
Y - y

ybadat   [yba:dat] n. 1 • worship. ~ etmek to worship.

2 • devotion. Gözellik ~ täjini, takwalyk gerdenligini dakynmakdadyr. Beauty is in the wearing of the crown of devotion and the jewelry of piety.

3 • prayer. ~ etmek to pray, say prayers.

ybadathana   [yba:datha:na] n. 1 • place of worship.

Usage: Muslim 2 • mosque.

Usage: Christian 3 • cathedral, church.

Usage: Jewish 4 • temple.

ybarat   [yba:rat] consist, be made up of. bu kwartira üç otagdan ~ this flat consists of three rooms, there are three rooms in this flat.

ygal   n. precipitation, rain.

ygally   adj. rainy. ~ ýyl rainy year.

yglan etmek   [ygla:n etmek] 1 • to pronounce, publish. rezolýusiýany ~ to publish a resolution. hökümi ~ to pronounce a verdict.

2 • to declare. uruş ~ to declare war. Ol patyşa garşysyna uruş yglan etdi. He declared war against the king.

ygrar   [ygra:r] promise.

ygşyldamak   v. to rustle, rock.

ygtybar   [ygtyba:r] trust, belief. See: ynam.

ygtybarly   [ygtyba:rly] faithful, reliable. ~ adam reliable person. See: ynamly.

ygtybarlylyk   faithfulness, reliability.

ygtykat   faith, belief.

ygtyýar   [ygtyýa:r] n. 1 • authority. Usage: having the right to

Usage: giving the right to 2 • permission. ~ bermek to give permission, authorize. ~ almak to get permission. Onuň ~y ýok. She isn't authorized. şiziň ~yňyz bilen with your permission, by your leave.

ygtyýarly   [ygtyýa:rly] adj. authorised. doly ~ wekil a fully-authorised representitive.

ygtyýarlylyk   [ygtyýa:rlylyk] n. 1 • authority, sovereignty. Ol ruhy älemine ygtyýarlylyk etjek bolup synanyşdy, emma başarmady. He tried to have authority over the spiritual world, but he couldn't.

2 • ownership.

ygtyýarsyz   [ygtyýa:rsyz] adj. 1 • unauthorized, without permission.

2 • against one's will. Ol ~ ylalaşmaly boldy. He was forced to agree.

yhlas   [yhla:s] n. zeal, diligence. ~ etmek to make effort. ~ bilen işlemek to work with zeal/diligence.

yhlasly   [yhla:sly] adj. 1 • wholehearted, enthusiastic.

2 • diligent, conscientious. ~ zähmet çekmek to work diligently.

yk   [y:k] adv. lee.

ykbal   [ykba:l] n. fate, lot; fortune. ~ meni Tükmenistan eltdi. Fate sent me to Turkmenistan. ~yňa minnetdarlyk bildirmek to thank one's lucky stars.

ykdysadiýetçy   [ykdysadiýetçy] n. economist.

ykdysady   [ykdysa:dy:] adj. economic. ~ aragatnaşyklar economic ties. ~ syýasat economic policy.

ykdysadyýet   [ykdysa:dyýet] n. economy. syýasy ~ political economy.

ykdysatçy   [ykdysa:tçy] n. economist.

ykjam   adj. 1 • firm. ~ saklamak to hold firmly.

2 • comfortable, convenient. ~ oturmak to sit comfortably.

ykjamlamak   v. to collect, prepare, make something ready. oglanlar zatlaryny ykjamlap goýdylar the boys got their things together.

ykjamlanmak   v. to prepare oneself, collect oneself, get ready. ykjamlanyp durmak to be/get ready.

yklamak   v. to shelter.

yklym   planet. Category: astronomy.

ykmanda   [y:kmanda] n. wanderer, tramp.

ykrar   [ykra:r] n. 1 • acknowledgement, recognition. Usage: political ~ etmek to recognize. Garaşsyz Türkmenistan döwletini ilkinji bolup, Türkie Respublikasy ~ etdi. The Republic of Turkey was the first country to recognise Turkmenistan as an independent country.

2 • promise.

ykrar hat   n. Usage: official documents act.

ylahy   [yla:hy:] n. God.

adj. divine.

ylahym   [yla:hy:m] interj. may God... ~, şeýle bolsun~ ~, ýaşyň uzak bolsun!

ylalaşdyrmak   [yla:laşdyrmak] v. to bring to an agreement, to reconcile. See: ylalaşmak.

ylalaşmak   [yla:laşmak] v. 1 • to agree, to come to an agreement. Siz meniň bilen ylalaşýarsiňizmy? Do you agree with me?

2 • to be reconciled (with), to make it up (with).

ylalaşyk   [yla:laşyk] n. 1 • agreement, understanding. ~a gelmek to agree, to come to an agreement.

