
T - t

tabak   [ta:bak] n. 1 • plate.

2 • tray.

tabletka   [tab'letka] n. pill. See: derman tabletkasy.

tabşyrmak   v. 1 • to order, instruct. Doktor özüniň komekçisine nämedir bir zatlar getirmegi tabşyrdy. The doctor instructed his assistant to go and get some specific items.

Usage: exam 2 • to take, pass.

3 • to hand over, hand in (a paper), return something, give something back, check in. goşy ~ to check in baggage.

tabşyryk   n. order.

tabşyrylmak   to be ordered.

tabyn   [ta:by:n] adj. subordinate, under (the command of). ~ etmek to subjugate, subdue. ~ bolmak to submit.

tabyt   [ta:byt] n. coffin, bier. tabydy götermek to carry a coffin.

tagam   n. 1 • taste. onuň tagamy ýok it doesn't taste of anything.

2 • food. kakam italiýan tagamlaryny gowy görýär my father likes Italian food.

tagamly   adj. delicious, tasty.

tagaşyksyz   adj. uncomfortable.

taglymat   [tagly:ma:t] n. doctrine, systematic teaching.

tagt   n. throne.

tagta   n. 1 • wood, timber.

2 • board. han ~ table. only used in the N and NE of the country.

3 • tagta.

tagzym etmek   [tagzy:m etmek] v. to bow (down), curtsy.

tahýa   n. skull-cap. worn by both men and women.

takat   [ta:kat] adj. endurance, tenacity.

takdyr   [takdy:r] n. divinely predestined (fate).

takmyn   approximately, roughly, about.

takmynan   [takmy:nan] adj. approximate(ly), roughly, about.

taksi   [tak'si] n. taxi. ~ tutmak to hail a taxi.

takwa   [takwa:] adj. sinless, without sin.

takyk   [ta:ky:k] adj. accurate, punctual.

takyklamak   v. to make certain, fix.

takyklyk   [ta:ky:klyk] n. 1 • accuracy, punctuality.

2 • accurate, exact.

takyr   adj. 1 • bald, hairless.

2 • (desert) flat.

talak   divorce (fr. wife to husband).

talamak   [ta:lamak] v. to raid, plunder, loot, ransack.

talaňçy   robber, bandit, raider.

talap   n. demand, requirement, claim. Onuň talaby näme? What's his demand? talap ediji claimant. See: talapkär.

talap etmek   v. to demand, require, claim.

talyp   [ta:ly:p] n. student.

talyp haky   1 • grant, scholarship.

2 • stipend.

tam   [ta:m] n. house. pagsa tam mud-brick house.

Çüş! Tamda gulak bar.   Lit: Sh! The house has ears. Sh! The walls have ears. ~ süpürüji cleaner.

tama   [tama:] adv. hope, desire.

tamam   [tama:m] adj. complete, finished, ended.

tamamlamak   [tama:mlamak] v. to complete, finish.

tamamlanmak   [tama:mlanmak] v. to be completed, be finished, be ended.

tamdyr   n. oven. clay oven used for baking, especially cörek or nan. tamdyr çörek tandoori bread.

tamşanmak   v. 1 • to lick one's chops.

2 • to eat a small amount, take a bite.

tanalmak   v. to be recognised.

tanamak   v. to recognise, be familiar (with), know someone, be acquainted (with). men ony tanamok I don't know him.

tanap   n. rope, cord.

tanatmak   to introduce.

tankydy   adj. critical, critically.

tankyt   [tanky:t] n. criticism. ~ etmek to criticize. edebi ~ literary criticism.

tankytçy   [tanky:tçy] n. critic.

tankytlamak   [tanky:tlamak] v. to criticize.

tans   n. dance. ~ etmek to dance. See: küş.

tanymal   [tany:mal] adj. influential, well-respected.

tanyş   adj. familiar. Men häzirki zaman edebiýaty bilen tanyş däl. I'm not familiar with current literature.

tanyşdyrmak   v. to introduce someone (to someone else). özüň bilen ~ to introduce oneself. See: tanamak.

tanyşlyk   n. acquaintance, friendship. onuň özi tanyşlyk berdi he gave me [the pleasure of] his acquaintance.

tanyşmak   v. to be introduced, get to know (each another), become acquinted (with each other). See: tanamak.

