
K - k

kabel   n. cable.

kabinet1   n. study, consulting-room, surgery. direktoryň ~i principal's study. See: otag.

kabinet2   n. cabinet. Ministrler ~i Cabinet of Ministers.

kabulhana   [kabu:lha:na] n. reception.

kabul edilmek   [kabu:l edilmek] v. to be accepted, received. See: kabul etmek.

kabul etmek   [kabu:l etmek] v. to receive, accept, admit, welcome, get, take. syrkawlary ~ etmek to receive patients. mekdebe ~ etmek to accept someone for entrance to a school. işe ~ etmek to employ, to accept for a job. sowgat ~ etmek to accept a present. Siziň teklibiňizi ~ edýärin. I accept your offer.

ekzamen ~ etmek   to give an exam.

~ bolsun   Usage: religious May your wish come true!

kada   [ka:da] n. 1 • rule, regulation, norm. grammatik ~lar grammatical rules.

2 • custom; tradition; rules of etiquette, rules of behaviour. özüňi alyp barmaklygyň ~lary one's own set way of doing things.

3 • routine; routine, procedure. howpsyzlyk ~lary safety measures.

kada-kanun   [ka:da-ka:nu:n] n. ~lara boýun bolmak to obey the rules; to obey the laws. See: kada; kanun.

kadalaşdyrmak   [ka:dalaşdyrmak] v. standardize.

kadaly   [ka:daly] adj. normal, regular. ~ iş güni normal working day.

kadr1   n. 1 • personnel. ~lar bölümi personnel department. ~lary taýýarlamak to train specialists. otdel kadrow personnel office.

2 • cadre, basic unit (of).

kadr2   n. 1 • frame, still.

2 • close-up.

kagyz   [ka:gyz] n. paper. el süpürilýän ~ napkin, serviette.

~ ýüzünde galmak   not to be realized.

kak   n. dried fruit. gawun ~y dried melon. pomidor ~y dried tomato.

kaka   [ka:ka] n. father. kakamyň aýal dogany my father's sister. öweý ~ stepfather. Çary kakam Uncle Chary. father's brother.

kakmak   v. 1 • to drive in, hammer in. çüý ~ to drive a nail (in).

2 • to knock (at). gapyny ~ to knock at the door.

3 • to shake off, shake out. üstüň tozanyny ~ to shake oneself down.

4 • to shake. alma ~ to shake an apple.

5 • to slap, to bang. arkasyna ~ to slap someone on the back.

6 • to beat. halynyň tozanyny ~ to beat the carpet.

7 • to wave , flap. ganat ~ to flap the wings.

til ~   Usage: colloq to give a call, ring.

gaş ~   to flirt (with).

kalp   n. heart, soul, inner being. kalby päk frank, candid, sincere. kalby päklik frankness, candour, sincerity.

kamera   n. 1 • camera.

2 • inner tube (of tyre).

3 • cell. türme ~sy prison cell. bagaž saklanýan ~ cloak-room.

kanagat   [kana:gat] n. 1 • patience. ~etmek to have patience.

2 • satisfaction. ~ etmek to be satisfied (with), manage (with).

kanagatlandyrmak   [kana:gatlandyrmak] v. 1 • to satisfy a need. haýyşy ~ to comply with a request.

2 • to make content.

kanagatlanmak   [kana:gatlanmak] v. 1 • to be content with.

2 • to be satisfied with, to comply with. jogapdan ~ to be satisfied with an answer.

kanagatly   [kana:gatly] adj. patient, having patience, self-possessed. ~ bolmak to have patience.

kanagatlylyk   [kana:gatlylyk] n. patience, self-possession.

kanalizasiýa   [kanali'zasiýa] n. sewerage, drainage. ~ sisitemasy sewer system, drainage system. See: akaba.

kanikul   n. vacation, holiday. between terms, for students, etc. gyş ~y winter vacation. See: dynç möwsümi.

kanun   [ka:nu:n] n. law. ~lar ýygyndysy code, statute book. ~a laýyk corresponding to the law. ~dan daşary apart from the law. ~ çykaryjy legislator, lawgiver. Category: phys. bütindünýä dartylma ~y law of gravity.

kanunçy   [ka:nu:nçy] n. lawyer, jurist.

kanunsyz   [ka:nu:nsyz] adj. illegal, unlawful. See: bikanun.

kanuny   [ka:nu:ny] adj. 1 • legal, lawful. ~ güýji bar bolan valid. ~ esasda on legal grounds. ~ hika lawful matrimony.

2 • conforming to the laws of nature, appropriate, naturally determined. ~ hadysa natural phenomenon. ~ ösüş natural development.

kapital   [kapitail] n. capital. senagat ~ industrial capital. dolanyşyk ~y circulating capital. üýtgemeýän ~ constant capital.

~ remont   thorough/major repairs. See: maýa goýum; baýlyk.

kapitalist   n. capitalist.

kapitalistik   adj. capitalist, capitalistic. ~ döwletler capitalist countries. ~ jemgyýet capitalist society.

kapyr   [ka:pyr] n. Usage: religious infidel, adherent of a different faith/creed. i.e. other than Islam.

karar1   [kara:r] n. decision, resolution, decree. ~ etmek to decide, resolve, judge; to decree. ~a gelmek to decide, make up one's mind, come to a decision; decree, judge.

karar2   [kara:r] n. patience, endurance, perseverance. ~ etmek to have patience. mende ~ galmady I am losing patience.

karta   ['karta] n. 1 • map. geografik ~ geographical map.