Usage: formal document 2 • agreement, contract.

Usage: political 3 • treaty.

ylalaşylmak   [yla:laşylmak] v. to be agreed, to be arranged.

ylaýta   [yla:ýta] adv. particularly, especially, unusually. ~ hem in particular, especially.

ylgamak   v. to run. aýak aldygyna ~ to run at full speed.

ylgaşmak   v. to compete with somebody in running.

ylgaw   n. 1 • run. ~da bolmak to be on the run. ~yň bilen running, at the double.

2 • race. ~a gatnaşmak to take part in a race. ýakyn aralykly ~ sprint.

ylham   n. inspiration. ~ beriji inspirer. ~ bermek to inspire. Onuň sözleri maňa ~ berdi. His words inspired me.

ylhamlanmak   v. to become inspired.

ylhamly   adj. inspired.

ylmy   adj. 1 • scientific.

2 • scholarly. ~ işgär scientific worker. ~ açyşlar scientific discoveries. ~ taýdan scientifically. ~ hikmet philosophy.

ylmy-barlag   [ylmy-barla:g] adj. scentific research. ~ işleri (scentific) research works.

ylmy-tehniki   adj. scientific, technical. ~ konferensiýa scientific-technical conference.

ylym   n. 1 • science. jemgyýetçilik ~lary social sciences, social studies. takyk ~lar exact science. ylmy tema scientific topic.

2 • study.

3 • knowledge.

4 • education. ~ bermek to teach. ~ almak to study, to get an education.

ylym-bilim   n. 1 • knowledge.

Usage: taught in school, university 2 • education.

ylymly   adj. educated. ~ bolmak to be educated. ylymly-bilimli adama hormatlamak to respect the educated and learned.

ylymsyz   adj. uneducated, not educated.

ymam   [yma:m] n. Usage: Muslim priest.

ymarat   [yma:rat] n. building.

ymgyr   adj. 1 • infinite, limitless, boundless. ~ çöl boundless desert.

2 • very. ~ süýji very sweet. ~ gowy adam very good man.

ymmat   n. Usage: religious co-religionist, fellow believer.

Muhammediň ymmaty   the worldwide community of Muslims.

ymtylmak   v. to long for; aspire (to), try (to); strive (for).

ymykly   adj. 1 • serious.

2 • permament. onuň ~ ýaşaýan ýeri barmyka? has he a permament residence?

ymyzganmak   v. to doze, to slumber.

ynam   n. faith, belief, trust, confidence. biriniň ~yndan peýdalanmak to enjoy someone's confidence. ~ bildirmek to believe somebody, trust somebody.

1 • trust, confidence, faith. ~ bildirmek to believe somebody, trust somebody. biriniň ~yndan peýdalanmak to enjoy someone's confidence.

2 • faith, belief.

ynamdar   [ynamda:r] loyal, trustworthy, reliable. See: ynamly.

ynamly   adj. 1 • reliable, trustworthy. ~ dost reliable friend.

2 • confidently. ~ geplemek to speak confidently.

ynamsyzlyk   n. 1 • unreliability, untrustworthiness.

2 • distrust, mistrust. ~ etmek to display one's mistrust.

ynanç   n. trust, faith, belief. ynanç haty power of attorney. See: ynam.

ynançly   trustworthy, loyal. See: ynamly.

ynandyrmak   v. to convince, make believe. Men ony ynandyryp bilmedim. I couldn't persuade him. See: ynanmak.

ynanjaň   adj. credulous, gullible.

ynanmak   v. 1 • to trust, believe, have faith (in). Hudaýa ~ to believe in God. söze ~ to take on trust. Oňa ynanma. Don't trust him/her. Ol öz aýalyna ynananok. He doesn't trust his wife.

2 • to hope (for), rely (on). Men sen gelersiň diýip ynandym. I hoped for your coming.

1 • to believe in, have faith in. Hudaýa ~ to believe in God.

2 • to believe. Mem muňa ynanýaryn. I believe him.

3 • to trust. söze ~ to take on trust. Oňa ynanma. Don't trust him/her. Ol öz aýalyna ynananok. He doesn't trust his wife.

4 • to hope (for). Men sen gelersiň diýip ynandym. I hoped for your coming.

ynanylmak   v. to be trusted, be believed.

ynanyşmak   to trust one another.

ynha   [ynha:] interj. Usage: to draw attention to here, this. ~ meniň ýaşaýan ýerim. This is the place where I live.

ynjalmak   [y:njalmak] v. 1 • to calm down.