Taňry   n. God of all the sky and earth (a name used by the early Altaic tribes). Asman Taňrynyň mekany The sky is God's dwelling place.

Taňry ýalkasyň!   Thank you very much!

Bile ýalkasyn!   And you too!

tap   [ta:p] adv. condition, feeling.

tapdan düşmek   to faint.

tapawut   [tapa:wut] n. difference. tapawudy ýok there's no difference.

tapawutlandyrmak   [tapa:wutlandyrmak] v. to differentiate.

tapawutlanmak   [tapa:wutlanmak] v. to be different. Olar biri - birinden gaty tapawutlanýarlar. They are very different from each other.

tapawutly   [tapa:wutly] different.

tapçan   [tapça:n] n. platform. for tea drinking and sleeping when the weather is hot.

tapmak   v. to find.

tapowtlandyrmak   v. to differentiate, distinguish between, compare.

tapowtlanmak   v. to differ, be different.

tapylmak   v. to be found. bol(lukda) tapylmak abound.

tapyndy   n. find, discovery.

tarap   n. direction, side. öýe tarap in the direction of home. ol tarapda in that direction. çep tarapda on the left-hand side.

tarapdar   [tarapda:r] n. 1 • partisan, supporter.

2 • ally.

taraplaýyn   adj. biased, sided.

tarapyndan   post. by means of.

tarelka   [ta'relka] n. plate.

tarp   n. virgin (territory); fallow (ground).

taryh   [ta:ry:h] n. history.

taryhy   [ta:ry:y] adj. historical.

taryp   [ta:ry:p] n. praise, thanks, compliment, boast.

taryplamak   [ta:ry:plamak] adv. to praise, complement.

tas   adv. just about, nearly. Emma 125-nji böküş Binn üçin ~iň soňkusy bolupdy. But for Binn, the 125th [parachute] jump was almost his very last.

taslamak   to sketch, draw.

tassyklamak   [tassy:klamak] v. to confirm, acknowledge.

taşlamak   v. 1 • to throw away, leave behind, abandon.

2 • to drop, drop someone off, throw. Men seni öýde taşlap gaýdaryn. I'll drop you off at your house then go home.

taý   [ta:ý] n. 1 • like, similar, equal. şuňa ~ similar to this, like this.

2 • equal, peer.

3 • one of an equal number, one of a pair, couple.

4 • direction, area. ruhy ~dan spiritually, from a spiritual perspective.

5 • load. bir ~ çuwal bugdaý one sack of wheat.

ol taýda   there, that place there.

fiziki taýdan   [fiziki 'taýdan] adj. physically.

taýak   n. 1 • stick.

2 • walking stick.

taýmak   [ta:ýmak] v. to slip, slide. onuň aýagyň taýdy his leg slipped.

taýpa   [ta:ýpa] n. tribe, people group. Teke taýpa içinde köp tire bar the Teke tribe has many clans within it.

taýsyz   [ta:ýsyz] adj. without equal.

taýyn   [ta:ýyn] n. ready, prepared. nahar ~ food's ready.

taýynlanmak   [ta:ýynlanmak] v. to be about to do something, to be prepared to do something.

taýýar   [taýýa:r] adj. 1 • ready, prepared, finished.

2 • fit.

taýýarlamak   [taýýa:rlamak] v. 1 • to prepare, get (something) ready, make (something) ready.

2 • to train.

Usage: food 3 • to cook, to prepare.

taýýarlanmak   [taýýa:rlanmak] v. to prepare oneself, get oneself ready. G. ýola taýýarlanýar G. is getting ready to go.

taýýarlyk   [taýýa:rlyk] n. 1 • preparation, readiness.