Usage: agricultural 2 • field. gowaça ~lary cotton fields.

kartoçka   n. card. katalog ~sy index card. azyk ~sy food-card, ration card.

kartoşka   [kar'toşka] n. potato. ~ gabygy potato peel. ~ ýygnamak to gather/collect potato. See: ýer almasy.

karz   n. loan, grant, credit. ~ almak to borrow, to lend. ~ bermek to lend.

karz-kowal   adv. ~ almak to lend, borrow. See: karz.

kasam   n. oath, vow, promise. ~ etmek to swear an oath, vow. ~ kabul etmek swear a solemn oath. olar ilkinji gezek ~ kabul etdiler they swore a solemn oath for the first time. often during a bayram.

kasas   n. revenge.

kaska   n. helmet.

kassa   ['kassa] n. 1 • till, cash register, cash-desk, check-out, cashiers, cash-box. ~ tölemek to pay at the cash-desk. jerime döwlet ~da tölemeli the fine needs to be paid at a state cash desk. (usually located in a post office or state-run bank).

2 • booking-office, box office. ~dan bilet almak to buy a ticket from a booking-office.

amanat ~   savings bank. See: gazna.

kassaçy   n. cashier. bank ~sy bank cashier. See: gaznaçy.

kasseta   n. cassette.

kast   n. 1 • revenge, vengeance. mende näme ~yň bar? why do you want to take vengeance on me?

2 • attempt. biriniň janyna ~ etmek to make an attempt upon someone's life.

kastyna çykmak   

kaşaň   adj. comfortable, beautiful, nice, elegant. ~ jaý beautiful house.

kategoriýa   [kata'goriýa] n. category. ~syny bellemek to define the category of something. Usage: grammar at ~sy noun category. See: dereje.

katolik   [ka'tolik] n. (Roman) Catholic.

kawkaz   n. Caucasian. Category: geogr.

kaýyl   [ka:ýyl] adj. 1 • in agreement (with), concordant (with). ~ bolmak to agree (with).

2 • satisfied (with). ~ bolmak to be satisfied (with).

3 • humble.

kaza   [kaza:] n. last hour(s). ~asy dolmak to die.

kazy   [ka:zy] n. judge. baş kazy head judge. kazyň kömekçileri (two-member) jury.

kazyýet   n. Usage: judicial court. şäher kazyýeti city courthouse. during Soviet times referred only to religious judge, but now judicial.

kebap   [keba:p] n. kebab. See: çişlik; lülekebap.

kebapçy   [keba:pçy] n. the person who cooks kebabs.

kebaphana   [keba:pha:na] n. kebab place (take-away/cafe/restaurant), kebab house.

kebelek   n. butterfly.

daşynda ~ bolmak   to hang round, to try to get round.

kebze   n. Usage: anatomy shoulder-blade, scapula. kebzäm batýar there is a pain under my shoulder-blade.

keç   adj. obstinate, stubborn, naughty. ~ adam obstinate person.

biriniň kejine gaýtmak   

keçe   n. mat; a rug made from patterned pressed felt. ~ çekmek to drag a felt along the ground. ~ basmak to press a felt. ~ ädik felt boots.

kel   adj. 1 • mangy, scabby. ~ oglan mangy boy. ~ bolmak to be covered with scabs.

2 • bald. ~-kelleli bald-headed.

kelem   [kelem] n. cabbage. gülli ~ cauliflower.

keleme   n. last rites. kelemäňi çöwürmek to read one's last rites.

kellagyry   [kella:gyry] n. headache. ~ dermany medicine used for the treatment of headache.

kelle   n. 1 • head. meniň kelläm agyrýar I have a headache.

2 • head, brain, wits, mind. ol kelleli oglan he is a bright lad. onuň kellesi ýok he is unintelligent.

3 •  kelemiň kellesi head of cabbage.

kellebaşaýak   n. head, legs, and entrails (of animal; as meat). seen as gourmet food, and often given to the guest.

kellik   n. baldness.

kelpeze   n. lizard.

kelte   adj. short. ~ boýly undersized, shortish. ~boýly adam undersized person.

~ etmek   not to finish something.

dili ~   

kem   adj. 1 • insufficient, not enough. ~ bermek to give short, deliver short. bäş manady ~ bermek to give five manats short. ~ gelmek to be missing, be lacking. Pulum ~ kelýär. I haven't got enough money. ~ çekmek to give short weight.

2 • worse. Bu ondan ~mi? Is it worse than that one?

3 • without, to. On minudy ~ iki. It is ten minutes to two.

~ işlik   

kem-kem   adv. gradually. See: kem-kemden.

kemakyl   adj. 1 • imbecile, weak-minded. ~ çaga imbecile child.

2 • stupid, foolish.

kemal   [kema:l] v. 1 • 

kemala gelmek   grow up, reach maturity, attain one's majority. ~a gelen gyz a girl of the full legal age, an adult girl.

kemala getirmek   to bring up.

2 • 

kemançy   n. archer.

kemçilik   n. shortcomings, drawback, defect. ~leri ýüze çykarmak to reveal shortcomings. kemçiligi düzetmek to improve various defects. beden kemçiligi deformity, physical defect.

kemçin   n. Usage: dial prostitute, street-walker.

kemer   n. 1 • belt, seat belt. inli ~ wide belt. ~ini çekmek to tighten one's belt up.

