
S - s

saba   [saba:] n. early morning. ~ şemaly morning wind.

sabyn   [sa:byn] n. soap. kir ~y laundry soap. tualet ~y toilet soap. ~ zawody soap-works, soap factory.

sabyr   n. patience, endurance. sabryň gaçmak to lose patience. ~ etmek to have patience, show patience. ~ käsäň dolmak to lose patience.

Sabyr et!   Bless you! said after sneezing.

sabyrly   adj. patient. ~ bolmak to be patient, have patience.

sabyrlylyk   n. patience, endurance. ~ bilen patiently, with patience.

sabyrsyz   adj. impatient. ~ çaga impatient child.

sabyrsyzlyk   n. impatience. ~ etmek to show impatience. ~ bilen garaşmak to wait without patience.

sabyr-takat   [sabyr-ta:kat] adv. See: sabyr; takat.

saç   [sa:ç] n. frying pan.

saç   [saç] n. hair. saç almak cut hair. sen meniň saçymy alyp biljekmi? are you able to cut my hair?

saçak   n. 1 • tablecloth, bread-storage cloth. cloth used for both keeping bread and eating off and traditionally made from camel wool. Goý siziň saçagaňyzyň bereketi egsilmesin! May your table always be full of food!

Usage: fig 2 • present. ~ly gatnaşmak to exchange presents.

saçakçy   n. cockroach, black-beetle.

saçbag   [saçba:g] n. braid.

saçmak   v. to give out, spread. saçyp durmak shine. ýagty ~ to shine. gün nuruny saçyp dur the sun is shining brightly.

der ~   to work hardly.

dür ~   to speak wisely; to do something properly.

sada   [sa:da] adj. 1 • simple task. ~ mesele

2 • simple, humble, naive, simple-hearted, open-hearted, artless. ~ ýigit simple-hearted fellow. ~ adamlar ordinary people.

~ sözlem   Usage: grammar simple sentence.

~ san   Usage: mathematics prime number.

sadaga   interj.

sadaka   n. offering, gift, sacrifice. sadaka etmek to have a religious meal. sadaka bermek to give a gift, to offer a sacrifice.

sadalaşdyrmak   [sa:dalaşdyrmak] v. to simplify. meseläni ~ to simplify a problem. ýazuwy ~ to simplify spelling. See: sadalaşmak.

sadalyk   [sa:dalyk] n. 1 • simpleness, simplicity.

2 • simplicity, naiveness, navety. özüňi sadalyga salmak to pretend naive, affect navety.

sadap   n. 1 • mother-of-pearl, nacre. ~ ýaly ak dişler white teeth as mother-of-pearl.

2 • pearl button.

sadyk   [sady:k] adj. faithful, true.

sag1   adj. healthy. janyňyz ~my? how are you?, how is your health? Sag-aman geldiňmi? Is everything alright? siziň janyňyzyň sag bolmagyny your whole being becoming strong.

~ bol(yň)!   Thank you! or Goodbye!

~ bol aýtmak   to thank.

sag2   adj. right. ~ el right hand. ~dan sola from right to left.

sagalmak   v. to get better, recover. ol sagalýar he is getting better.

sagaltmak   v. to heal, make someone healthy, bring someone into a healthy state. See: sagalmak.

sagalyşmak   v. to get better (gradually), recover (gradually).

sag-aman   [sag-ama:n] adv. safe and sound, healthy. ~ gelmek to arrive safe and sound.

sagat1   [sa:gat] n. 1 • clock, watch. goşar sagady wrist-watch. sagada tow bermek to wind a watch, a clock. ~ öňde barýar the watch, the clock is fast.

2 • time. ~ näçe? what time is it? ~ bäş It is five (o'clock).

sagat2   adj. healthy, strong, robust, sound. ~ beden strong body. ~ bolmak to be healthy.

sagatçy   [sa:gatçy] n. watchmaker. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a watchmaker.

sagatlanmak   v. to get better, recover.

sagatlyk1   n. health.

sagatlyk2   [sa:gatlyk] adv. an hour's worth. ýedi ~ seven hours. sekiz ~iş gün eight hours working day.

sagdyn   n. healthy; sensible. ~ pikir common sense. See: sagat.

sagdynlaşdyrmak   v. to make healthy, bring into a healthy state. See: sagdynlaşmak.

sagdynlaşmak   to get better.

sagdynlyk   adj. See: sagatlyk.

sagdyrmak   v. 1 • to milk. See: sagmak.

2 • to be milked. bu sygyr aňsat sagdyrýar this cow is easily milked.

saglyk   n. 1 • strength.

2 • health.

saglyk sygyr   milch cow.

saglyk-amanlyk   [saglyk-ama:nlyk] adv. See: saglyk; amanlyk. ~ soramak to ask about health.

sagmak   v. to milk. sygyr ~ to milk a cow.

sag-salamat   [sag-sala:mat] adv. See: sag.

sag-sol   [sag-so:l] adv. right and left. See: sag; sol.

sagym   n. milking; yield of milk. ertirki ~ morning milk.

sagymçy   n. dairymaid, milkmaid. belli ~ dairymaid who has been honoured for her work.

sahapçy   [saha:pçy] n. bookbinder. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a bookbinder.

sahaplamak   [saha:plamak] v. to bind, cover. kitaby ~ to bind a book.

sahawat   [saha:wat] n. generosity, liberality, lavishness.

sahawatly   [saha:watly] adj. generous, liberal, lavish, extravagant. ~ adam lavish/extravagant person.

sahna   n. 1 • stage; show. aýlanýan ~ revolving stage. teatr ~sy stage. ~da goýmak to put on the stage, to produce, to put on a show.

