
Z - z


zabun   [zabu:n] adj. cruel.

zakaz   [za'kaz] n. order. ~ etmek to order. ~ almak to take an order. ~ boýunça by order. öňünden ~ etmek to reserve. See: sargyt.

zakazçy   n. client. See: sargytçy.

zakgun   [zakgu:n] n. upas-tree, antiar. Category: bot.

~ ýaly   very bitter.

zal   n. 1 • hall, assembly hall. okalga ~y reading-room. mejlisler ~y conference hall.

2 • sitting room.

zalym   [za:lym] n. despot, tyrant.

adj. severe, cruel.

zalymlyk   [za:lymlyk] n. 1 • despotism, tyranny.

2 • severity, cruelty.

zaman   [zama:n] n. 1 • age, epoch, era; time, period. gadym ~da in old/ancient times. her ~ sometimes, from time to time.

Usage: grammar 3 • tense. öten ~ past tense. häzirki ~ present tense. geljek ~ future tense.

zamanyň mazmuny   

zamana   [zama:na] n. time, epoch. biziň ~myzda in our time, nowadays.

zamça   n. Usage: small honeydew melon.

zamun   [za:mu:n] n. hostage. guarantee? ransom? FT: bond, bail; guarantee, security. Mono: bail (to stop having to pay off your wrong-doing), bearing witness. D: it's a person's life, not a payment.

zandyýaman   adj. ill-intentioned, ill-mannered. ~ adam ill-intentioned person.

zant   intention, in clear.

zaň   n. coll. ring; honk.

zaňňar   adj. Usage: colloq damned, cursed.

zapas   [za'pas] n. stock.

Usage: goods 1 • stock. ~da bolmak to be in stock. haryt ~y stock. See: haryt.

Usage: food 2 • supplies. ~ goýmak to lay aside, put in store. See: ?.

3 •  söz ~ vocabulary. See: ?.

4 • spare, extra. ~ şaýlar spare parts, spares. See: şaýlar; ätiýaçlyk.

Usage: military 5 • reserve. See: ?.

Usage: sports6 •  See: ??. ~ oýunçy substitute, reserve.

zar   [za:r] n. need, want. ~ bolmak to need, want, to be in need (of).

zarba   n. blow, stroke, strike, attack. bir ~da at one stroke. ~ urmak to strike a blow, to attack.

zarlamak   [za:rlamak] v. to groan, moan, to sob, cry, weep.

zarp   n. blow, stroke, strike. ~ bilen at one stroke. ~ bilen itmek to push by force.

zaryn   [za:ry:n] adj. mournful, sorrowful, pitiful, pitiable. ~ sözler pathetic/heart-rending works. ~ görnüş sorry/pitiful sight. ~ iňňildi moan. ~ aýdym aýtmak to sing a sad song. ~ ses sad/plaintive voice.

zarýadlamak   Usage: physics v. to charge. akkumulýatory ~ to charge the battery.

zar-zar   [za:r-za:r] -.

zat   [za:t] n. 1 • thing. odur-budur zatlar all kinds of things.

2 • object, item.

Usage: plural 3 • belongings.

bir ~   something.

~ bolmak   to happen.

hiç ~   nothing.

~ diýmek   to touch, to disturb, to trouble.

zatsyz   [za:tsyz] adj. having no possessions, without any belongings.

zawod   [za'wod] n. factory, plant.

zaýa   [za:ýa] adj. spoiled, bad, rotten. ~ et tainted meat. ~ bolmak to go bad, to become spoiled, to get out of use/order; (of teeth) to decay, to rot.

zaýalamak   [za:ýalamak] v. 1 • to spoil. Usage: food

Usage: ritual cleansing 2 • to taint.

3 • to break, damage. Gullar zähmet gurallaryny zaýalaýardylar. Slaves used to ruin the tools. gözüňi ~ to have one's eyesight damaged (by).

4 • to corrupt. Arak ony gaty zaýalapdyr. Drink caused him to go astray.

Öz nerwiňi zaýalama!   Don't take it to heart!

zaýalanmak   [za:ýalanmak] v. 1 • to go bad, go off. Usage: food

Usage: ritual cleansing 2 • to be tainted.

3 • to deteriorate, get into a bad state.

4 • to be corrupted, get into a bad state.

Zebur   [zebu:r] n. Usage: religious book of Psalms (hymns)- the book attributed to the prophet David.

zehin   [zehi:n] n. gift, talent.