Usage: sports 2 • fitness.

tazy   [ta:zy] n. hunting dog.

teatr   n. theatre. Bu gün teatrda näme gidýär? What's on at the theatre today?

tebigat   [tebi:gat] n. nature, the natural world; the environment. Biz tebigaty goramalydyrys. We've got to protect the environment.

tebigi   [tebi:gi] adj. natural. Terjime tebigi bolsa, okatdyrýar. If the translation is natural, it makes you want to read it. ~ gaz natural gas.

tebip   [tebi:p] n. herbalist, traditional (folk) doctor.

tegelek   adj. circular. ~ stol circular table.

tegmil   n. spot, stain, blotch, blot.

tegmilt   n. spot, stain, blotch, blot.

tehnika   ['tehnika] n. technology.

adj. technical.

tehniki   adj. technological. ~ institut technological institute.

tejribe   n. 1 • experience.

2 • experiment.

tejribeli   adj. 1 • experienced. tejribe etmek conduct an experiment.

2 • experimental.

teke   n. male goat; billy goat.

Teke   n. Teke. Category: geogr. name of one of the Turkmen tribes. ~ halysy Teke carpet. Category: tribe.

tekepbir   [tekepbi:r] adj. haughty, haughtily, proud, proudly, arrogant, arrogantly.

tekepbirlik   [tekepbi:rlik] n. pride, arrogance.

tekiz   [teki:z] adj. horizontal, even, smooth.

tekje   n. shelf. kitap ~si bookcase, book shelf.

teklip   [tekli:p] n. suggestion, offer. ~ etmek to make a suggestion, to offer.

tekst   n. text.

telefon   [tele'fon] n. telephone, phone. ~ arkaly by phone.

telegramma   [tele'gramma] n. telegram.

telek   adj. wrong, mistaken.

telekeçi   n. entrepreneur.

1 • entrepreneur.

2 • innovator.

telekeçilik   commerce, trade.

telewizor   [tele'wizor] n. television (set), T.V.

telim   adv. several, a few.

telpek   n. (Turkmen) sheepskin hat.

tema   n. subject, topic, theme, issue. See: mowzuk.

temençe   n. pin.

temmi   [temmi:] n. to correct, carry out discipline, punish. temmi almak to be punished. temmi bermek to punish someone.

temperatura   [tempera'tura] n. temperature.

ten   n. body. onuň teni sowuk his body's cold.

teneçir   dragonfly.

tengin   n. heat rash.

tentek   adj. silly, stupid, daft, idiotic.

teňňe1   n. 1 • (silver) coin.

2 • one hundredth of a manat; penny, cent.

teňňe2   n. scales (of a fish).

ter   adj. fresh.

terbiýe   n. training , upbringing, education; discipline, correction. ~ bermek to train, bring up, teach; to correct.

terbiýelemek   v. to train, teach, bring up well.

terbiýelenmek   to be brought up.

terbiýeli   adj. well-bred.

terezi   n. balance, weighing scales.

terjime   n. translation, interpretation.

terjimeçi   n. translator, interpreter.

terjimehal   [terjimeha:l] n. biography, auto-biography.

terjime etmek   v. to translate, interpret.

terk etmek   v. to abandon, leave, desert, forsake.

ters   adv. the wrong way round. sen sagady ters dakdyň you've set your watch upside down.

tersleşmek   n. to contradict each other.

tertip   [terti:p] n. discipline, order. tertibe salmak tidy up, put in order.

tertibe çagyrmak   [terti:be çagyrmak] v. to discipline.

tertip-düzgün   [terti:p-düzgün] n. discipline.

tertipli   [terti:pli] n. disciplined, orderly.

tertipsiz   adj. chaotic, lacking discipline, lacking order.

terz   mood.

tesbi   n. prayer beads.

teselli   n. comfort, relief, resolution, satisfaction.

teswirlemek   to describe, give an account.

teý   1 • foundation.

2 • at all.

teýene   n. reproach, rebuke.

tez   n. wild, savage.

tezek   n. dung, cow dung, manure.

   particle. until. used for emphasis, is redundant in all examples below. ertirden tä agşama çenli from morning right up to evening. tä men gelýänçäm garaş wait for me until the moment I come back.

täç   n. crown, birth mark. nartäç pomegranate(-coloured) crown (i.e. birth mark). girls are named this if they have a birth mark, to make sure that it disappears when they grow up.