2 • scene. kiçijik ~ small scene.

sahnalaşdyrmak   v. to dramatize, adapt for the stage/cinema, put on the stage/cinema. romany ~ to adapt a novel (for e.g. the cinema).

sahy   [sahy:] adj. generous, lavish, extravagant, liberal. ~ adam extravagant person.

sahypa   [sahy:pa] n. page. kitabyň ~sy page of a book. ~lary nomerleme pagination.

saka   watershed.

sakar   adj. with a white spot/patch on the forehead. maňlaýy ~ at a horse with a white spot on the forehead.

sakawlamak   v. to stutter, stammer.

sakçy   n. 1 • guard. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a guard. türme ~sy warder.

2 • farmer who watches the field. tokaý ~sy forest warden.

sakgal   n. beard. ~ almak to shave one's beard. ~ goýbermek to grow a beard.

ýüň ~ etmek   to let somebody down, disgrace.

sakgaldaş   n. Usage: colloq, male person of the same age, contemporary.

sakgyç   n. chewing gum, bubble gum. ~ çeýnemek to chew gum.

saklamak   v. 1 • to hold, keep. eliňde ~ to hold in the hand.

2 • to take care of, keep. saglygy ~ to take care of one's health. gizlin ~ to keep in secret. ýatda ~ to remember. maşgalany ~ to keep a family.

3 • to guard. öý ~ to guard the house.

4 • to stop. maşyny ~ to stop the car.

5 • to hold, keep. birinjiligi ~ to hold the first place. tertibi ~ to keep to the order. berhiz ~ to keep to a diet. goşun ~ to maintain an army.

saklanmak   v. 1 • to be kept. gyşa ~ to be kept for winter. arassa ~ to be kept in order.

2 • to stop, pull up. duralgada ~ to stop at the halt.

3 • to be kept back, be hold. saklanan pul money kept. aragatnaşyk ~ to hold relations/ties.

4 • to abstain (from), refrain (from). ses bermekden ~ to abstain from voting. iýmekden ~ to abstain from food/eating.

saky   [sa:ky] n. cupbearer, wine steward.

sal   [sa:l] life span.

sala   [sala:] n. advice. ~ salmak to ask advice, seek advice/cousel (from).

salam   [sala:m] interj. hello. ~ diýmek to greet someone. See: essalawmaleýkim; salawmaleýkim.

salamalaşmak   [sala:malaşmak] v. to say how do you do (to), greet, hail. el bilen ~ to shake hands (with).

salamat   [sala:mat] adv. healthy. ~ boluň! be healthy!

salamlaşma   [sala:mlaşma] n. greeting.

salat   [sa'lat] n. salad. ~ etmek to make salad.

salawmaleýkim   [salawma:leýkim] interj. How do you do? Hello.

saldamly   adj. 1 • heavy, weighty. ~ halta heavy bag. ~ ýük heavy load.

Usage: fig 2 • serious, reliable, sedate. ~ adam reliable person.

Usage: fig 3 • stout, corpulent, impressive. ~ figura stout/corpulent figure. ~ ädim ätmek to take a wide step.

salgamak   [sa:lgamak] v. to wave, wag. eliňi ~ to wave one's hand (to).

salgy   n. 1 • direction. ~ almak to ask the way. ~ bermek to show the way, lead.

2 • address.

3 • link. Beýleki saýtlara salgylar. Links to other web sites.

salgylanmak   v. to refer (to), allude (to). biriniň sözüne ~ to refer to one's words.

salgym   [sa:lgym] n. mirage, optical illusion. ~ şekilli görünmek to seem. ~ atmak to appear indistinctly, loom.

şalgyma çapmak   to do something to no purpose.

salgyt   n. 1 • tax, duty, customs, tribute. ~ töleýji tax-payer.

2 • bride-price. ~ salmak to set the bride-price.

salgytçy   n. tax inspector.

salkym   n. bunch, cluster. bir ~ üzüm a bunch of grapes.

salkyn   adj. cool, fresh. ~ howa cool weather. gije ~ boldy It was cool at night. ~ düşmek to get cooler/fresher. Agşam salkyn bolýar. The evening will be cool(er).

salkynlamak   v. 1 • to turn cool. ýagyşdan soň howa salkynlady the weather has turned cool after the rain.

2 • to have a rest in a cool place. ~ oturmak to sit in a cool place.

salkynlyk   n. cool, coolness. agşamky ~ the cool of the evening.

sallah   n. bachelor, unmarried man, single. köne ~ old bachelor. ~ durmuşy bachelor life, life as a single.

sallamak   v. to hang, drop. kelläňi ~ to hang one's head. agaçdan ~ to hang on the tree. ýüz sallamak to drop one's face, to look dissatisfied. sallap öldürmek hang oneself.

aýagyňy sallap gitmek   to be taken to prison, be arrested.

sallançak   n. 1 • cradle, crib, cot which can be rocked. hung on two large hinges so as to be swung. ~y üwremek to rock the cradle.

2 • swing. ~da uçmak to swing.

sallanmak   v. 1 • to drop, fall. şahalar aşak sallanypdyr the branches have fallen down.

2 • to hang. agaçdan ~ to hang on the tree.

3 •  See: sallanjyramak.

salmak   v. 1 • to build, construct. jaý ~ to build a house. köpri ~ to build a bridge.

2 • to put (in, into). halta ~ to put into a bag.

3 • to arrange, find. işe ~ to find someone a job.

4 • to beat, shake. ýumruk ~ to shake one's fist, beat with a fist.

5 • to mark, put a mark (on). tagma ~ to put a mark (on).

6 • to spread. düşek ~ to make the bed.

