
P - p

paç   [pa:ç] n. Usage: fee duty, customs; tribute. gümrükhana pajy customs duty. ~ tölemek to pay duty.

paçak   n. 1 • rind, skin. gawun paçagy melon rind.

2 • peel. apelsin paçagy orange peel.

paçja   n. dung, excrement, droppings, manure.

paglamak   v. to gush out, pour. paglap gitmek to gush out. ýaradan gan paglap gitdi blood gushed out from the wound. onuň gözlerinden ýaş paglady tears gushed from her eyes.

pagta   n. cotton. inçe süýümli ~ fine cotton. ~ arassalaýjy zawod cotton-cleaning plant. ~ arassalaýjy maşyn cotton-gin. ~ tohumy cotton-seed. ~ ekmek to sow cotton. ~ ýygmak to pick cotton.

pagtaçy   n. cotton grower.

pagtaçylyk   n. cotton-farming.

pahyr   [pahy:r] n. poor fellow/boy/thing, poor man.

~ bolmak   to die.

pajarlamak   [pa:jarlamak] v. 1 • grow; to grow, sprout, spring up. pajarlap ösmek to sprout, grow to a height.

Usage: fig 2 • to prosper, flourish, thrive. pajarlap ösmek to prosper, flourish, thrive.

pajygaly   [pa:jygaly] adj. hard, difficult; sad, painful, tragic. ~ ýagdaý difficult situation. ~ günler hard days.

paket   [pa'kýet] n. Usage: paper or plastic bag.

pal1   [pa:l] n. divination, fortune-telling. ~ atmak to tell someone's fortune. kart bilen ~ atma card reading. el boýunça ~ atma palmistry.

pal2   [pa:l] n. yawn, (fit of) yawning.

palas   [pala:s] n. rug. a thin patternless carpet or rug.

palata   n. 1 • palace. Usage: arch

Usage: hospital 2 • ward. keselhana ~sy ward, hospital ward.

Usage: political 3 • House, Chamber. Söwda ~sy Chamber of Commerce. Obşinalar ~sy House of Commons. Lordlar ~sy House of Lords.

Usage: firm, company 4 • house. kitap ~sy book shop.

palaw   n. Pilaf.

palçyk   n. 1 • mud. ~ bolmak to be/become muddy. Daşary ~ It is muddy outside. Meniň balagym ~ bolupdyr. My trousers are muddy.

Usage: pottery, bricks 2 • clay. gaty (goýy) ~ thick clay. ~ etmek to mix clay.

palestin   [pales'tin] Palestine. Category: geogr.

pallamak   [pa:llamak] v. to yawn.

palman   [pa:lma:n] n. medium. See: palçy.

palow   n. pilau, pilaff, pilaw. ~ bişirmek to cook pilau.

palta   n. axe. ~ sapy axe-handle. ~ bilen çapmak to chop with an axe.

biriniň aýagyndan ~ salmak   Lit: to chop someone in the legs to kill.

palto   [pal'to] n. Usage: knee-length winter coat coat. ~ geýmek to put on a coat. Category: clothing.

pamyk   [pa:myk] n. cotton wool, wadding.

~ ýaly   soft.

panus   [pa:nus] n. lantern, lamp.

pany   [pa:ny] adj. mortal. ~ dünýä mortal world.

papak   n. cap. papagyň gaşy cap peak. ~ geýmek to put on a cap. papagyňy çykarmak to put off a cap. Beýleki çopanlaryň tiken papak, şlýapa, kepka, silindr..... The great shepherd's thorn cap, sun hat, cap, ? ...

para1   [pa:ra] n. bribe. ~ bermek to give a bribe. ~ almak to take a bribe.

para2   [pa:ra] n. piece, part (of).

aýyň parasy ýaly gyz   Lit: a girl as beautiful as a part of the moon a girl as beautiful as a rose.

parabolik   adj. Usage: mathematics parabolic. ~ antena satellite dish.

parahat   [para:hat] adj. 1 • peaceful (absence of war). ~ söýüji ýurtlar peaceful countries. ~ ýaşamak to live in peace.

2 • calm, peaceful. Suw ~ akýar. The water flows calmly.

3 • quiet. ~ adam quiet person.

parahatçylyk   [para:hatçylyk] n. 1 • peace (absence of war). parahatçylygyň tarapdarlary peace campaigner.

2 • calm, peace. ~ söýüjilik peaceable disposition.

3 • quiet, peace.

parahatlyk   [para:hatlyk] n. 1 • peace (absence of war).

2 • calm, peace.