2 • ledge. dagyň ~i ledge of a mountain.

kemis   adj. Usage: colloq premature, prematurely born. ~ çaga prematurely born child.

kem-kemden   adv. gradually, step by step, little by little.

kemlik   n. lack (of), deficiency (in), shortage (of), deficit. ~ etmek to be bissing. saňa näme ~ edýär? what are you short of?, what are you missing? işçi güýjüniň kemligi shortage of manpower.

kempir   n. Usage: arch old lady, old woman.

kemsidilmek   v. to be offended, be hurt.

kemsinmek   v. to take offence, be/feel hurt.

kemsitmek   v. to belittle, make someone feel small.

kemsiz   adj. impeccable, faultless. ol iňlis dilini ~ gepleýär his English is impeccable. Category: prov. bir ~ gözel bolmaz there is no beauty without defect.

kemter   adj. 1 • little, few, not enough. duzy ~ not enough salt.

2 • shorter. seniň boýuň onuňkydan ~ gelýär you are shorter than him.

kenar   [kena:r] n. beach, shore, seashore, bank. deňziň ~y seashore. derýanyň ~ynda on the riverside. ~a ýetmek to reach land. ~da ashore, on shore.

kendir   n. hemp, flax. Category: bot. ~ ýüp a rope made of hemp.

keniz   n. lady-in-waiting, servants of the queen and princesses.

kepderi   n. dove, pigeon. ~ ketegi dove-cot(e), pigeon-loft.

kepen   n. shroud. ~e dolamak to shroud.

kepgir   n. ladle, flat scraper for pilaff, perforated spoon.

kepil   [kepi:l] n. guarantee, guaranty, warrant. ~ geçmek to warrant something, guarantee.

kepillendirmek   [kepi:llendirmek] v. to guarantee, warrant, certify; insure.

ker   n. deaf. ~ bolmak to be/become deaf. ol bütinleýin ~ he is stone-deaf.

keramat   [kera:mat]  Usage: religious n. miracle, wonder.

keramatly   [kera:matly]  Usage: religious adj. miraculous, holy, sacred. ~ ýerler miraculous places, holy places.

kerçelemek   v. to chop, cut into small pieces.

kerem   n. times. ýüz ~ a hundred times.

kerosin   n. kerosene, kerosine. See: nebit ýagy; nepýag.

kerpiç   n. brick. ~ jaý brick building. bişen ~ baked brick. çig ~ mud brick; unbaked brick. ~ zawody brick works, brick-yard. ~ guýmak to lay bricks. See: hyşt.

kert   adj. abrupt, precipitous, steep. ~ ýer abrupt turn. ~ gaýa abrupt precipice.

kerwen   n. caravan (of camels).

kerwensaraý   n. caravanserai. An inn with stables for horses and camels.

kes   person. her ~ every, everyone. hiç ~ nobody. hiç ~ bilmez nobody will know about it.

kesbi-kär   [kesbi-kär] n. profession. See: kär.

kese   adj. horizontal. ~ çyzyk a horizontal line. Usage: grammar ~ çyzyk dash.

ýüzüňi ~ sowmak   to avert one's face, turn one's back on somebody.

keseki   n. newcomer, foreigner. Category: prov. ody özüňe bas, ötmese kesekä try it yourself before you experiment on others. Category: prov. ~ el ýylan tutmaga ýagşy make a cat's-paw out of somebody.

Kesekä girmek gadagan!   Private!

kesel   adj. sick. ~ bolmak to be ill, be sick. ~ adam sick man.

keselçilik   n. illness, disease.

keselhana   [keselha:na] n. hospital. ~ gitmek to go to hospital. ~da ýatmak to be in hospital. ~dan çykmak to be discharged from hospital.

kesellemek   v. to be/become ill.

keser   n. knife. Curved, used in carpet-making for cutting knots. keser bilen kesmek to cut thread. with a special knife, after tying knot while weaving a carpet.

kesgitlemek   v. to define, to determine. bahasyny ~ to define the cost.

kesgitlenmek   v. to be defined, be determined.

kesgitli   adj. definite, concrete, exact, clear.

kesilmek   v. 1 • to be cut, for an incision to be made, be notched. eliň kesilsiň! let your hand be chopped off!

2 • be killed. onuň gelmeginiň şanyna goýun kesildi on the occasion of his coming the sheep was killed.

3 • to be interrupted, be cut. kesilen söz interrupted speech.

4 • to stop, end, finish. suw kesildi the water stopped to run.

5 • to be given. oňa üç ýyl kesildi three years were given to him to be in prison.

6 • to be fixed (about the price).

7 • to be reduced, be decreased (about the salary).

işdäň ~   to lose one's appetite.

kesmek1   v. 1 • to cut. çörek ~ to cut the bread. matany ~ cut the cloth. Category: prov. edi ölçe, bir keç measure seven times, but cut once.

2 • to kill. goýun ~ to slaughter a sheep.

3 • to interrupt, stop. sözüni ~ to interrupt one's speech.

4 • to stop. suwy kes! stop the water to run! ol bize gelmesini kesdi he stopped coming to see us. kes sesiňi! shut up!

5 • to give. ona bäş ýyl kesdiler he was given five years to be in prison.

6 • to fix, establish. baha ~ to fix the price.

7 • to cut, reduce, decrease, lessen. aýlygyny ~ to cut one's salary.

ýol ~   to while away the time.

kesmek2   n. 1 • scab. ~ bilen örtülmek to be covered with a scab, for a scab to be formed.