7 • to set, put in. diş ~ to have a denture put in. suraty ramka ~ to frame a picture.

abraýdan ~   to disgrace.

aldawa ~   to deceive.

bilmezlige ~   to pretend not to know something.

diň ~   to listen (to).

sala ~   to ask advice.

duzaga ~   to catch.

tertibe ~   to put in order.

aldym berdime ~   

ýola ~   to lead.

yzyna it ~   to drive away/out; to take the bull by the horns.

salparmak   v. to become looser, loosen.

salpy   adj. flabby, saggy, loose.

salyh   [sa:lyh] adj. righteous.

salyk   adv.

salykatly   [saly:katly] adj. polite, courteous, civil. ~ adam polite man. ~ geplemek to speak politely.

salym   n. moment. bir ~ dur! hang on!, wait a moment! bir ~da gutarmak to finish quickly.

salynmak1   v. 1 • to be built. biziň şäherimizde täze jaýlar salynýar the new houses are being built in our town.

2 • to be put (in). goşlar halta salyndy the things were put in the bag.

salynmak2   v. See: salmak. jaý ~ to build a house for oneself. diş ~ to have one's teeth made. düşek ~ to make one's bed.

samahyllamak   v. to chatter, talk nonsense, drivel, talk rubbish. biderek ~ to talk nonsense.

saman   [sa:man] n. straw, hay. ~ küme hayloft, haystack, hayrick, haycock.

~ astyndan suw goýbermek   act on the quiet/sly.

samolýot   n. ~ sürmek to pilot. reaktiw ~ jet-propelled aircraft. See: uçar.

samramak   v. 1 • to be delirious, rave.

2 • to talk nonsense, talk rubbish.

samsyk   n. blockhead, fool, stupid, clot, idiot. Category: curse.

tapdyň samsygyňy!   not likely!, no fear!

samsyklyk   n. foolishness, folly, stupidity. siz uly ~ etdiňiz you have done a very foolish thing.

samyrdy   n. 1 • delirium, mutter(ing), mumble, mumbling.

2 • idle talk, nonsense.

san   [sa:n] n. 1 • number, quantity. Usage: mathematics bütin ~ whole number. drob ~ fractional number. täk ~ odd number. jübüt ~ even number. iki ~y two (of something).

Usage: grammar 2 • numeral. birlik ~ singular (number). köplük ~ plural (number). mukdar ~lar cardinal numerals. tertip ~ ordinal numerals.

3 • issue, number, release. gazýetiň şu günki ~y today's issue of a newspaper.

~a salmak   to put in order; to repair; to bring up.

~dan çykmak   to go bad; to become corrupt/demoralized; to decay, rot.

sanaç   n. sanach. a leather bag used to store flour or grain.

sanalmak   [sa:nalmak] v. to be counted.

sanamak   [sa:namak] v. to count. ýatdan ~ to do mental arithmetic, do sums in one's head. barmak bilen ~ to count on one's fingers.

sanaşmak   [sa:naşmak] v. 1 • to count (with).

2 • to argue (with), wrangle (with).

sanaw   [sa:naw] n. register, head-count, list. Sanawda ol ýok. He's not in the register.

sanawaç   [sa:nawa:ç] n. counter.

sançgy   n. Usage: medical vaccine. profilaktiki ~lar prophylactic/preventive vaccines.

sançma   n. Usage: medical inoculation, vaccination; injection. mama garşy ~ inoculation against smallpox, vaccination against smallpox.

sançmak   v. 1 • to stab, prick, pierce. iňňe bilen ~ to prick with a needle.

2 • to press marks in (e.g.. bread).

Usage: medical 3 • to vaccinate (against), inoculate (with).

4 •  meniň sag gapdalym sançýar I have a stitch in my right side. See: sanjamak.

sandal1   n. anvil.

sandal2   n. sandalwood, sandal. Category: bot. ~ agajy sandalwood tree.

sandaýak   n. trunk or chest with feet.

sandyk   n. trunk, box, chest. used to transport the bride's belongings to her new home when she gets married, and often used in place of a wardrobe.

sandyramak   v. to tremble, shiver, shake, quiver. bütin endamyň bilen ~ to tremble all over.

sandyrawuk   adj. trembling, shivering, tremulous. ~ ses tremulous voice.

Sanjar   n. November. Soltan Sanjar was a famous Turkmen warrior.

sanjy   n. 1 • colic, gripes, pain. ~ döremek for a colic to appear.

Usage: fig 2 • trouble, anxiety. ~ bolup durmak to give trouble, make anxious/uneasy.

sanjym   adv. injection.


sanksiýa   ['sanksiýa] n. sanction, approval. ~ bermek to give one's sanction, approve.

sanly   [sa:nly] adj. countable.

sansyz   [sa:nsyz] adj. 1 • countless, innumerable, numberless. ~ goşun innumerable army.

Usage: fig 2 • weak, powerless, having no authority. ~ adam weak person.

sansyz-sajaksyz   [sa:nsyz-sa:jaksyz] adj. ~ baýlyk countless riches, incalculable/untold wealth. See: sansyz1.

sany   number of. See: san.

saňalmak   v. to petrify, become like stone. saňalyp durmak to stand stock-still.

sap1   n. 1 • handle, haft. pil ~y the handle of a spade. palta ~y the handle of an axe, axe-handle, axe helve.

Usage: music 2 • finger-board, neck.

susagyň ~yny ele almak   to take the reins of government.

sap2   n. deception, trickery, fraud, cunning, slyness. ~ atmak to deceive, trick, use cunning, be cunning/crafty.

sap3   particle. quite, very. ~ sary quite yellow.

sap   [sa:p] adj. pure, net, clear. ~ agram net weight. ~ gyzyl pure gold. ~ girdeji net/clear profit.

~ ýürekli   candid, sincere, frank, open-hearted.

~ ýüreklilik   candour, frankness, sincerity.

sapa   [sapa:] n. bliss, felicity, happiness.

sapak1   n. 1 • lesson, class. iňlis dili sapagy English class/lesson. ~ almak to be taught. ~ bermek to teach, give a lesson. ~laryňy ýerine ýetirmek to do one's lessons. goý bu saňa ~ bolsun! let that be a lesson to you!

