read. Men Türkmen dilini öwrenýarin. I'm learning Turkmen.

Usage: science 2 • to research.

3 • to get into the habit of.

ýaman ~   to get into a bad habit.

öwretmek   [ö:wretmek] v. 1 • to teach, instruct. hünär ~ to teach a trade.

2 • to instigate, incite. Kim saňa gep öwredýär? Who taught you to speak like that? changed from Who incites you to speak so?

3 • to give advice.

Bu günki serçe düýnki serçe «jik-jik» öwreder.   Today's sparrow advises yesterday's sparrow on how to chirp.

öwrülişik   n. revolution, coup; reform. sosial ~ upheaval. döwlet öwrülişigi coup d'etat. ylymdaky ~ reform in science.

öwrülmek   v. 1 • to turn, change, turn into. saga ~ to turn right. bärik ~ turn towards. aňryk ~ turn away. Ol yzyna öwrüldi. He turned back.

2 • to return, come back. Ol öwrülip geldi. He returned, he came back.

3 • to turn (into). Minutlar sagada öwrüldi. The minutes passed/stretched into hours. Suw buza öwrüldi. The water turned into ice.

4 • to turn over. beýleki tarapyna ~ to turn from one side to the other.

diliň öwrülmezlik   not to be able to utter/pronounce/say.

1 • to turn. saga ~ to turn right. bärik ~ to turn towards. aňryk ~ to turn away. Ol yzyna öwrüldi. He turned back.

2 • to return, come back. Ol öwrülip geldi. He returned, he came back.

3 • to turn (into), change. Minutlar sagada öwrüldi. The minutes stretched into hours. Suw buza öwrüldi. The water turned into ice.

4 • to turn over. beýleki tarapyna ~ to turn from one side to the other.

diliň öwrülmezlik   not to be able to utter.

öwrüm   n. 1 • turn(ing), bend, curve. birinji ~den saga git go to the right from the first turning. derýanyň ~inde at the bend of a river. ýoluň ~inde at the turning of a road.

2 • circle. ~ etmek to make a circle, move making a circle.

öwşün   n. tint, play of colours; shine. ~ atmak to be iridescent; to shine.

öwülmek   v. to be praised, be extolled.

öwünç   n. 1 • compliment, praise. ~ sözler words of praise boast(ing), bragging.

2 • boast. onuň öwünjini eşitdiňmi? have you heard his boasting?

öwünjeň   adj. boastful, vainglorious, braggart. ~ adam boaster, braggart, bragger, show-off.

öwünmek   v. to boast (of), brag (of, about). ol öwünmegi gowy görýär he is fond of bragging, he likes boasting.

öwürmek   v. 1 • to turn; to change. yzyna ~ to turn back. ýüzüňi ~ to avert one's face, turn aside; to turn away (from), to break (with), to forsake. başga tarapa ~ to change direction.

2 • to turn (to, into), convert, change (for). daşa ~ to turn to stone. kömre ~ to carbonize. degişmä ~ to turn into a joke. dollary manada ~ to change dollars for manats.

3 • to turn over; to invert. daşyna ~ to turn inside out. sahypany ~ to turn over a page.

1 • to turn. yzyna ~ to turn back. ýüzüňi ~ to turn one's face away.

2 • to change. başga tarapa ~ to change direction.

3 • to turn (to, into), convert. daşa ~ to turn to stone. kömre ~ to carbonize. degişmä ~ to turn into a joke.

4 • to change for. dollary manada ~ to change dollars for manats.

5 • to turn over, invert. daşyna ~ to turn inside out. sahypany ~ to turn over a page.

ýüzüňi ~   to turn away (from), break (with).

pikir ~   to reach a decision.

öwüsmek   v. 1 • to blow. ýel öwüsýär the wind blows.

2 • to be iridescent, gleam with varying colours. ýaşyl-gyzyl ~ to gleam green, then red. gök ~ to turn green.

nireden öwüsýänine düşer ýaly däl.   He keeps changing his mind.

öwüşgin   n. tint, hue, tinge, nuance, shade; shine. ~ atmak to be iridescent; to shine.

demirgazyk ~i   northern lights.

öwüt-nesihat   [öwüt-nesi:hat] adv. advice. ~ etmek to admonish, give advice to, edify, exhort. See: öwüt; nesihat.

öwüt-ündew   adv. See: öwüt; ündew.

öwzar   [öwza:r] n. things, utensils. öýsüz-öwzarsyz having no house and utensils.