2 • scum. gazanyň kesmegi scum left in a pot.

kesp   n. profession. See: kär.

keşdeçi   n. embroideress.

keşdeli   adj. embroidered.

keşp   n. image, appearance, likeness. onuň ýüz keşbi owadan his facial appearance is attractive. keşbiňi üýtgetmek to change one's appearance. keşbinde in someone's likeness.

ketek   n. 1 • hen-house, hen-coop.

Usage: colloq 2 • home. ketekli-ketegiňe dargamak to go home.

keteni   n. silk dress. national costume worn by girls.

kethuda   [kethuda:] n. elder, boss.

keýik   n. gazelle, antelope.

keýp   n. 1 • mood, spirit, temper, humour. meniň keýpim ýok I am in a bad mood.

2 • delight, pleasure, enjoyment. ~ bermek to give pleasure. ~ etmek to take pleasure, to enjoy. ~den çykmak to enjoy.

keýp çekmek   to have a really good time.

~iň kelläňde   do as you like!

keýpine   adv. simply, without particular reason, just for the sake of it. men saňa keýpine jaň etdim I rang you up just for the sake of it.

keýpli   adj. 1 • in good mood. ~ bolmak being in a good mood, being in high spirits.

2 • slightly drunk.

3 • interesting. ~ oýun an interesting game.

keýpsiz   adj. 1 • depressed, down, low. ol düýn ~di he was in a bad mood yesterday.

2 • uninteresting. ~ oýun an uninteresting game.

keýtik   adj. lame, limping. ~ adam lame man.

keýwany   [keýwa:ny] n. Usage: colloq wife.

kezzap   [kezza:p] n. liar, cheat, swindler, rogue, scoundrel.

kezzaplyk   [kezza:plyk] n. roguery, cheating, trickery. ~ etmek to cheat, swindle, lie.

1   adj. sometimes..., sometimes;, now.., now; first..., then; ~ ol gelýär, ~ men gidýärin sometimes he comes, sometimes I go.

2   some. See: käbir.

käbir   adj. some. ~ adamlar some people. ~ ýagdaýlarda in some cases.

käbiri   adj. some of. adamlaryň ~ some of people. olaryň ~ maňa düşünenok some of them don't understand me.

kädi   n. pumpkin. ~ ekmek to sow a pumpkin.

kähalat   [käha:lat] adv. See: käwagt.

kämahal   adv. sometimes. See: käwagt.

kämil   [kämi:l] adj. perfect, ripe.

kämilleşdirmek   [kämi:lleşdirmek] v. to perfect, to improve.

kämilleşmek   adj. to perfect oneself (in). ýüzmekde ~ to perfect onself in swimming.

kämillik   [kämi:llik] n. perfection. ~ ýaşy majority, full age. ~ ýaşyna ýetmek to come of age, to attain one's majority.

kän1   adj. a lot, much, too much, many. ~ gezek many times, several times. ~ okamak to read a lot.

kän2   n. deposit. nebit ~leri oil-fields. kömür ~leri coal-fields.

kär   n. 1 • profession. onuň käri his/her profession. ~i boýunça by profession. ~ öwrenmek to learn a trade. ~ saýlamak to chose a profession.

2 • work. ~ etmek to do smth. bu günler näme ~ edýärsiň? what are you doing these days?a.

~ etmek   to influence, to affect. derman oňa ~ etmedi the medicine didn't affect him.

kärdeş   n. colleague.

kärende   n. lease. ~sine almak to lease, to take on lease, to rent. ~sine bermek to lease, to grant on lease, to rent. ~ tölegi rent, rental.

kärendeçi   n. tenant, leaseholder.

kärhana   [kärha:na] n. enterprise, workshop, factory (for light industry), work place, enterprise. senagat ~sy industrial works. täze ~ new enterprise.

käse   n. cup. without a handle. şa ~ bowl, large cup. käsä çaý güýmak to pour tea (into a cup).

käşir   n. carrot. ~ ekmek to sow carrot.

käte   adv. sometimes, at times, from time to time, now and again, now and then. ~ ol bu ýere gelýär sometimes he comes here.

kätip   n. secretary.

käwagt   adv. occasionally, time by time, sometimes.

käýemek   v. to scold, to tell somebody off, to rebuke, to reprimand. ol maňa käýedi he told me off.

käýinç   n. reprimand, reproof, scolding, telling-off. berk ~ severe reprimand. ~ bermek to tell somebody off, to reprimand.

käýinmek   v. to complain, tell someone off. See: käýemek.

kiçelmek   v. 1 • to be/become reduced, to be lessened, to be diminished.

2 • to be/become shortened.

3 • to be degraded. wezipede ~ to be degraded to a lower rank.

4 • to demean oneself. biriniň öňünde ~ to demean oneself in front of somebody.

kiçi   adj. 1 • small, little. ~ jaý small house.

2 • young, younger. meniň ~ aýal doganym my younger sister.