2 • subject. ol hemme ~lardan bäşlik aldy he got an excellent for all subjects.

sapak2   n. 1 • thread. iňňe bilen ~ needle and thread. iňňä ~ sapmak to thread a needle.

2 • lash (of a plant). garpyz sapagy lash of a water-melon.

sapalak   n. dodge, subterfuge, evasion, wiles. ~atmak to dodge, try to avoid doing something, evade, elude.

sapança   n. pistol, revolver.

sapar1   n. time, occasion. bu ~ this time. birnäçe ~ several times. Gözeli meniň birinji sapar gördüm It's the first time I've seen Gozel.

sapar2   n. visit, travel. ~ etmek to visit, travel.

iş sapary   business trip.

sapar3   n. saphar. the name of the second Moslem month. ~ aýy the month of saphar.

saplamak   [sa:plamak] v. 1 • to clean, sort, cleanse, purify, refine. spirti ~ to purify spirit.

2 • to finish. gök ekinleri ~ to finish (picking) vegetables.

3 • to cure; to save (from). siz ony aladadan sapladyňyz you have saved him from trouble.

saplamak   v. to haft. pili ~ to haft a spade, make a handle for a spade.

saplanmak   [sa:planmak] v. 1 • to be cleaned, be cleansed, be sorted, be purified.

2 • to be finished, be over. gyş saplandy the winter is over, the winter has come to the end.

3 • to get rid (of), rid oneself (of). ýaramaz endiklerden ~ to get rid of the bad habits, get out of the bad habits.

saplyk   [sa:plyk] n. 1 • purity, cleanliness.

Usage: fig 2 • sincerity, candour. ýüregiň saplygy frankness, sincerity.

sapmak   v. 1 • to thread. iňňä sapak ~ to thread a needle.

2 • to engraft (something upon). Category: bot. almany armyda ~ to engraft the apple-tree upon the pear-tree.

3 • to combine; to spin. inçe sapagy ýogyn sapaga ~ to combine the thin thread with the thick one.

iňňä sapaýmaly   thin as a rake.

sarag   n. 1 • bandage, fillet, band.

2 • wrap.

saralmak   [sa:ralmak] v. to turn golden or yellow. gawunlar saralypdyr the melons have ripened (turned yellow). saralyp görünmek to look ripe (yellow).

saralyp solmak   to wear onself out with suffering.

saramak   v. 1 • to reel, wind. kelläňe ýaglyk ~ to cover one's head with a scarf. tigre sapak ~ to wind thread on a reel.

2 • to bandage, dress; heal. ýarany ~ to dress the wound.

saraý   n. 1 • castle, palace.

2 • barn.

3 • inn, hotel.

sarç   adj. fearful, easily frightened/scared, shy, timid. ~ goýun fearful sheep.

sargamak   v. to ask, order, commission, charge. ol maňa köýnek saragady he asked me to buy a shirt for him.

sargy   n. 1 •  See: sarag.

2 • winding, coil. sim ~sy coil, wire coil.

3 • skein, hank, cut. ýüpek ~sy skein of silk.

sargyt   n. errand, commission, assignment, order. biriniň sargydyny bitirmek to do smb's assignment. ~ etmek to assign, order, ask.

sargytçy   n. client.

sarkyndy   n. leftovers.

sarnamak   v. ??

sarp   adv.

sarpa   n. respect, esteem. ~ goýmak to respect, esteem, have respect (for), hold in respect, treat with respect, be respectful.

sarpaly   adj. respectful, respected, esteemed. ~ adam esteemed person.

sarsdyrmak   v. 1 • to shake, tremble, rock. köki bilen ~ to shake/rock to its foundation.

Usage: fig 2 • to shake. bu habar dünýäni sarsdyrdy this news shook the world. See: sarsmak.

sarsgyn   n. shaking, tremor, shock. ýer asty ~lar undergroud tremors.

sarsmak   v. to shake, rock, tremble.

sarsmaz   adj. ??

sary1   [sa:ry] adj. yellow. ~ reňk yellow colour.

~ garynja   termite, white ant. Category: zool.

~ getirme   jaundice, icterus. Category: medical.

~yň gaýnamak   heartburn.

ýumurtganyň ~sy   yolk of egg.

sary2   [sa:ry] post. place. ýör biziň ~ come to our place.

sarykmak   v. to get dry, dry off, dry out a little.

sarymsak   n. garlic.

saryýagyz   [sa:ryýagyz] adj. blond. ~ gyz blonde.

satan   n. legs.

sataşmak   v. to meet, collide, bump into. men oňa köçede sataşdym I met him in the street.

satmak   v. to sell. lomaý ~ to sell wholesale. bölek-bölek ~ to sell retail. satyp goýbermek to sell out.

satuw   n. sale, selling. lomaý ~ wholesale.

satyjy   n. stall-holder, shop assistant, salesperson, shop-keeper, vendor.

satylmak   v. 1 • to be sold, be on/for sale. arzan ~ to be sold at a low price. jaý satylýar the house is for sale.

2 • to sell oneself.

satyn almak   v. to buy.

satyşmak   v. sale. See: satmak.

sawçy   [sa:wçy] n. matchmaker. ~ ibermek to send matchmakers. sawçy bolmak Daýzam sawçy bolmagy gowy görensoň mydama iliň öňinde. Öňki döwürde sawçy bolyp ýaşuly adamlar bilen mollany ugratýardylar.

sawçylyk   [sa:wçylyk] n. matchmaking. sawçylyga gitmek to go matchmaking, go to ask in marriage.

saý   adj. shallow(s). derýanyň saý ýeri a shallow part of the river.

saýa   [sa:ýa] n. 1 • shade.