öý   n. 1 • house; dwelling. ~de at home. ~ işi homework, housework. ~ eýesi host(ess). gara ~ yurt. bamboo-framed and felt-covered Turkmen dome-shaped collapsible dwelling. meniň ~üm home, my house. arynyň ~i beehive. ~ haýwanlary domestic animals. öň guşlary poultry.

2 • house, building. medeniýet ~i palace of culture. çagalar ~i children's home. dynç alyş ~i rest home, holiday home.

~üni ýykmak   to put someone in a difficult situation.

ölümiň ~ünde   hardly, with difficulty.

~ tutmak   to settle (somewhere).

Usage: dwelling 1 • house, home. meniň ~üm home, my house. ~de at home. ~ işi a) homework b) housework. ~ eýesi a) owner of the house b) host(ess). gara ~ yurt. bamboo-framed and felt-covered Turkmen dome-shaped collapsible dwelling. arynyň ~i beehive. ~ haýwanlary domestic animals. ~ guşlary poultry.

Usage: building 2 • house. çagalar ~i children's home, orphanage. dynç alyş ~i rest home, holiday home. medeniýet ~i cultural centre.

~üni ýykmak   to put someone in a difficult situation.

ölümiň ~ünde   hardly, with difficulty.

~ tutmak   to settle (somewhere).

öýdeçi   n. a home lover, someone who likes to be at home. Ýakup yuwaş hem öýdeçi adam bolup ýetişdi. Jacob grew up as a quiet man who liked to be at home.

öýdeniçer   n. maid, servant. ~ aýal maid, domestic (servant).

öýermek   v. Usage: male to marry (off). ogul ~ to marry (off) one's son.

öýjük   n. 1 • nest; eyrie; den. arynyň öýjügi hornets' nest. ogrularyň öýjügi den of thieves.

Usage: biology 2 • cell. beýni öýjükleri brain cells.

belanyň öýjügi   source of all trouble.

arynyň öýjügini gorjamak   to stir up a hornets' nest.

ol akylyň öýjüji   he is as wise as Solomon.

öýke   n. offence, insult. ~ etmek to take offence, to feel hurt.

öýke-kine   [öýke-ki:ne]  See: öýke; kine. ~ etme don't be offended.

öýkelemek   v. to take offence (at), to feel hurt (by). Ol dostundan öýkeledi. He took offence at his friend.

öýkeleşmek   v. to offend each other. See: öýkelemek.

öýkeletmek   v. to offend, hurt (the feelings of). Ol meni gaty öýkeletdi. He really offended me. See: öýkelemek.

öýkeli   adj. offended, hurt, aggrieved. ~ bolmak to have a grudge (against), be offended.

öýken   n. Usage: anatomy lung. ~ perdesi pleura. ~ çişmesi pneumonia.

ertirki guýrukdan bu günki ~   a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; a bit in the morning is better than nothing all day; better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. Category: prov.

öýkünmek   v. to imitate. aýdymça ~ to imitate a singer.

öýle   adv. afternoon. öýlän in the afternoon. ~ namazy afternoon prayers.

öýlendirmek   v. to marry off. See: öýlenmek.

öýlenen   adj. married. re. man only.

öýlenmedik   adj. single man, bachelor.

öýlenmek   v. Usage: male to marry. See: durmuşa çykmak. öýlenen married (man). See: durmuşa çykan. öýlenmedik bachelor, single man, unmarried man. See: durmuşa çykmadyk gyz.

öýlän   afternoon. See: öýle.

öýli-işikli   [öýli-i:şikli] adj. 1 • married. Usage: male ~ adam married person. ~ etmek to marry off. ~ bolmak to marry, get married.

Usage: male with children 2 • having a family.

öýme   n. scarf. yellow & black Iranian scarf.

öýtmek   v. to think, suppose. Men beýle bolar öýtmändim. I didn't think that it would be like this. Kakam gelipdir öýdýän. It seems that Dad has left.

öý eýesi   n. 1 • host. Usage: guests

Usage: house 2 • owner.

öz   [ö:z] pron. 1 • oneself, own, one one's own. ~üm myself. ~üň yourself. ~i himself/herself. Onuň ~i günäkär. She has only herself to blame. ~üm etdim. I did it myself. ~üňi ele almak to control oneself.

2 • own. ~ hudaýy own god. ~üňi oňarmak to live by one's own labour. ~ eli bilen by one's own hands. häziriň ~ünde right now. şu günüň ~ünde et do it right today.

~ ajalyňa ölmek   to die a natural death.

~ aýagyňa palta urmak   to chop the bough where you are sitting.