3 • quiet, peaceful. Daş-töwerek parahatlyk. It is quiet all around.

parahor   [pa:raho:r] n. bribe-taker, extortioner.

parahorlyk   [pa:raho:rlyk] n. bribery, corruption.

paralamak   [pa:ralamak] v. to tear to pieces. Molla gylçynyň baldyryny paralady we mandala balagyny ýyrtdy. The Mullah hacked the calf leg up with his sword and tore the trouser fabric.

bagryňy paralap aýtmak   to tell something with all one's heart.

para-peşgeş   [pa:ra-peşgeş]  See: para1.

parasat   [parasa:t] n. wisdom; wise, intelligent, judicious, sensible, prudent. ~ adam wise man.

parasatly   [parasa:tly] adj. wise, intelligent, judicious, sensible, prudent. ~ bolmak to be wise/prudent.

parça1   n. 1 • piece. kagyz ~sy piece of paper.

2 • extract. romandan bir ~ extract from a novel.

parça2   n. material, fabric, cloth. ýüpek ~ silk cloth.

parçalamak   v. to shred, tear to pieces. Möjekler goýny parçalapdyr. The wolves tore the sheep to pieces. matany ~ to shred a cloth.

ýürek ~   to cut to the core.

parçalanmak   v. to be shredded, be torn to pieces.

parh   n. difference. ~y ýok. It makes no difference. Maňa ~y ýok. I don't mind (either way). Onyň ~yna däl. It makes no difference to him. ~y näme? What is the difference?

park1   n. 1 • car park. maşyn ~y car park.

Usage: public transport 2 • depot. tramwaý ~y tram depot. aftopark bus depot.

park2   n. park. şäher ~y city park. ~da gezmek to walk in the park. See: seýil bag; seýilgäh.

park3   n. bang. ~ etmek to bang.

parohod   [para'hod] n. steamer. ýolagçylar ~y passenger ship, liner. ~ gatnawy steamer service. ~ bilen gitmek to go by ship. See: gämi.

parryldamak   v. to snore; to make a loud noise; to snort (about horses).

parryldy   n. 1 • snore; loud noise.

2 • snort, sniff.

pars   n. Persian, Iranian. ~ dili Farsi. Category: language.

1 • Iranian. ~ dili Farsi.

Usage: arch 2 • Persian. ~ dili Iranian (language).

partlamak   v. to blow up, explode, pop. bomba partlady the bomb exploded. köpabl partlady the ship blew up.

parz   n. 1 • obligatory religious order for Muslims.

Usage: fig 2 • duty, responsibility. Bu işi etmek meniň üçin ~ It is my duty to do this work. I am obliged to do this work.

Usage: religious duty for Muslims 1 • farz. ... iýip-içiň, soňra agyz beklemek ~yňyzy ediň. ... eat and drink and then fulfill your fasting farz.

2 • duty, responsibility. Öý eýesiniň berenini iýip-içmek myhmana üçin ~dyr. It is the responsibility of the owner of the house to provide food and drink for the guest.

pasha   ['pasha] n. 1 • Easter. Usage: religious, Christian ~ günleri days surrounding Easter.

Usage: religious, Jewish 2 • Passover.

pasport   ['pasport] n. passport. ~ stoly passport office. awtomobiliň ~y vehicle license. ~ almak to get a passport. ~lary barlamak to check passports.

Usage: person 1 • passport. ~ stoly passport office. ~ almak to get a passport. ~lary barlamak to check passports.

2 • registration document. awtomobiliň ~y car registration document.

pasta   ['pasta] n. paste. diş arassalanýan ~ tooth paste.

pasyl   n. season, time (of the year). ýaz pasly spring, spring time. ýyl ~lary seasons.

pasyrdamak   v. 1 • to flap, flap wings. guş pasyrdap uçdy the bird has flown flapping its wings.

2 • to stream, fly, flutter. baýdaklar pasyrdaýar banners stream/flap. pasyrdaýan baýdaklar streaming banners.

paş   [pa:ş] adv. exposure. paş etmek to expose, disclose, denounce, unmark, reveal, make public. paş bolmak to be exposed, be denounced, be revealed, be discovered, be unmarked, come to light. onuň syry paş boldy his secret was revealed/exposed. dildüwşik paş boldy a plot was discovered/revealed.

paşmak1   v. to be lucky. onuňky paşdy he was lucky. meniňki paşmady I have no luck.

paşmak2   n. shoe, boot. täze ~ new shoe.

pata   [pa:ta:] n. 1 • blessing. usually from a Muslim saint, spiritual craftsman or master craftsman. ~ bermek to bless, give one's blessing (to). Şondan soň Görögly Aşyk Aýdyň pirden ~ almaga barýar. Then Goeroelgi Ashik Aydyn went to receive blessings from the pir. ~ almak to be blessed by. ak ~ blessing. ak ~ bermek to bless, pronounce a blessing over.