Täjigistan   [Täžigista:n] n. Tajikistan. Category: geogr, country.

täjik   n. Tajik. Category: geogr. men ~ I am a Tajik. ~ adam a Tajik man. Category: language.

täjir   merchant.

täk   n. odd (number), not a pair.

tälim   n. training; instruction, teaching.

tämiz   [tämi:z] adj. clean, fresh, clear, accurate.

1 • pure, clean.

2 • fresh, clean. ~ howa fresh air.

3 • clear.

4 • neat.

tämizlenmek   v. to be cleansed, be purified.

tär   [tär] n. method, means.

täret   n. 1 • ablutions. täret kylmak to perform ritual ablutions.

2 • faeces.

täsin   [täsi:n] adj. strange, astonishing, surprising.

täsin galmak   

täsinlik   strangeness.

täsir   [täsi:r] n. influence, affect. ~ galdyrmak to have an effect on.

täsir etmek   [täsi:r etmek] v. to affect, influence, to have influence over. täsirli effective.

täze   adj. new.

täzeden   adj. again, anew.

täzelik   n. news.

täzelikde   adv. 1 • newly.

2 • lately, recently.

tigir   n. 1 • wheel.

2 • tyre. ~ ýaryldy. The tyre got a puncture.

3 • bicycle.

tigirlik   n. circle.

tigr1   wheel.

tigr2   tiger.

tikeç   n. circular marks in bread.

tiken   n. thorn.

tikenekli   adj. thorny.

tikenli   adj. thorny.

tikin   stitch; sewing.

tikinçi   n. seamstress, dress-maker, tailor.

tikmek   v. to embroider, sew.

til   n. telephone, telegraph.

tilki   n. fox.

tilsim   n. secret.


tire   [ti:re] n. clan, tribe. Teke taýpa içinde köp tire bar the Teke tribe has many clans within it.

tiredeş   fellow tribesperson, person fro mthe same tribe.

tire-taýpa   n. tribe.

tirkemek   v. to hook on, couple, hitch.

tirkeşik   sequence.

tirkeşmek   v. to be together, go together. Ol ikisi bile ~ gitdiler. The two of them walked on together.

tirpildemek   to tremble.

tirsek   n. elbow.

tirýek   n. opium.

tirýekkeç   opium addict.

tisginmek   v. 1 • to start, jump with surprise, give a start.

2 • to shudder, wince, flinch.

titremek   v. quake. ýer ~ to have an earthquake.

tiz   [ti:z] adv. suddenly, quickly. tiz kömek maşyny ambulance.

tizara   [ti:za:ra] adv. quickly.

tizlik   [ti:zlik] n. speed.

toba   [to:ba] n. repentance. ~ etmek to repent, regret, be sorry.

togalak   adj. spherical, fat, round.

togalamak   v. to roll up, roll something.

togalanmak   v. to roll. top köçä tarap togalanyp gitdi the ball rolled into the street.

togsan   num. ninety.

togtamak   v. to be stopped.

togtatmak   v. to stop.

tohum   n. seed.

tohum-tiç   n. relatives.

tok   [to:k] n. electricity. tok öçdi the electricity has gone off.

tokaý   n. wood, forest.

tokly   n. yearling ?

tokmak   n. sledge-hammer, hammer, mallet.

tolgundyrmak   to worry.

tolgunmak   v. 1 • to be excited, worried.

2 • to be nervous.

3 • to feel concern for, be concerned about.

tolkun   n. wave.

tolkun atmak   v. to roll (re. sea), [sea] billows roll.

tom   n. volume. Eseriň dört tomy bar. There are four volumes in his work.

tomaşa   n. amusement, show.

tomaşaçy   n. viewer, spectator.

tomat   [to'mat] n. 1 • tomato.

2 • tomato purée. Usage: Brit

3 • tomato paste. Usage: Amer

tomus   n. summer.

tonna   ['tonna] n. a metric ton (1000 kilograms).

tonnel   n. tunnel.

top   n. 1 • ball.

2 • projectile, shell.

3 • gun, artillery.

topar   n. 1 • team, group.

2 • list. at toparlary list of names.

topbak   n. 1 • pile, heap, mass. ajy burçuň bir topbagysy näçeden? how much does one pile of chillies cost?