~ göbegiňi özüň kesmek   to have one's own way.

~üni tutmak   a) to recover, get better.

pron. oneself. ~üm myself. ~üň yourself. ~i himself/herself. Onuň ~i günäkär. She has only herself to blame. ~üm etdim. I did it myself.

own, one's own. ~ hudaýy own god. ~ eli bilen by one's own hands.

~ ajalyňa ölmek   to die a natural death.

~ aýagyňa palta urmak   Lit: to hit one's leg with an axe to shoot oneself in the foot.

~üňi ele almak   to control oneself.

~ göbegiňi özüň kesmek   Lit: to cut one's own umbilical cord to have one's own way.

~üňi oňarmak   to be able to live by one's own means.

~üňi tutmak   a) to recover, get better b) to live well.

~üni tutmak   a) to take root b) to fill out.

adv. Usage: with temporal nouns, adds emphasis şol bir wagtyň ~ünde-de at the same time. şu günuň ~ünde on this very day. häziriň ~ünde right now. Şu günüň ~ünde et. Do it right now today.

özara   [ö:zara] adv. mutually, jointly. Olar özara äht edişdiler. The two of them made a joint agreement. ~ baglanyşyk interdependence. ~ gatnaşyk mutual relations, relations. ~ kömek kassasy mutual benefit fund. ~ gürleşmek to talk to each other.

özbaşdak   [ö:zbaşdak] adj. independent; by oneself. ~ öwrenmek to learn by oneself. ~ hereket etmek to act independently, to act alone. ~ döwlet independent state.

Usage: political 1 • sovereign, independent. ~ döwlet independent state.

Usage: person 2 • independent, by oneself. ~ öwrenmek to learn by oneself. ~ hereket etmek to act independently, to act alone.

özbaşdaklyk   [ö:zbaşdaklyk] n. independence, self-dependence, self-dependency. özbaşdaklygy almak to get independence.

özbaşyna   [ö:zbaşyna] adv. 1 • obstinately; of one's own accord. ~ bir iş etmek to do something of one's own accord.

2 • separately; alone. ~ jaý almak to get a separate house.

Özbegistan   [Ö:zbegista:n] n. Uzbekistan. Category: country.

özbek   [ö:zbek] n. Uzbek. Category: geogr. Men ~ I am an Uzbek. ~ gyzy Uzbek girl. Category: language.

özboluşly   [ö:zboluşly] adj. original, distinctive; peculiar, special. ~ eser distinctive work. obrazyň ~ aýratynlygy peculiarity of the image.

özboluşlylyk   [ö:zboluşlylyk] n. originality, peculiarity. milli medeniýetiň özboluşlylygy peculiarity of national culture. özboluşlylygy bilen tapawutlanmak to have peculiarities.

özdiýenli   [ö:zdiýenli] adj. wilful. ~ çaga wilful child.

özelenmek   v. to ask; to beg, entreat. özelenip soramak to entreat.

özen   n. core, kernel, pith, heart; root. agajyň ~i the core/heart of a tree.

özge   adj. 1 • different, another. ~ ýerde in another place.

2 • other.

n. others, rest. Özgesi jähennem. The rest is rubbish.

post. except, other than, apart from. ondan ~si except that. ...olaryň Karamanilerden ~ çynlakaý garşydaşlary galmady. ...except for the Karamanis, none of their serious opponents remained.

özgeriş   n. change. uly ~ler great changes. düýpli ~ler radical changes.

özgermek   v. to change. Ýagdaý özgedi. The situation has changed. Onuň ýüzi-güzi özgerdi. His expression changed.

özgertmek   v. to renew. See: özgermek. tebigaty ~ to landscape.

özleşdirmek   [ö:zleşdirmek] v. 1 • to master, assimilate, learn. ýol hereketiniň düzgünlerini ~ to master the highway code. geçilen materiallary ~ to assimilate material learned.

2 • to prepare. tarp ýerleri ~ to prepare virgin territory for sowing.

öz-özi   himself, herself, itself.

öz-özünden   [ö:z-ö:zünden] adv. automatically, spontaneously; added automatically (see ft 427); delted acting or done or occurring without external cause. ~ gögermek to grow spontaneously. ~ düşnükli. It goes without saying. Ol ~ gygyryp başlady. He suddenly began shouting for no reason.

özygtyýarly   [ö:zygtyýa:rly] independant. See: özbaşdak.

özygtyýarlylyk   [ö:zygtyýa:rlylyk] autonomy. See: özbaşdaklyk.