~iňi ýakmak   to be annoyed (with).

zehinli   [zehi:nli] adj. gifted, talented. ~ ýazyjy gifted writer.

zekat   [zeka:t] n. Usage: religious charity, alms, dole, handout.

zelel   n. harm. See: zyýan. ~i ýok It doesn't matter!, never mind!, don't worry!

zemin   [zemi:n] n. earth.

zemzen   n. lizard, gecko. Category: zool.

~ ýaly çişmek   to be puffed up (with anger etc.)

zenan   [zena:n] n. woman, lady.

zeper   harm. See: zyýan.

zer   n. galloon, braid.

onyň elinden ~ dökülýär   he is master of his craft, he has a clever pairs of hands, he can turn his hand to anything, he is a Jack of all trades.

zerarly   [zera:rly] post. because (of), by reason (of). Sen ~ gijä galdym. I was late because of you. as a result of due to.

zergär   n. jeweller, silversmith.

zergärlik   n. work or profession of a jeweller. ~ etmek to work as a jeweller.

zerur   [zeru:r] adj. 1 • important. ~ hasaplamak to consider something important.

2 • necessary, essential, vital. ~ kitaplar the necessary books. ~ kömek first aid.

3 • urgent, pressing.

zerurlyk   [zeru:rlyk] n. importance, necessity. zerurlygy ýok It is not necessary.

zeý   n. dampness, moisture, humidity. ~ ýer damp/moist/wet place. ~ bolmak to become damp/moist/humid.

zeýilli   adj. such, such as, like, similar (to). bu ~ like this, such. ol bu ~ zady hiç wagt görmändi he had never seen anything like it.

zeýkeş   n. drainage. Category: tech. ~ maşyny drain machine.

zeýrenç   n. complaint.

zeýrenmek   v. 1 • to complain. kellagyrydan ~ to complain of a headache. Siz nämä zeýrenýärsiňiz? What are you complaining about?

2 • to make complaints.

zeýtun   [zeýtu:n] n. olive. Category: bot, colour. ~ agajy olive-tree. ~ ýagy olive oil.

zäher   n. 1 • poison. ~ bermek to poison.

Usage: animate 2 • venom. ýylanyň ~i snake's venom.

~ ýaly   very bitter.

zäherlemek   v. to poison. guýulary ~ to poison the wells. aňyny ~ to poison one's mind.

zäherli   adj. poisonous.

1 • poisonous. zäherli dil insolence.

Usage: animate 2 • venomous.

zähmet   n. 1 • work. ~ çekmek to work hard. ~ haky wages, pay. ~ depderçesi work-book, work record. ~ güni working day.

Usage: physical 2 • work, labour. fiziki ~ manual labour.

Usage: mental3 •  akyl ~i brainwork.

4 • labour. ~ kodeksi Labour Code. ~ kollektiwi team.

Çekseň ~, ýagar rähnet.   Lit: Pleasure will rain on him who toils. He who works (hard) will be rewarded.

~ soňy rähnet.   Labour reaps its own reward.

~ pälwany   great success at work.

zähmetkeş   n. labourer.

1 • worker.

Usage: physical work 2 • labourer. oba hojalygynyň ~leri agricultural labourers.

adj. hard-working.

zähmetsöýer   adj. industrious, hard-working. ~ halk industrious people.

zähmet rugsady   n. leave, holiday.

zibil   n. sweepings, dust (from the floor). ~ ýaşigi rubbish bin. Usage: Brit ~ ýaşigi trash can. Usage: Amer

zibilhana   [zibilha:na] n. rubbish dump.

zir-zibil   [zi:r-zibil] n. sweepings, dust (from the floor). ~ taşlanýan ýer rubbish dump. ~ salynýan ýaşyk rubbish bin. Usage: Brit ~ salynýan ýaşyk trash can. Usage: Amer

zol1   [zo:l] stripe. See: zolak.

zol2   [zo:l] adv. continuously, continually, incessantly, all time.

zolak   [zo:lak] n. 1 • stripe. ~ çyzykly in stripes.

Usage: landscape 2 • belt, strip.

3 • zone, region, land. gorag zolagy border zone. aralyk ~ no man's land.

zolakly   [zo:lakly] adj. striped, stripy, in stripes. ak-gök ~ mata material in blue and white stripes.

zol-zol1   [zo:l-zo:l]  See: zol1. ~ mata striped fabric/cloth.

zol-zol2   [zo:l-zo:l]  See: zol2. ~ gaýtalamak to repeat all time/continuously.

zona   ['zona] n. zone, area, belt. araçäk ~ sy frontier/boundary zone. ösümlikler ~sy plant area.

zor   [zo:r] n. 1 • force.

2 • strong. ~ ylgamak to run quickly. Yagyş dogrudan hem zor ýagýardy. It used to really pour down with rain.