2 • crowd.

toplamak   v. to gather (things) together.

toplanmak   v. to gather, assemble.

toplum   n. 1 • group.

2 • anthology, collection. Magtymgulynyň eserleri toplumy Magtymguly's collected works.

3 • complex, set.

toprak   n. 1 • soil, earth.

2 • land, country, earth. ene toprak mother earth.

topuk   n. ankle.

topulmak   v. 1 • to jump into, to throw oneself into.

2 • to attack someone. Kabyl Habylyň üstünde topuldy Cain attacked Abel.

tor   n. net.

torba   [to:rba] n. 1 • pipe.

2 • bag, sack. for putting reins, horse-blanket, etc. into.

3 • nosebag.

tormoz   ['tormoz] n. brake. ~ bermek to brake, put on the brake. ruçnoý ~y handbrake. See: aýak.

tort   n. cake, gateau.

toslamak   to think up, make up.

toslanmak   v. to be thought up.

toşap   [toşa:p] n. syrup, treacle.

toty   [to:ty] n. parrot.

tow   conflict.

towakga   request.

towky   misfortune.

towlamak   v. to twist, turn; tighten.

boýun ~   to reject.

towlanmak   v. to twist, turn, revolve.

towşan   n. rabbit.

towuk   n. chicken, hen. hindi towugi turkey.

toý   n. wedding-feast, wedding (party), wedding (reception), celebration. durmuş toý wedding-feast, wedding reception.

toýçy   at a toý. guest.

toýlamak   v. to celebrate. Toý toýlasyn! May the celebrations be wonderful!

toýnak   n. hoof.

toz   [to:z] n. dust.

tozan   n. dust.

tot-tozan   thick dust.

tozmak   to be worn out; to be bankrupt.

töhmet   n. slander.

töleg   n. charge.

1 • charge, fee, bill.

2 • reward.

tölegli   something you pay for.

tölegsiz   adj.

tölemek   v. to pay.

töňňe   n. Usage: tree stump.

tör   [tö:r] n. place of honour. usually the furthest corner of the room, away from the door. Töre geçiň! Please move to the place of honour! the most important guests sit in the tör.

töre   n. courtiers.

tötänden   adv. by accident, by chance, accidentally.

tötänlik   adv. accidentally, unexpectedly.

töwekgelçilik   risk.

töwella   n. warn. töwella etmek to warn; advise.

töwerek   post. approximately, about, around, roughly.

töwerek daşy   adj. all around. Meret töwerek daşyny çagyryp toý etdi. Meret gave a wedding-feast and invited everyone.

töwir   prayer said at end of meal. grace.

Töwrat   n. Usage: religious the Pentateuch (book of Moses) and historical books of the Old Testament; the Torah and the Prophets in the Hebrew Bible.

töwwir   [töwwi:r] n. grace.

töwwir galdyrmak   to say grace, give thanks. Turkmen give thanks for the food after the meal.

traktor   ['traktor] n. tractor.

trolleýbus   [trol'leýbus] n. trolleybus.


tudana   [tu:dana] n.

tug   [tu:g] n. flag, banner.

tukat   [tu:kat] n. sad.

tukatlyk   [tu:katlyk] adj. sadness.

tulum   n. wineskin, water-skin.

~ ýaly çişmek   to puff up (eg out of anger) (like a wineskin).

tumşuk   n. chin.

tupan   [tupa:n] n. 1 • hurricane, tornado; flood.

Usage: Amer colloq 2 • twister.

turba   n. 1 • pipe.

2 • chimney, funnel.

turist   [tu'rist] n. tourist. See: jahankeşde.

turizm   [tu'rizm] n. tourism. See: jahankeşdelik.

turmak   v. 1 • to stand up, rise. Ýaşuly ýerinden turdy. The older man got up from his place. Turuň! Stand up! See: durmak.

2 • get up; wake up. Turuň! It's time to get up!

3 • to get up to go. Turduňmy? Are you leaving?