2 • shadow.

saýalamak   [sa:ýalamak] v. to rest in the shade. saýalap oturmak sit in the shade.

saýawan   [sa:ýawa:n] n. umbrella.

saýgarmak   v. to distinguish, differentiate, discern; to make out (the difference). garaňkyda onuň ýüzüni ~ kyndy It was difficult to distinguish her face in the darkness.

saýgylamak   [sa:ýgylamak] v. to lash, switch, whip. aty ~ to whip a horse. çeýwuk bilen ýüň saýgylamak whipping wool when preparing it to be made into thread.

saýlamak   v. to choose, select. özüňe hünär saýlap almak to choose one's profession.

saýlanmak   v. to be chosen.

saýlantgy   adj. choice, better, best, special, vintage.

saýlanylmak   v. be chosen, picked out, taken. saýlanylan çakyr selected wine.

saýlaw   n. election.

saýlawçy   n. voter.

saýmak1   [sa:ýmak] v. consider, count. Aýna Artygy özüne has ýakyn saýýardy Ayna considered Artyk to be her closest friend.

soňuny saýmaz   doesn't think (before acting), acting carelessly.

saýmak2   [sa:ýmak] v. to spin. sen ony saýyp, keçe etmeli bolarsyň you are going to have to spin it and make it into a felt mat.

saýramak   v. to twitter, sing (birdsong).

saýyrdyň   n. different, special, standing out.

saz1   [sa:z] n. music. ~ bilen meşgullanmak to be involved in music, practise music. ~a salmak to set to music. halk ~y folk music.

saz2   [sa:z] adv. 1 • in good repair, in good working order. motor saz işleýär the engine is in good working order.

2 • good, normal. olaryň arasy ~ they are in good terms. onuň keýpi ~ he has good spirits, he is in high spirits, he is in a good mood.

sazak   [sa:zak] n. haloxylon, saxaul. Category: bot.

sazanda   [sa:zanda] n. musician.

sazçy   [sa:zçy] n. musician. See: sazanda.

sazçylyk   [sa:zçylyk] adj. musical. ~ mekdebi music-school.

sazlamak   [sa:zlamak] v. 1 • to tune. dutary ~ to tune a dutar.

2 • to regulate, repair, put right, adjust. motory ~ to repair the engine.

Usage: fig 3 • adjust, put right. işi ~ set things going. arany ~ to adjust relations. keýpi ~ to come to a good mood.

sazlaşmak   [sa:zlaşmak] v. 1 • to rhyme, to have a similar rhythm.

2 • to be in tune.

sazlaşyk   n. rhyme, rhythm.

sazlaşykly   [sa:zlaşykly] adj. harmonious, (well) co-ordinated, (well) organized, rhythmic(al). ~ iş well co-ordinated work, rhythmical work.

sazly   [sa:zly] adj. musical. ~ komediýa musical comedy.

sebet   n. wicker basket.

sebäbi   conj. because. See: sebäp.

sebäp   n. reason, cause. iki sebäbe görä for two reasons. ~ gözlemek to look for a reason. sebäbi owing (to), because (of). şu sebäpli for this reason. siz muny näme sebäbe görä etdiňiz? For what reason have you done this?

~ eýerjeň sözlemi   Usage: grammar subordinate clause of reason.

sebäpkär   n. culprit; hero. toýuň ~i hero of the wedding-party.

sebäpli   post. reasonable, having reason, with reason. işden ~ gijä galmak to be late for one's work with reason. näme ~? for what reason?, why?

sebäpsiz   adj. without reason, reasonless. hiç hili ~ without any reason, without the slightest cause.

sebit   n. region, territory. biziň ~lerimizde in our regions.

seçek   n. fringe (on material, carpets).

seçilmek   v. to be selected, chosen.

seçmek   v. to give out, distribute, scatter, throw.

segsen   num. eighty. ~ ýaşynda at the age of eighty.

sežde etmek   v. Usage: religious to bow down, prostrate oneself, worship.

seki   n. seki. a platform made from baked clay, for sitting on and drinking tea.

sekiz   num. eight. ~ ýüz eight hundred. sekiz-sekizden by eights.

sekizinji   adj. eighth. ~ klasda okamak to be in the eighth form.

sekmek   v. to go/come somewhere, show oneself somewhere, appear somewhere. gaýdyp bu ýere aýagyňy sekäýme! don't come here any more!

sekretar   [sekre'tar] n. secretary, typist. husuzy ~ personal/private secretary. ýygnagyň ~y secretary of the meeting. general ~ secretary-general. Döwlet ~y Secretary of the State (in the USA). See: kätip.

sekunt   n. second. bir ~ garaşyň! wait a moment, please!

selçeň   adj. rare; thin, sparse. ~ saç thin hair.

seleňlemek   v. 1 • to go out into the fresh air; to walk in the fresh air. açyk howada ~ to walk in the fresh air.

2 • can/could be seen, be seen. uzakdan tokaý seleňläp görünýärdi the forest could be seen in the distance.

seljermek   v. to distinguish, discern; to make out, tell between. ýagşyny, ýamany ~ to make out what is good and what is bad. men onuň kimdigini seljerip bilmedim I couldn't make out who he was.

selle   n. turban. kelläňe ~ oramak to wind a turban round one's head.

sellem   n. a little. bir ~ a little, a trifle, just a bit. bir ~ garaşmak to wait a little. bir sellem garaşmaly we'll have to wait a little.

selpemek   v. to be/run in search of. iş gözläp ondan oňa ~ to run/go from one place to another in search of work.

sem   adv. silent. ~ bolmak to fall/become silent, lapse into silence, stop. ~ bol! shut your mouth!, shut up! ol sem boldy he fell silent.

semeni   n. gruel. ~ bişirmek to cook gruel.

semiz   adj. fat, thick. ~ goýun fat sheep.

semremek   v. to fatten, become/grow fat/stout, put on weight.

semretmek   v. to fatten, make fat. See: semremek. öldürmek üçin ~ to fatten for slaughter.

sen   pron. you (singular). seniň of you, your (singular). saňa to you.

sena   [sena:] n. prayer, praise.

senagat   [sena:gat] n. industry. ýeňil ~ light industry. agyr ~ heavy industry. ~ harytlary industrial goods?? ~y ösdürmek to develop industry. ~yň esasy pudaklary main branches of industry.

senagatçy   [sena:gatçy] n. manufacturer, industrialist.

sene   n. 1 • system of chronology, chronology, era.