Usage: wind 2 • to drop, abate.

ynjaltmak   [y:njaltmak] v. to calm, quiet, soothe. Bibiniň, Gandymyň gürrüňi Artygy birneme ynjaltdy. Bibi and Gandym's talk with Artyk calmed him down somewhat. See: ynjalmak.

ynjalyk   [y:njalyk] n. calm, peace, tranquillity. Ol maňa köp wagtlap ~ bermedi. He didn't leave me in peace for a long time. ~dan gaçmak to worry (about), to be worried/anxious (about). ~ dan gaçyrmak to disturb/worry someone.

ynjalykly   [y:njalykly] adj. 1 • calm, quiet, tranquil. ~ adam calm person. ~ oturmak to sit tranquilly.

Usage: physically 2 • comfortable. ~ ýer comfortable place. ~ oturmak to sit comfortably.

ynjalyklylyk   [y:njalyklylyk] n. tranquillity, calmness.

ynjalyksyz   [y:njalyksyz] adj. 1 • worried, anxious.

2 • uncomfortable. ~ oturgyç uncomfortable chair.

ynjalyksyzlanmak   [y:njalyksyzlanmak] v. to worry (about), to be anxious/worried (about). çagalar hakynda ~ to worry about the children.

ynjalyksyzlyk   [y:njalyksyzlyk] n. 1 • worry, anxiety. ~ tapmak to become worried.

2 • discomfort.

ynjamak   v. to take offence (at), be offended (by), to feel hurt (by).

ynjatmak   v. to insult, offend.

ol siňegi hem ynjatmaz   he would not harm a fly. See: yhjamak.

ynjy   n. offence, injury, insult.

ynjyk   n. touchy, susceptible (to offence), sensitive, tender, affectionate. ~ adam touchy/sensitive person. ~ ösümlik tender plant. ~ bolmak to be touchy. ynjyk waka delicate situation.

ynsan   [ynsa:n] n. 1 • person, human. Usage: species, singular

Usage: species, plural 2 • mankind. Seniň şu naýynsaplygyň ~ gylygy däl! You don't have the typical unscrupulousness of human nature!

ynsanlyk   [ynsa:nlyk] n. 1 • humanity.

2 • humane. See: ynsanperwerlik.

ynsanperwer   [ynsa:nperwer] adj. humane, benevolent, compassionate.

ynsap   [ynsa:p] n. conscience. ynsabyň ezýet bermegi pangs of conscience. Ony etmäge ynsabym çatmaz. My conscience won't allow me to do that.

ynsaply   [ynsa:ply] adj. conscientious, fair, diligent, scrupulous, honest. ~ bolmak to be honest/scrupulous.

yňdarylmak   v. to turn around, overturn.

yňmak   to be talked into, be convinced.

yralamak   v. to shake. ýel agaçlary yralaýar the wind shakes the trees. See: yramak.

yramak   v. 1 • to rock, swing. sallançagy ~ to rock a cradle.

2 • to shake. agajy ~ to shake the tree. kelläňi ~ to shake one's head.

yranmak   v. 1 • to rock, swing, shake. yranyp başlamak to begin to rock.

2 • to reel, stagger. yranyp çykmak to stagger out.

yraň-daraň   adv. slowly, unhurriedly, unsteadily. ~ ýöremek to walk slowly/unsteadily.

yrgyldatmak   v. to rock, shake, swing, move gently to and fro. See: yrgyldamak.

yrmak   v. to persuade, to incline, to win over, convince.

yrsaramak   [yrsa:ramak] v. to cavil (at), to carp (at), to nag, to find fault (with), to complain persistently. biderek zat üçin ~ to carp at nothing. ol her bir söze yrsaraýar he cavils at every word.

yrym   n. omen, sign, superstition. ~ etmek to bode, foretell.

yrymçy   adj. superstitious. ~ adam superstitious person.

yrymçylyk   n. superstition, folk belief.

ys   [y:s] n. 1 • smell, fragrance. Usage: pleasant ýakymly ~ sweet scent. Her gülüň bir ysy bar. Each flower has its own fragrance. ~ alyş scent. ~ almak to sniff, smell. Onuň ~ alşy oňat. He has a good nose.

Usage: unpleasant 2 • smell, odour.

Usage: food 3 • taste.

ysgamak   [y:sgamak] v. to smell. gül ~ to smell a flower.

ysgyn   n. strength. ~ dan gaçmak to lose strength, to grow weak.

ysgynsyz   adj. weak, strengthless, feeble.

ys-kok   [y:s-kok]  See: ys; kok.

yslam   [ysla:m] n. Usage: religious Islam.

yslanmak   [y:slanmak] v. to go off, to go bad, decompose, rot. balyk yslanyp başlapdyr the fish has started to stink/smell. yslanan et off meat.

ysly   [y:sly] adj. 1 • aromatic, fragrant, pleasantly smelling. ~ alma nice-smelling apple. ~ ot aromatic herb. ~ maddalar aromatic substances.