4 • to start, arise, get up. Ýel turdy. A wind has got up.

göwünden turmak   to satisfy one's/someone's desires.

turp   n. radish.

turşy   adj. sour.

turuwbaşdan   from the beginning.

turuzmak   v. 1 • to wake someone (up), waken. Lit: make someone stand up

2 • to stir up. Ýigrenç uruşlar turuzýandyr. Hatred stirs up strife.

tussag   n. prisoner. tussag etmek to put in prison.

tussaghana   [tussagha:na] n. dungeon, prison.

tutalga   adv. 1 • handle. Lit: thing you hold onto

2 • argument, reason. See: tutawaç.

tutanýerli   adj. persistent.

tutanýerlilik   perseverance.

tutaryk   [tuta:ryk] n. argument, reason.

tutaşdyrmak   v. to kindle.

tutaşmak   to flare up.

ýüregiň tutaşmak   to get hot and bothered ??

tutawaç   [tutawa:ç] n. handle. See: tutalga.

tutluşmak   v. to wrestle.

tutmak   v. 1 • to catch, grab, touch. at tutyp şagyrmak to call someone's name and invite. göz öňünde tutulmak be considered.

2 • to call.

~ tutmak   to be surprised.

tutulmak   v. to be caught.

tutum   n. preparations.

tutuş   n. whole, all of.

tutuşlyk   n. all (of it).

tuty   n. curtain, dividing curtain. Traditionally hung in a yurt to provide privacy between members of an extended family.

tükeniksiz   n. unlimited.

tükenmek   v. to be expended, consumed, used (up), to run out. Meşkindäki suw tükendi. The water in the leather bag ran out.

tüm   darkness.

tümlük   n. darkness.

tümmek   hill, mound.

tüpeň   n. gun, rifle.

türgen   adj. skilled. ~ etmek to train.

n. athlete.

türgenleşdirmek   v. to train.

türgenleşik   v. practice, training.

türk   adj. Turkish. türk dili Turkish (language).

türkçe   n. in Turkish, Turkish.

türki   n. turkic. türki dil Turkic language.

Türkiýe   n. Turkey.

türkmen   n. Turkmen. Category: geogr. Men ~ I am a Turkmen. ~ dili Turkmen, the Turkmen language. Category: language.

Türkmenbaşy   n. 1 • head of the Turkmen. halk, watan, Türkmenbaşy! people, home country, head of the the Turkmen!

2 • January.

türkmençe   n. Turkmen. ol arassa Türkmençe gepledi he spoke Turkmen with a good accent.

türkmençilik   n. Turkmen traditions. Türkmençilikde myhmany duz-çörek bilen garşy almaly it is a Turkmen tradition to meet people with bread and salt.

Türkmenistan   [Türkmenista:n] n. Turkmenistan. Category: geogr, country.

türküstan   Turkestan. Category: geogr.

türme   n. prison, jail, gaol. See: tussaghana; zyndan.

tüsse   n. smoke.

tüsselemek   v. to smoke.

tüweleme   n. well done. Lit: may it not touch [curse] you Connected with belief in the evil eye.

tüweleý   n. 1 • whirlwind, tornado.

Usage: Amer colloq 2 • twister.

tüwi   n. 1 • rice.

Usage: dial 2 • pilau, pilaff, pilaw.

tüý   n. hair, fur.

tüýdük   n. wind instrument.

tüýkürmek   v. to spit.

tüýlek   adj. hairy, mossy.

tüýnük   n. 1 • roof (of yurt), house. bir tüýnügiň aşagynda ýaşaýarlar they live under one roof (i.e. in one house).

2 • hole in the roof. top part of the roof of a yurt, the part that opens to let smoke out.

tüýs   n. face.

tyg   [ty:g] n. blade.

tygşytlamak   [tygşy:tlamak] v. to economise, save, use sparingly.

tygşytlanmak   [tygşy:tlanmak] v. to be economical, be economised.

tygşytly   [tygşy:tly] adj. economical, careful.

tylla   [tylla:] n. Usage: literary gold.

tymsal   [tymsa:l] n. 1 • hint.

2 • parable.

3 • proverb. Atalaryň tymsaly: "It üýrer, kerwen geçer." A father's proverb goes, "When the dog barks, a caravan is coming through."

typançak   [ty:pançak] adj. slippery. buz ~ icy.

typmak   [ty:pmak] v. to slip, slide.