2 • date, day. şanly ~ glorious date, glorious day.

senet   n. 1 • trade, handicraft. ~ öwrenmek to learn a trade.

2 • tool, tools. dokmaçynyň ~leri tools of a carpet-maker, carpet-maker's tools.

senetçi   n. artisan, craftsman, handicraftsman.

sentýabr   n. September. See: Ruhnama.

sepelemek   v. 1 • to water.

2 • to sow (seed).

sepgit   adv. border, frontier.

sepleşdirmek   v. to join together.

sepmek   v. 1 • to sprinkle.

2 • to sow.

ser   n. head.

kalbyňyza ~ salmak   to protect your heart ??

serçe   n. sparrow.

Birje çemçe şorja serçe çorbasy   One spoon of salty sparrow soup.

serdar   [serda:r] n. leader, (tribal) chief, commander.

serdarlyk   [serda:rlyk] n. the profession of being a commander or chief.

serenjam   [serenja:m] n. equipment, outfit. serenjam bermek to administer, put things in order.

serenjamlamak   [serenja:mlamak] v. to equip, get ready.

seresap   [seresa:p] n. care. seresap(ly) bolmak take care. seresap bol! take care, look out!

seresaplylyk   [seresa:plylyk] n. prudence, care.

seretmek   v. 1 • to watch, look.

Usage: dial 2 • to search for.

sergezdan   [sergezda:n] n. wanderer, tramp.

sergi   exhibition.

serhet   n. border, frontier, boundary.

serhetçi   n. border guard.

serhoş   [serho:ş] adj. drunk, inebriated.

serişde   [seri:şde] n. means, facilities, resources.

serkerde   n. captain, commander, military warlord.

sermek   v. to hang out (clothes), put out, lay out, spread out.

serpaý   [serpa:ý] n. gift, present.

serpikdirmek   v. to repulse, repel. hüjümi serpikdirmek to repel an attack.

serpilmek   v. 1 • to turn back, retreat.

Usage: water 2 • to fall, drop, splash.

serpmek   v. Usage: water to splash, sprinkle, spray.

ses   n. 1 • sound. ~ bermek to vote.

2 • voice.

seslenmek   v. to make a sound.

sessiz-üýnsüz   adv. silent, without speaking.

setir   n. line.

ak setir   indent.

seýf   n. safe. ~de saklamak to keep in the safe.

seýiklemek   v. to splint. döwlen süňki ~ to splint a broken bone.

seýil   n. walk, walking. ~ etmek to walk, take a walk. ~ bag park.

seýilgäh   n. park; park, place for walking.

seýis   n. Usage: horses trainer. person who trains/prepares horses for the races.

seýislemek   v. 1 • to train, prepare. aty ~ to train/prepare a horse for the races.

2 • to take care of oneself, prepare oneself.

seýrek   adj. 1 • not often, seldom, rare, uncommon. ~ duş gelýän haýwanlar rare animals.

2 • few, not many. ol ýerde adamlar ~di there were only few people there.

sezewar   [sezewa:r] n. ~ bolmak to suffer, be subjected to, be exposed; to face (with), meet (with). ~ etmek to doom, expose. ýeňlişe ~ etmek to defeat. ýeňlişe ~ bolmak to be defeated, sustain a defeat.

sähel   adj. short. ~ menzil a short distance.

sähelçe   adj. insignificant, unimportant, negligible. ~ wagt a short while, just a moment.

säher   adv. dawn, daybreak.

sähet   n. luck. sähetli lucky.

sähetli   auspicious.

sähetly   adj. lucky. ~ gün lucky day. in Turkmen culture certain days of the week are unlucky for moving, sewing etc.

sähra   [sähra:] n. steppe, prairie.

sil   [si:l] n. flood, current.

silkmek   v. 1 • to stir.

2 • to shake. Men donumyň syýyny silkip... I shook out the folds of my robe...

3 • to tug (by). biriniň ýeňinden ~ to pull someone by the sleeve.

silkmetelpek   n. shaggy wool hat for men.

sim   [si:m] n. wire.

sintetik   n. synthetic.

siňdirmek   v. to absorb, soak up.

siňek   n. fly. Tomusda ~ köp bolýar. There'll be a lot of flies in the summer.

siňmek   v. 1 • to sink, soak something.

2 • to absorb.

3 • to digest.

sirk   [sirk] n. circus.

sirke   n. 1 • drink.

2 • vinegar.

sistema   [sis'tema] n. system. See: ulgam.

sişenbe   n. Usage: literary Tuesday.

siýmek   v. to urinate, pass water.

siz   pron. you (pl.) siziň of you, your. size to you.

sogan   n. onion.

sogap   [soga:p] n. good deed.

sogurmak   v. to take out, pull out, extract. Kempir iňňäni sogrupdyr. The old lady took the needle out.

sojamak   [so:jamak] v. to sob, weep aloud.

sokmak   v. 1 • to pierce, insert, thrust in.