3 • junior. ~ leýtenant second lieutenant. Usage: anatomy

~ dil   uvula.

kiçi göwünli   modest, humble.

kiçigöwünli   adj. See: göwünli; kiçi.

kilim   n. flat woven rug.

kilo   [ki'lo] n. Usage: colloge See: kilogram.

kilogram   n. kilogram. bäş ~ şeker five kilogram of sugar. bir kilosy näçeden? how much is one kilogram?

kilometr   [kilo'metr] n. kilometre. alty ~ six kilometres.

kilt   n. bolt, catch, fastening. gapynyň kildi bolt of a door. kildi ildirmek to lock with a bolt.

kim   pron. who. kimler who (pl.) kimiňki? whose? bu ~? who is it? her ~ everyone, everybody. hiç ~ nobody. hiç ~ gelmedi nobody came.

kimdir-biri   [kimdir-biri:] pron. someone.

kimin   [kimi:n] post. such as, like. çaga ~ such as a child.

kimlik   whose? sen ~? whose side/part do you take?, whom do you side with?

kinaýa   [kina:ýa] n. irony, mockery, sneer, gibe, derision. ~ bilen aýtmak say sneeringly/ironically.

kine   [ki:ne] n. grudge, spite, rancour, unforgivingness, anger. ~ saklamak to bear a grudge against somebody.

göwün-kine   n. offence, injury, wrong, resentment, dissatisfaction, ~ etmäň! don't be offended! ~ etmek take offence, be dissatisfied.

kino   [ki'no] n. Usage: abbr film, movie, pictures.

kinoteatr   cinema, movie theatre. sesli ~ talking pictures, sound-film. ~ görmek to watch a film. ~ sungaty cinematographic art. ~ ýyldyzy film star. ~ görüji film-goer, cinema fan. See: çeper film.

kinza   [ki:nza] n. fresh coriander; US cilantro.

kiosk   [ki'osk] n. kiosk, booth. gazet satylýan ~ newspaper booth, news-stall, news-stand. kitap ~y bookstall.

kir   n. 1 • dirt, filth. ~ bolmak to be/become dirty. ~ ýuwulýan jam washing bowl.

2 • laundery, dirty clothes. ~ ýuwmak wash the clothes. ~ ýuwýan maşyn washing machine.

kireý   n. fare. ýol ~i fare. ~ etmek to earn money (transporting things). ~ine almak to lease, to take on lease, hire, rent. ~e bermek to lease, to let, to hire out. ~ine tutmak to hire.

diliňden ~ islemek   to be too lazy to say something.

kiriş   n. string (of musical instrument). dutaryň kirşi string of a dutar. kirşi çekmek to string. kirşi gowşatmak to loosen the string.

kirli   adj. dirty. ~ geýim dirty clothes.

kirsiz   adj. clean.

kise   [ki:se] n. 1 • pocket. gapdal ~si side-pocket. yzky ~ hip-pocket. ~ sözlügi pocket dictionary. ~ sagady pocket watch.

Usage: colloq 2 • bag.

kislorod   n. oxygen. ~ bermek to give oxygen. ~ ýassygy oxygen bag.

kişde   n. dried apricots. ~ sermek to dry apricots.

kişi   adj. someone else's, another's, others'. ~iň zady someone else's belongings.

kişmiş   n. raisins, sultanas, dried grapes. ~ etmek to dry grapes.

kitap   [kita:p] n. book. gyzykly ~ interesting book. ~ dükany bookshop. ~ söwdasy book-trade. ~ okamak to read a book.

kitapça   [kita:pça] n. booklet, pamplet, brochure.

kitaphana   [kita:pha:na] n. library. ylmy ~ scientific library. hususy ~ personal library. ~da işlemek to work at the library.

kitaphanaçy   [kita:pha:naçy] n. librarian. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a librarian.

klas   n. class, form. ikinji ~ okuwçysy pupil of the second class, second-former. ~ ýolbaşçysy form master. ~ tagtasy blackboard. Usage: biology süýdemdirijiler ~y mammals' class. birinji ~ly sürüji first-class driver. See: synp.

klassyk   adj. classic. ~ ýazyjy classic writer. See: nusgawy.

klawiatura   n. keyboard.

klawiş   n. key, button. komputeriň ~leri keyboard.

kleý   n. glue. See: ýelim.

klub   n. club.

kofe   n. coffee. ~ içmek to have some coffee. ~ gaýnadylýan gap coffee percolator.

kolbasa   [kalba'sa] n. salami, cooked sausage. See: şöhlat.

kolhoz   n. Usage: abbr collective farm. See: daýhan birleşik.


kolhozçy   n. collective farmer, agricultural labourer. See: daýhan.

kollektiw   [kollek'tiw] adj. collective, joint. ~ hojalyk collective farm. ~ eýeçilik joint ownership.

kolonka   [ka'lonka] n. 1 • column (of words). alty ~dan ybarat gazet sahypasy a newspaper page with six columns. See: sütün.

2 • (gas, petrol) pump. benzin kolonkasy pump.

3 • (loud)speaker.

4 •  gaz ~sy instantaneous gas water heater.

kolýaska   [kol'ýaska] n. pram, pushchair, US stroller. çaga ~sy pram. inwalid ~sy wheelchair. motosikliň ~sy side-car. See: el araba.

komanda   [ko'manda] n. team. futbol ~sy football team. ýangynçylar ~sy fire-brigade. See: topar.

komandir   [koman'dir] n. commander, commanding officer. batalýon ~i batalion commander. See: serkerde baş.

komandirowka   [komandi'rowka] n. business trip, mission. a trip funded by the workplace, and having many functions. ~ gitmek to go on a business trip. ol ~da he is away on business, he is away on a commision. ylmy ~ scientific mission. döredijilik ~sy creative mission. ~ üçi beriýän pul travelling allowance. ~ şahadatnamasy warrant, authority (for travelling on official business). See: iş sapary.

kombaýn   [kom'baýn] n. combine (harvester), multi-purpose machine. galla ~y combine harvester.