3 • forceful.

4 • capable, good. ~ adam capable person. Ol matematikadan ~ He is good at mathematics. ~uňy görkezmek to display one's strength.

~dan   with difficulty.

~ etmek   to apply pressure.

zordan   [zo:rdan] adv. 1 • with difficulty. ~ ýöremek to walk/move with difficulty.

2 • hardly, barely, scarcely. Onuň sesi ~ eşidilýärdi. His speech was hardly audible. Ol ~ gaçyp gutuldy. He had a very narrow escape.

zorlamak   [zo:rlamak] v. 1 • to force, compel, make. ~ almak to take something by force. zorlap işletmek to make somebody work.

2 • to rape.

zorlanmak   [zo:rlanmak] v. 1 • to be forced, be compelled.

2 • to be raped.

zorlatmak   Usage: colloq v. See: zörletmek.

zorluk   [zo:rluk] n. 1 • violence, force. ~ etmek to force, violate, make, compel.

2 • strength, power. onyň bizden zorlugy mälim boldy It was clear that he was stronger than us.

zorruk   adj. loud, shrill. ~ ses shrill voice.

zöwwe   adv. quickly, in a moment, instantly, immediately; suddenly. Ol ~ ýerinden galdy. He immediately stood up.

zulum   n. 1 • oppression. kolonial ~ yoke of colonialism. ~ astymda bolmak to be under the yoke (of). ~ etmek to oppress. ~ ediji oppressor.

2 • violence, brutality, torture. zulum edip öldürmek to torture someone to death.

öz janyňa zulum etmek   to commit suicide. öz janyňa zulum etmek günä It is a sin to commit suicide.

zulumkeş   n. oppressor, user of force; aggressor.

zulumly   adj. oppressive, tyrannical, aggressive.

zut   [zu:t] looking back. ~ gitmek to go without looking back. ~ gaçmak to run without turning one's head.

zülp   n. lock, curl, ringlet.

zülpe   n. door chain, latch, catch, bolt. gapynyň ~i door chain, latch of a door. gapynyň ~ini ildirmek to chain the door, to latch the door.

zürýat   [zürýa:t] n. descendant(s), child(ren).

zürýatsyz   [zürýa:tsyz] adj. childless.

zynat   [zy:nat] n. decoration. ~ bermek to decorate.

zynatlamak   [zy:natlamak] v. to decorate. içerini ~ to decorate a room.

zyndan   [zynda:n] n. prison, jail. ~a salmak to put into prison, imprison. ~da oturmak to be in prison.

zynhar   [zynha:r] under no circumstances.

zynjyr   n. chain. ~ bilen daňmak to chain, to tie with a chain. iti ~yndan boşatmak to unchain a dog.

zyňmak   v. 1 • to throw. topy ~ to throw a ball.

Usage: rubbish 2 • to throw away, throw out. köne küşülleri ~ to throw out old clothes/old things.

3 • to give up.

4 • to jump. Ol ikinji gatdan özüni zyňdy. He jumped from the second floor.

kelläňden ~   to put out of one's head.

telpegiňi göge ~   to rejoice, exult.

zyňylmak   v. 1 • to be thrown, be flinged, be cast. zyňylan daş cast stone.

2 • to be thrown out/away, be rejected.

zyňyndy   n. rubbish, refuse, waste (products). önümçiligiň ~lary industrial waste.

zyýada   [zyýa:da] adj. better, best. gözel bardyr gözellerden ~ there is a beauty better than all beauties.

zyýan   [zyýa:n] n. 1 • harm, damage, injury. Usage: health Bu derman size ~ etmez. This medicine will not damage your health. ~ bolmak to be harmful/injurious.

Usage: finances2 •  ~ çekmek to incur losses.

zyýanly   [zyýa:nly] adj. 1 • harmful, damaging. Çilim çekmek ~dyr. Smoking is harmful.

2 • bad.

3 • unprofitable. ~ söwda trading at a loss.

zyýansyz   [zyýa:nsyz] adj. 1 • harmless. ~ serişde harmless substance.

2 • not entailing loss, without losses. hasyly ~ ýygnamak to gather the harvest without losses.

zyýan ýetirmek   v. to harm. Näme üçin patyşa zyýan ýetirjek beýrançylyk köpelsin? Why should the king be further harmed?

zyýarat   [zyýa:rat] n. Usage: religious pilgrimage. ~ etmek to be on a pilgrimage. ~a barmak to go on a pilgrimage.

zyýaratçy   n. pilgrim.

zyýat   [zyýa:t] adj. surplus.