Usage: religious 2 • funeral banquet. respect paid on the 3rd, 7th, 40th day after the death and after a year. ~ gitmek to go to the funeral banquet.

patlatmak   v. to bang, hit, strike, knock, give a knock. stoly ýumrugyň bilen patladyp urmak to bang one's fist on the table, pound the table.

paty-puty   n. belongings, goods and chattels, (one's) things. ~ňy ýygnaşdyrmak to get one's things together, pack up. ähli ~ň bilen with one's bag and baggage.

patyşa   [pa:tyşa:] n. king, shah. patyşa aýal queen; king's wife. patyşa gyz princess; king's daughter.

patyşalyk   [pa:tyşa:lyk] n. kingdom, reign, realm. ~ etmek to reign.

paý   [pa:ý] n. 1 • share, portion. Ynha bu seniň ~yň. Here is your share.

2 • part. 1980-nji ýyldan soňra Jeza Kanununuň 163-njy maddasyndan Iýegowa Şaýatlary hem paýyny alar. According to Law on punishments no. 163 , the Jehovah's Witnesses will also still take part from 1980 onwards.

paýçy   [pa:ýçy] n. shareholder.

paýdaş   [pa:ýdaş] n. shareholder.

paýhas   n. 1 • sobriety.

2 • intellect, reason. ~ bilen reasonably. ~ bilen gürlemek to speak reasonably.

3 • mind.

1 • sense, wisdom. ~ bilen sensibly. Myrat Nepes aganyň alçaklygyny, ~ bilen berýän maslahatlaryny halasa-da... Your brother Myrad Nepes' social skills, saved by sensibly accepting this advice of... ~ bilen gürlemek to speak sensibly.

2 • intellect, mind. ...gezeginde adamyň ~ güýjünden üstün gelen tehnika güýji ylmy hikmeti doly basdy. ...technical strength, which in turn overcame human intellectual power, strongly supressed philosophy.

paýhasly   adj. wise, reasoned; reasonable, sober-minded, sensible. paýhasly bolmak to be sober, to be sensible. Adamzadyň paýhasly ýaşaýşy onuň alyhezretleri Kitaby - Sözi keramatlaşdyryp bilen zamanyndan başlanýar. ?? ~ çemeleşmek to approach something reasonably.

paýhynlamak   v. 1 • to trample down, to damage. mallar ekinleri paýhynlapdyr the cattle damaged the crops.

Usage: fig 2 • to destroy, wipe out, annihilate.

paýlamak   [pa:ýlamak] v. 1 • to share, divide (up). iki ~ to halve, go halves. deň ~ to divide into equal parts.

Usage: mathematics 2 • to divide. ýigrimini bäşe ~ to divide twenty by five.

Usage: cards 3 • to deal. Kim paýlamaly? Whose deal is it?

paýlaşmak   [pa:ýlaşmak] v. 1 • to share (out), divide (up). Olar almany deň paýlaşyp iýdiler. They are dividing the apple up equally to eat it.

2 • to help somebody to distribute, help somebody to dispense; help somebody to divide. gazýetleri ~ to help somebody to distribute the newspapers. See: paýlamak.

paýsyk   n. physically handicapped.

paýtagt   [pa:ýtagt] n. capital. ~ şäher capital city, metropolis. Aşgabat Türkmenistanyň paýtagty. Ashgabat is the capital of Turkmenistan.

paýtun   [paýtu:n] n. phaeton.

peç   n. oven, stove. elektrik ~i electric stove. maşynyň ~i heater. demir ~ iron stove. domna ~i furnace.

peçat1   [pe'çat] n. typing, publishing, printing. ~ etmek to type, print. ~dan çykmak to be published come out. See: çap.

1 • typing. ~ etmek to type.

2 • publishing, printing. ~ etmek to print (out). ~dan çykmak to be published. See: çap.

peçat2   [pe'çat] n. 1 • stamp. Usage: ink ~ basmak to put a stamp (on).

2 • seal. ~ basmak to fasten with a seal, fix a seal (to). See: möhür.

pedagog   [peda'gog] n. teacher, pedagogue, educational specialist. See: mugallym.

peder   n. father.

pel   n. 1 • path around field (often raised above irrigated land), boundary path. ~ çekmek to set/fix boundaries.

2 • plot of arable land.

pelek   n. 1 • sky.

Usage: fig 2 • fate, destiny.