2 • (re. appliance) plug in.

sokulmak   v. to be crushed.

sol   [so:l] n. left.

solgun   adj. fading.

soltan   [solta:n] n. sultan.

somsa   n. somsa. filled bread cooked in (clay) oven, rather like a pastie or samosa. See: gutap.

soň   conj. after, then. ahyr soňy the last, final. soňunda in the end. soňuny saýmazlyk carelessness.

soňky   adj. latest, last, most recent.

soňky düwürde   lately.

soňlamak   v. to bring to an end.

soňra   conj. after this. soňra-da and then, after all that, still. ol soňra-da işleýärdi he was still working - after all that.

soňrak   later, afterwards, a little late.

sopy   [so:py] n. Sufi?

sorag   [so:rag] n. question.

soramak   [so:ramak] v. to ask.

sormak   [so:rmak] v. to suck.

sosial   n. social. See: maddy.

sowa   n. miss. ~ geçmek to miss.

sowadyjy   n. refrigerator. Usage: abbr

sowal   [sowa:l] n. question.

sowamak   v. to get cold, turn cold. Howa sowady. The weather has turned cold.

sowaşmak   v. to cool down.

sowat   n. reading, literacy, ability to read.

sowatly   n. literate, learned, well-schooled.

sowatlylyk   n.

sowatsyz   adj. illiterate.

sowçy   n. person who arranges the marriage.

sowçy bolmak   v. to propose, to make a marriage proposal.

sowçy gitmek   v. to propose, make a marriage proposal.

sowgat   n. present, gift.

sowhoz   n. Usage: abbr state farm.

sowhozçy   n. farmer who works on a state farm.

sowmak   v. 1 • to spend (money).

2 • to hold (party).

3 • to avoid, turn.

sowuk   adj. 1 • cold.

2 • minus. bäş gradus sowuk minus five degrees.

sowuklamak   v. to have a cold, catch a cold.

sowulmak   v. 1 • to turn. sowul bela! sowul bela! turn away misfortune!

2 • to be spent.

sowurmak   v. 1 • to winnow. Usage: grain

2 • to cast.

soýmak   v. to slaughter, cut an animal's/someone's throat.

sögmek   [sö:gmek] v. to tell someone off, abuse (verbally), scold.

sögünç   [sö:günç] n. offence.

sögünmek   [sö:günmek] v. to be scolded, get told off, be abused (verbally).

sögüşmek   [sö:güşmek] v. to argue heatedly, quarrel. Men hiç kim bilen sögüşmeýärin. I'm not in love with anyone.

söhbet   n. conversation, talk, chat.

sökmek   [sö:kmek] v. 1 • to take apart, disassemble, collapse. sökülýän collapsible.

2 • traverse, cross. köp ýol sökdim I've crossed many roads.

söndürmek   v. to turn off, put out (fire), switch off.

söwda   [söwda:] n. trade, commerce. ~ merkezi shopping centre US (shopping) mall.

söwdagär   [söwda:gär] n. trader, merchant, tradesman, profiteer.

söweş   n. fight, battle.

söweşjeň   adj. warlike, fighting, battle.

söweşmek   v. to fight.

söýenmek   v. to lean on, lean against.

söýgi   n. love.

söýgüli   n. favourite, loved one, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover.

söýmek   v. to love. söýýän gyzy his girlfriend.

söz   n. word. söz bermek to promise.

şorta söz   anecdote.

sözbaşy   preface.

sözlem   n. Usage: grammar sentence.

sözlemek   v. to speak. söz ~ to say a few words.

sözleşmek   v. See: gepleşmek.

sözlük   n. dictionary.

spid   AIDS.

spisok   n. list. See: hasabat; sanaw; topar.

sport   adj. sporting, sports.

sportçy   [sportçy] n. sportsman, sportswoman, athlete. sportsmenler athletes. See: türgen.

sreda   n.

SSSR   n. Usage: abbr USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

stakan   [sta'kan] n. glass.

standart   [stan'dart] n. standard. See: ülňe.

stanok   [sta'nok] n. machine tool, machine; bench.

stansiýa   station. See: menzil.

stipendiýa   n. grant, scholarship. See: talyp haky.

stol   n. table.

stul   n. chair. See: oturgyç.

subutnama   [subu:tna:ma] n. proof.

1 • proof, evidence; demonstration.

2 • document.

2 • fact.

subut etmek   [subu:t etmek] v. to demonstrate, prove.

sud   n. court case, trial.

sudur   shadow, silhouette.

sudýa   [sud'ýa] n. judge. See: kazy.

sugun   n. deer.

sultan   n. lord, king, master.

sumka   ['sumka] n. bag, carrier bag, plastic bag. See: ýanbukja; torba.

sungat   n. art.

supat   n. 1 • appearance, look, face.

Usage: grammar 2 • adjective.

surat   [sura:t] n. picture, photo, image. surata düşmek to have one's photo taken. surat almak to take a photo. surat alýan camera.

suratçy   [sura:tçy] n. artist, portrait artist, portraitist, photographer.

suratkeş   n. portrait artist. See: suratçy.

suratlandyrmak   v. to describe, to refer to.

surnaý   [surna:ý] n. trumpet.

susak   n. ladle, large spoon.

susmak   v. to spoon.

sust   n. heart, spirit. onuň ~y basyldy his face fell.

suw   n. 1 • water. ~ akyş sistemasy running water on tap.

suw ýaly (geplemek)   (speak) fluently.

suw çüwdürümy   fountain.

2 • liquid, sauce, soft drink.

suwarmak   v. to water.

suwasamak   v. to be thirsty.

suwly   adj. wet.

suwsamak   v. to get thirsty.

suwuk   adj. liquid. suwuk zat a liquid.

suwuklyk   n. liquid.

sübse   n. broom, brush.

sülçi   n. detective, investigator.

sülgün   n. pheasant.

süllermek   v. to fade, wither; droop, flag, lose heart.

sümmül   n. Usage: agricultural head (of e.g. wheat).

sünnet   n. 1 • circumcision. sünnet etmek circumcise. sünnet toý celebration after circumcision.