kombinat   [kombi'nat] n. industrial complex, combine, establishment. durmuş taýdan hyzmat edýän ~ consumer service establishment. et ~y meat processing and packing factory. talyplar iýmit üçin kombinaty student refectory.

komitet   n. committee. ýerli ~ local committee.

kommersiýa   n. commerce, trade. ~ bilen meşgullanmak to be involved in commerce. See: telekeçilik.

kompakt-disk   n. compact disk, CD. ~li pleýer compact disk player.

kompleks   n. complex, set. See: toplum.

komplekt   n. complete set, kit, outfit. See: jemlenen.

kompýuter   n. computer.

konditer   [kon'diter] n. confectioner, pastry-cook. ~ önümleri confectionery.

konflikt   [kon'flikt] n. conflict, clash. See: agzalalyk.

konkurensiýa   [konkureinsiýa] n. competition. See: dalaşgärlik.

konkurent   [konku'rent] n. competitor. See: dalaşgär.

konsert   [kan'sert] n. concert, recital. simfonik ~ symphony concert. ~de bolmak to be at a concert. ~ bermek to arrange/give a concert. See: çykyş.

konserw   n. tinned goods. balyk ~asy tinned fish.

konsul   ['konsul] n. consul.

konsulhana   [konsulha:na] n. consulate.

konsullyk   n. the position of a consul.

konsultasiýa   n. consultation, advice. ~ bermek to consult, to advise, to act as tutor (to). ~ almak to have a consultation, to obtain advice.

konteýner   n. container.

kontora   [kon'tora] n. office, bureau. ~ gullukçysy clerk. See: edara.

kontrabanda   [knotra'banda] n. contraband, smuggling. ~ bilen meşgullanmak to smuggle. See: gaçgak haryt.

kontrabandaçy   n. smuggler, contrabandist.

konwert   ['kanvert] n. envelope. See: bukja.

kooperatiw   adj. cooperative. ~ söwda cooperative trade.

koridor   [kori'dor] n. corridor, hall, passage, landing.

kostýum   [kos'týum] n. suit, costume.

kowalamak   v. to pursue, to chase. yňyndan ~ to pursue smb/something, to chase somebody, to follow after. kowalap ýetmek to catch up (with).

kowalaşmak   v. 1 • to run one after another. çagalar howlyda kowalaşýardylar the children were running one after another in the yard.

2 • to strive (for, after). pula ~ to strive for the money. See: kowalamak.

kowgy   n. pursuit, chase.

kowmak   v. 1 •  See: kowalamak.

2 • to drive out, drive away, drive someone off, chase someone off. öýden ~ to drive out. iti ~ to drive a dog away.

3 • to sack, to fire, to expel, to dismiss, throw someone out. işden ~ to sack (from work). okuwdan ~ to expel from the school.

4 • to drive (through). sygyrlary meýdana ~ to drive the cows into the field.

ugruna ~   to indulge. çagany ugruna ~ to indulge the child.

kowulmak   v. driven out/into.

1 • to be driven out, to be driven away.

2 • to be fired, to be sacked, to be expelled.

3 • to be driven (through, into). sygyrlar meýdana kowuldy the cows were driven into the field.

kowum   n. 1 • relative.

2 • clan.

kowum-garyndaş   n. relatives. onuň ~y köp he has many relatives.

kowumdaş   n. fellow-tribesman, relative.

köçe   n. street, road. Atabaew köçesi Atabaev street.

kök1   n. 1 • root. agajyň ~i the root of a tree. dişiň ~i the root of a tooth. ~ urmak to be rooted (in), to take root. ~i bilen goparmak to uproot, to tear up by the roots.

Usage: mathematics 2 • root, radical. ~ belligi radical sign. kwadrat ~ square root. kub ~ cube root. ~ görkeziji root index.

kök2   adj. cheerful, happy, in a good mood. keýpiň ~ bolmak to be in a good mood.

köke   [kö:ke] n. biscuit(s).

köl   [kö:l] n. lake, reservoir.

kölege   n. shade, shadow. ~de durmak to stand in the shade.

kömek   n. help, assistance, aid. kömegi bilen with the help of. ~ bermek (etmek) to help, to assist, to render aid/assistance. kömege gelmek to come to the aid. kömege çagyrmak to call for help. ~ ediň! help! ilkinji ~ first aid.

tiz ~ maşyny   ambulance.

kömekçi   n. 1 • helper, assistant. direktoryň ~si assistant director.

Usage: grammar2 •  ~ işlik auxiliary verb.

kömekleşmek   v. to help, to render aid/assistance.

kömelek   n. mushroom. ~ çöplemek to gather mushrooms.

kömür   n. coal, charcoal; embers; carbon. daş ~ coal. goňur ~ lignite. agaç kömri charcoal. ~ gazyjy coal-miner, collier. Category: chem. ~ turşy carbonate. ~ turşy gaz carbonic acid gas.

köne   [kö:ne] adj. 1 • old. ~ jaý old house. ~ köwüş old shoes. ~ wagrtlarda in olden times, in days of old. See: garry.

2 • former. ~ başlyk former chairman.

~ zaman agtarmak   to reminisce, to remind somebody of the past.

köne-küşül   [kö:ne-küşül] n. rags, old clothes. ~ geýim old clothes.

könelmek   [kö:nelmek] v. 1 • to be/become worn out. geýlip könelmek to become worn out.

2 • to become old. könelen maşyn old car.