Usage: unpleasant 2 • smelly, stinking. erbet ~ bad smell.

ysmak   v. to work, act, move. onuň sag eli ysmaýar he has lost the use of his right arm.

bognuň ~   

ysmanak   n. spinach.

ysnat   [ysna:t] n. disgrace, shame, infamy, ignomity, dishonour. ~ getirmek to disgrace, bring shame or discredit on; be a disgrace (to).

ysnyşmak   v. to become good/close friends (with).

ysnyşykly   adj. close, intimate. ~ dostluk close/intimate friendship. ~ arabaglanyşyk close connection.

yssy   adj. hot. ~ howa hot weather. ~ tomus hot summer. Bu gün gaty ~ It is very hot today.

göze ~ görünmek   to like.

ysyrga   n. ear-ring. ~ dakynmak to wear ear-ring.

   n. chink, crack. potolokda ~ görünýär there is a crack on the ceiling.

yşarat   [yşa:rat] n. signal, sign. ~ etmek to give a signal.

yşgyn   n. rhubarb. Category: bot.

yşk   n. love, passion. ~ ody love affair. ~a düşmek to fall in love (with), to be fond (of).

yşky   [yşky:] adj. love. ~ hat love-letter.

yşyk   n. 1 • light. Yşyksyz, telefonsyz öý ýolmasyn. May there be no house without light or a telephone.

2 • ray of light, sunbeam.

yz   [y:z] n. 1 • track. aýak yzy footprint, footstep. barmak yzy finger-print. ~ galdyrmak to leave tracks. ~ yzarlamak to trace, track, follow the track (of). ~yna düşmek to follow.

2 • mark, trace. ...köne galalaryň yzy köp. ...traces of walled towns are numerous.

Usage: wound 3 • scar.

Usage: person 4 • back. Adamyň yzyndan gürrüňini etmäň! Don't talk behind someone's back.

Usage: military 5 • rear.

6 • children, descendents. özüňden soň ~ galdyrmak to leave descendants after one has gone.

yzyna it salyp kowmak   to chase somebody out.

yzyňa ýel çalmanka gaýtmak   to be back in a minute.

post. behind. arabanyň yzyndan ýöremek to walk behind a (horse-and) cart.

yzly-yzyna   [y:zly-y:zyna] adj. one after another, by turns, in turn. ~ gelmek to come one after another.

yza   [yza:] n. 1 • pain, ache.

2 • suffering. ~ bermek to hurt, make suffer. yzasyny çekmek to suffer.

yzagalak   underdeveloped.

yzaly   [yza:ly] adj. painful, hurtful.

yzarlamak   [y:zarlamak] v. 1 • to track, trace. Usage: footprints, tracks, information ýyrtyjyny ~ to follow the track of a beast.

2 • to pursue, persecute, be after. Ildeşleri Musany we Hudaýa uýýanlary gazaplylyk bilen yzarlap başlanmyşlar. The countrymen reportedly began furiously persecuting Moses and those who believed in God.

Usage: event, tradition 3 • to follow. gürrüňi ~ to follow a conversation.

yzarlanmak   [y:zarlanmak] v. 1 • to be pursued, be persecuted. Gaçakçylaryň yzy yzarlandy. The fugitives were pursued.

Usage: footprints, tracks, information 2 • to be followed, be tracked, be traced. Olaryň her biriniň ýedi arkasy yzarlandy we tapyldy. Each one of their seven generations was traced and found.

yza dolanmak   [y:za dolanmak] v. 1 • to turn, be back.

2 • to return.

yzçy   [y:zçy] n. tracker, pathfinder. ~ it tracker dog, bloodhound.

yzgar   [yzga:r] n. moisture, damp. ~ çekmek to absorb, soak up moisture.

yzgarsyz   [yzga:rsyz] adj. dry.

yzky   [y:zky] adj. back, rear. ~ tigir rear wheel. ~ aýaklar hind legs. ~ tarap back part/side, rear part/side. ~ hatar back row.

yzy   [yzy] adj. behind.

yzygiderli   adj. consistent.

yzygyderli   [y:zygyderli] adj. consistent, logical. ~ bolmak to be consistent/logical. Allaniň Biribarlygyny we ýeke-täkligini ~ wagyz eden adam a person who consistently preached the unity and oneness of God.

yzysüre   [y:zysüre] adj. after, behind. ~ gitmek to follow someone closely.

yzýanyndan   from behind.

yzzat   n. respect, honour.

yzzat-hormat   -; respect. ~ etmek to do honour, to render homage. See: yzzat; hormat.