Usage: religious 2 • sunna. traditions concerning the prophet Muhammad and the Koran.

sünnetlemek   v. to circumcise.

sünnüler   n. Sunni.

süňk   n. bone.

süňňi1   body, organism; flesh and blood (i.e. relative). from suenk (bone). öz süňňim my own flesh and blood.

süňňi2   adj. Usage: religious Sunni.

süpürgi   n. broom, brush.

süpürmek   v. to clean, sweep, dust. içerini ~ to clean the inside.

süpürüji   n. cleaner. tam ~ cleaner.

süre   chapter in the Koran. sura.

süren   n. burrow, den, lair. Onýança tazynyň eýesi gelip, sürene tüsse berip, tilkini alýar. At that moment the dog's owner comes and putting smoke into the burrow, gets the fox.

sürgün   n. exile, banishment, deportation. ~ edilen adam a person who has been exiled; deportee.

süri   n. flock.

Usage: birds, animals 1 • flock, herd.

Usage: people 2 • crowd.

sürmek   v. 1 • to drive. sürlen maşyn used car.

2 •  ýer ~ to plough.

sürüji   n. driver, chauffeur.

sütem   n. oppression, abuse. ~ etmek harm, wrong, oppress, abuse.

sütün   n. pillar.

1 • pillar, column.

2 • column.

süýji   adj. 1 • sweet.

2 • tasty.

süýremek   n. to drag, tow. süýräp barmak to drag something along.

süýrenmek   v. to crawl.

süýşmek   v. budge up. Usage: colloq

süýşürmek   v. 1 • to move something.

2 • to push something.

süýt   n. milk.

süýtdeş   adj. Lit: suckling milk from the same [breast] true, real. süýtdeş doganym my true brother/sister (i.e. sibling).

süýthor   [süýth:or] n. money-lender.

~yň göri otda.   A money lender's grave is in hell. Category: prov.

süýthor   [süýth:or] n. money-lender.

~yň göri otda.   A money lender's grave is in hell. Category: prov.

süýthor   [süýth:or] n. money-lender.

~yň göri otda.   A money lender's grave is in hell. Category: prov.

süzgüç   n. 1 • sieve, colander.

2 • filter.

süzme   n. cottage cheese.

süzmek   v. to filter, sieve, strain.

syçan   n. mouse.

syçmak   v. to pass a stool. Ol syçypdyr! She's filled her nappy!

sygdyrmak   v. to make something fit, force something in.

sygmak   v. to fit.

sygynmak   v. to believe, trust in; worship.

sygyr   n. cow (f). sygyr eti beef.

sygyrmak   v. See: sygdyrmak.

syh   1 • point.

2 • skewer.

sykmak   v. 1 • to press, squeeze.

2 • oppress.

sykylyk   [sy:kylyk] n. 1 • whistle. ~ aýtmak to whistle.

2 • golden oriole.

sylag   [sy:lag] n. 1 • honour, respect, esteem. ~ almak to be awarded, to gain an award.

2 • (financial) reward, fee.

sylag-hormat   n. honour and respect.

sylamak   [sy:lamak] v. to respect, esteem, honour.

symyşlamak   v. to use up, run through.

syn   [sy:n] n.

synamak   [sy:namak] v. to test someone or something, to try.

synanmak   [sy:nanmak] v. to try, attempt.

synanyşmak   [sy:nanyşmak] v. to try, attempt, undertake.

synanyşyk   n. attempt.

syndyrmak   [sy:ndyrmak] v. to win, have victory over, destroy, break off, demolish.

synlamak   [sy:nlamak] v. 1 • to consider, examine.

2 • to observe, look at.

synmak   [sy:nmak] v. to be won over, be destroyed, lose.

synp   n. class.

Usage: school 1 • class, form, US grade.

2 • social class.

syn etmek   [sy:n etmek] v. to consider, examine; observe.

sypa   n. platform. a baked mud platform used for sitting on while drinking tea, especially in Sarakhs.

sypalamak   [sy:palamak] v. to stroke, feel, caress.

sypat   n. outward appearance.

sypaýy   [sypa:ýy] adj. polite, civil, tactful.

sypjyrmak   v. to scrape, scratch.

sypmak   v. to slip, slip away, escape. Käse onuň elinden sypdy. The cup slipped out of his hands. Ol jezadan sypdy. He escaped punishment.

syr   n. secret, mystery. ~ açmak to reveal a secret.

syrat   [sy:rat] n. temper. öz syratyňa seretmeli watch your temper.

syrça   n. 1 • enamel. kitriň ~sy gopdy the enamel on the kettle has come off.

Usage: anatomy 2 • enamel. dişiň ~sy tooth enamel.

~ň synýarmy näme?   Lit: Will your enamel break? You'll be OK.

syrdam   [sy:rdam] adj. tall and straight.

syrkaw   n. 1 • sick person.

2 • patient.

syrkawhana   [syrkawha:na] hospital.

syrkawlamak   v. to be sick, be ill, fall ill.

syrma   [sy:rma] n. zipper, (electric) razor, shaver.

syrmak   [sy:rmak] v. to shave. sakgal syrmak to shave off one's beard.

syrt   n. bottom, rear end, posterior.

syrykdyrmak   v. to direct.

syýa   [syýa:] n. ink.

syýagalam   n. pen, ink pen.

syýahat   [syýa:hat] n. voyage, cruise. Usage: by sea

syýahatçy   [syýa:hatçy] n. traveller.

syýasat   [syýa:sat] n. policy.


syýasatçy   [syýa:satçy] n. politician. çepçi ~ a left-wing politician.

syýasy   [syýa:sy] adj. political.

syzdyrmak1   v. to filter, strain.

syzdyrmak2   v. to hint. ýürekden ~ to say something with all one's heart.

syzmak   v. feel, sense, be aware of. ýadawlygyňi syzmazlyk lack of awareness of being tired.