3 • to become obsolete. könelen söz obsolete word.

köňül   n. heart, soul. ~ bermek to give one's heart (to).

köp   adv. 1 • a lot, many, much. örän ~ very much, a lot of. ~ okamak to read much. köpüsi most (of them).

2 • often. ol bize ~ gelýär he comes to us very often.

~ adamly   populous, crowded.

~ nokat   ellipsis or suspension points.

köpçülik   adj. 1 • crowd, people, throng.

2 • public. ~ işi public work.

köpçülikleýin   adj. mass, popular. ~ hereket mass movement.

köpden   adj. for a long time, long since. men ony ~ bäri göremok I haven't seen him for a long time.

köpek   n. (male) dog.

köpelmek   v. to increase, to augment. ilatyň sany barha köpelýär the number of the population increases gradually.

köpeltmek   v. 1 • to increase, to extend, to augment.

2 • to breed. tohum mallary ~ to breed throughbred cattle.

Usage: mathematics 3 • to multiply. ikini üçe ~ to multiply two to three.

gepiňi ~   to speak too much, to chatter. gepiňi köpeltme! don't speak too much! See: köpelmek.

köpetdag    Category: geogr.

köplenç   adv. usually, in most cases. ~ halatlarda in most cases.

köplük   n. crowd, crush, a large proportion (of), multitude.

adj. 1 • a large quantity (of). ilatyň köplügi a large proportion of the population.

Usage: grammar2 • 

köpmilletli   adj. multi-national.

köpräk   more.

köpri   n. bridge.

köptaraply   adj. thorough, all-round, detailed.

köpük1   n. foam, lather, froth.

köpük2   n. kopeck. ~me-~ exactly. iň soňky köpügine çenli to the last farthing.

köpýyllyk   adj. lasting or living many years, of many years. Category: bot.

~ ösümlik   perennial.

kör   [kö:r] adj. 1 • blind. ~ adam blind man. ~ bolmak to be/become blind.

2 • illiterate, uneducated.

~ köpüksiz   without a penny.

köreken   [kö:reken] n. 1 • son-in-law.

2 • brother-in-law.

köremek   [kö:remek] v. to flame up, to flare up. kömür köräp başlady the coal flamed up.

körpe   n. 1 • young, small, youngest. ~ ogul younger son.

2 • fresh, young. ~ ot fresh grass. ~ sogan green onion.

körük   [kö:rük] n. ash-pit (of stove, furnace). tamdyryň körügi ash-pit of a clay oven (used for baking bread).

körzehin   [kö:rzehi:n] adj. 1 • talentless, undistinguished, third-rate. ~ aktýor ham. ~ aýdymçy third-rate singer.

2 • dull, obtuse. ~ okuwçy dull pupil.

kösemek   v. to cause trouble (to), to trouble, make somebody suffer, make somebody worry.

kösenmek   v. See: kösemek. puldan ~ to be in need of money.

köşek   [kö:şek] n. young camel, camel foal.

köşeşdirmek   v. to comfort, calm (someone) down, quieten, soothe, to set someone' s mind at rest. See: köşeşmek.

köşeşmek   v. 1 • to calm down.

2 • (of the sea) to become still/calm, (of the wind) to drop.

köşk   n. palace. patyşa köşgi king's palace.

köteklemek   Usage: colloq 1 • beat, hit, strike.

2 • to reprimand.

köwmek   v. to dig, make a hole (in), to undermine, to sap. içini ~ to make a hole (in). aşagyny ~ to undermine. suw derýanyň kenaryny köwüpdir the water undermined the bank of the river.

köwüş   n. shoes, footwear. ~ dükany shoe shop. ~ bejerilýän ýer shoe repair shop. öý köwşi slipper.

köwüşçi   n. shoemaker, bootmaker, cobbler.

köýdürmek   v. 1 • to burn (up, down). çöregi ~ to burn the bread.

2 • to waste, not to use.

3 • to destroy, to ruin. ömrüňi ~ to ruin one's life. See: köýmek.

köýmek   v. 1 • to get burnt. et köýüpdir the meat got burnt.

2 • to be wasted, to go to waste, to go for naught. zähmetim köýdi my work went to waste.

3 • to lose, to be deprived (of). Category: prov. arym köýenden imanym köýsün It is better to be deprived of one's faith than to lose one's honour.

4 • to be sad, to grieve (for), to suffer (from). biriniň yşgynda ~ to burn with somebody's love.

köýnek   n. 1 • shirt. içki ~ vest.

2 • dress. aýal/gyz köýnegi dress. içki ~ petticoat, vest.

3 • a man's collared shirt. Category: prov.

öz köýnegiň öz teniňe ýakyn   charity begins at home.

otly ~ geýmek   1 • to be sad, to grieve.

2 • to get angry, to be full of anger, to rage.

köz   [kö:z] n. embers, charcoal.

~ üstünde oturan ýaly   can't sit still.

kran1   n. tap. suw ~y water tap.

kran2   n. crane. göteriji ~ lifting crane.

kredit   ['kredit] n. credit; (book-keeping) credit. ~ bermek to give credit. ~ goýbermek to supply on credit. uzak möhletli ~ long-term credit. See: karz.

krizis   ['krizis] n. crisis. ýkdysady ~ ecomomic crisis.

krowat   [kro'wat] n. bed, bedstead. demir ~ iron bed. eplenýän ~ folding bed, divan, put-me-up.

kub   n. Usage: mathematics 1 • cube. iki ~da two cubed.

Usage: colloq 2 • cubic metre. ~ mert cubic metre. ~ ölçeg cubic measurement.

kubik   n. 1 • blocks, bricks (as children's toy).

Usage: colloq 2 • cubic centimetre.

kubometr   [kubo'metr] n. cubic metre.

Kuran   Qur'an.

kurs1   n. course. birinji ~uň studenti a first-year student.

kurs2   n. rate (of exchange).

kurtka   n. jacket.

kuwwat   [kuwwa:t] n. 1 • strength, energy. Usage: animate ~dan galmak to lose one's strength.

2 •  döwletiň ~y power of the state.

Usage: physics 3 • power, capacity, rating, output. ~y ýüz at güýji bolan maşyn hundred horsepower engine.

kuwwatlanmak   [kuwwa:tlanmak] v. strengthen, to become strong, to gain strength, to become powerful.

kuwwatly   [kuwwa:tly] adj. 1 • strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous. ~ eller strong hands.

2 • powerful state. ~ döwlet

3 • powerful. ~ motor powerful engine.

kuwwatsyz   [kuwwa:tsyz] adj. 1 • weak, strengthless, forceless. ol heniz ~ he is still weak.

2 • powerless. ~ döwlet powerless state.

Usage: physics 3 • lacking power, of low capacity.

kükrek   n. breast. kükregiňi ýere berip ýatmak to lie face downwards, to lie pronely.

kükürt   n. 1 • sulphur, brimstone. Category: chem. ~ kislotasy sulphuric acid.

2 • match, light. ~ çakmak to light a match.

kül   n. ash. çilimiň ~i ash of a cigarette.

~ etmek   to crush, to smash (to pieces).

külbe   n. cabin, small house.

külli1   adj. containing ash, with ash.

külli2   adj. all, whole. ~ jahan the whole world.

~ günä   true sin.

külpet   n. misfortune, sorrow, grief, suffering. ~ çekmek to suffer, to grieve.

külterlemek   v. to coil, wind up. ýüpi ~ to coil a rope.

kümüş   n. silver. ~ çaýmak to silver, to coat or plate with silver.

kümüşçi   n. silversmith.

künde   n. plough. agaç ~ wooden plough.

kündük   n. jug.

künjek   n. corner. otagyň ~i the corner of a room. ýurduň ähli ~lerinde in all corners of the country.

künji   n. sesame (seeds). Category: bot. ~ ýagy sesame oil.

kürek   n. 1 • oar, scull, paddle. gaýygyň küregi boat's oar.

2 • snow-plough. ~ bilen gar artmak to clear snow away with a snowplough.

kürsi   n. armchair. ~de oturmak to sit on an armchair.

kürt   n. Kurd. ~ dili the Kurd language.

kürüşge   n. Usage: colloq mug, tankard.

küşt1   n. 1 • chess. ~ oýnamak to play chess. ~ tagtasy chess-board.

2 • check. ~ bermek to check to the king. ~ we ýatdyň checkmate.

küşt2   n.

küştçi   n. chess-player.

kütek   adj. 1 • blunt, dull. ~ pyçak blunt knife.

2 • dull, slow, obtuse, dim. ~ adam dull person.

3 • having weak sight. ~ güzli adam a person with a weak sight. Usage: mathematics

~ burç   obtuse angle.

küý   n. thought (of, about), idea. ~e gelmek to occur to, to come into the mind of. ~üne düşmek to think about something, be in thought about an idea.

küý-pikir   n. See: küý; pikir.

küýsemek   v. 1 • to wish, want, desire. suw ~ to need a drink, to be thirsty.

2 • to miss, to yearn (for). yzyňy ~ to yearn for home, to miss home.

3 • to entreat.

küýze   n. 1 • jug. Usage: Brit gor ~ a large jug. bir ~ süýt a jug of milk.

2 • pitcher. Usage: Amer

küýzegär   n. potter.

kwadrat   [kwa'drat] n. Usage: mathematics square. ~ kök square root. ~ metr square metre. ~ deňleme quadratic equation. See: inedördül.

kwartira   n. flat, lodging, apartment(s). iki otagly ~ two-room flat. See: jaý.

kybla   adv. the Qibla. ....

kyn   [ky:n] adj. difficult, complicated, hard. ~ mesele difficult task. bu örän ~ It is very difficult.

kynçylyk   [ky:nçylyk] n. difficulty, problem. ~lary ýeňip geçmek to overcome problems. ~ döretmek to make/cause problems. ~ çekmek to have problems, to be in difficulty.

kynlaşmak   [ky:nlaşmak] v. to become difficult/hard/complicated (gradually). See: kynalmak.

kyrk   num. forty. ~ ýaşly forty-year-old.

kyrkynjy   num ord. fortieth. ~ sahypa page forty. ~ san number forty.

kysmat   n. fate, destiny, fortune. ~dakyny görmek to see if it's one's fate.

kyssa   n. 1 • prose. ~ bilen ýazylan eser prose work. ~ ýazmak to write prose.

2 • story, narration. ~ aýtmak to narrate, to relate.

durmuşyň ~   humdrum of life.

kyssaçy   n. 1 • prose-writer, prosaist.

2 • narrator, story-teller, novelist.

kysym   adj. sort, kind, type. dürli ~ly different kinds (of).

kyýamat   [kyýa:mat]  Usage: religious n. 1 • doomsday, the end of the world. ~ güni doomsday, the Last Judgement day.

2 • commotion, trouble. ~ goparmak to create a commotion.

başyňa ~ düşmek   for misfortune to fall upon one's head.