~ urmak   to be unlucky; to miscarry, fail, be unsuccessful.

peleň   n. tiger. urkaçy ~ tigress. ~ çagasy tiger cub. ~iň derisi tiger-skin.

pellehana   [pelleha:na] n. Usage: sports finish, finish line. ~ birinji bolup gelmek to finish first.

pelte   n. wick. çyra ~si wick of a lamp, lamp wick.

pena   [pena:] n. 1 • shelter, cover, refuge. ~ bermek give someone shelter, accommodate. ~ tapmak to find/take shelter/refuge, take cover.

2 • patronage, protection. kimdir biriniň penasynda under smb's patronage/protection. ~ bermek to patronize, protect.

penakär   [pena:kär] n. patron, protector, sponsor. ~ bolmak to be a patron/protector.

penalamak   [pena:lamak] v. 1 • to shelter, give shelter/refuge (to).

2 • to protect. Olar uçmahyň ak guşlarydyrlar, seni elmydama penalap ýörerler. They are the white birds of heaven; they will constantly protect you.

penaly   [pena:ly] adj. having a patron/protector, protected.

penje   n. 1 • hand.

2 • paw, pad. aýy ~si bear's paw.

3 • palm, hollow of a hand, cupped hand. penjeläp almak to take a fistful (of), to take a handful (of).

penjä düşmek   to fall into smb's clutches.

penjä salmak   to catch.

penjek   n. jacket, coat. ~ geýmek to put on a jacket.

penjire   n. window. penjiräni açmak to open the window. penjiräni ýapmak to close the window.

penşenbe   n. Usage: literary Thursday. ~ güni on Thursday.

pent   n. advice, admonition, exhortation. ~ etmek to admonish, exhort. ~ almak to follow/take smb's advice.

per1   n. feather, down. ~ ýassyk feather pillow. ~ düşekçe feather bed.

per2   n. propeller. uçaryň ~i propeller of an aircraft.

perde   n. 1 • curtain. sahnanyň ~si curtain of a stage. perdäni goýbermek to drop the curtain. perdäni galdyrmak to raise the curtain. penjirä ~ tutmak to close the curtains. ~ açyldy. The curtain was opened.

Usage: theatre 2 • act. üç ~li pýesa play in three acts.

Usage: stringed instrument 3 • fret. dutaryň ~si fret of a dutar. başga ~den gopmak to sing another tune.

4 • veil. ýüze ~ örtmek to cover one's face with a veil, veil one's face.

5 • mask. Ýöne ahyrsoňy ýaňkynyň ýüzündäki ~si sypyrylýar. But in the end the mask on his face slid off.

Usage: anatomy 6 • membrane, film, coat. gulak ~si eardrum. gyzlyk ~si hymen. öýken ~si pleura.

perdeli   adj. 1 • having a curtain, with a curtain. ~ penjire window with a curtain.

2 • in acts. bäş ~ drama drama in five acts.

pereji   n. Usage: dial Teke Ahal type of women's headscarf.

Pereň    Category: geogr.

n. Europe.

peri   [peri:] n. beauty, beautiful woman.

perişan   [peri:şa:n] adj. sad, dejected, despondent; downcast, upset, disappointed. ~ halda in low spirits, dejected. ~ bolmak to be sad, be despondent/dejected.

perişde   [peri:şde] n. angel.

perman   [perma:n] n. decree, order, edict. patyşanyň permany bilen by the king's decree. ~ çykarmak to issue an order/edict/decree.

perspektiwa   n. prospects, outlook. perspektiwada in prospect, in future. See: geljek.

pert   adv. confidently. ~ jogap bermek to answer with confidence.

perwana   [perwa:na] n. 1 • butterfly. Usage: literary, daytime ~ dek pyrlanmak to hover as a butterfly.

Usage: literary, nocturnal 2 • moth.

~ bolmak   a) to take care (of) b) put one's whole soul (into).

perwaý   [perwa:ý] n. care, trouble, attention. ~ etmezlik not to pay attention.

perwaýsyz   [perwa:ýsyz] adv. carelessly; carelessly, light-heartedly; indifferently, with indifference. ~ garamak to treat something indifferently/with indifference.

perwaýsyzlyk   [perwa:ýsyzlyk] n. carelessness, light-heartedness; indifference. ~ bilen garamak to treat something with indifference. ~ etmek to show one's indifference (to).

perwaz   [perwa:z] 

perýat   [perýa:t] n. 1 • (loud) cry, wail. ~ etmek to cry out, cry from the heart.

2 • complaint, plea. Ol perizat perýadymy aňmazmy? Didn't he realise the beautiful woman's plea?

perzent   n. descendant(s), child(ren). ýalňyz ~ an only child. See: zürýat; çaga.

perzentlik   n. descendants.

pes   adj. 1 • low. ~ ýatagy low shed.

2 • downhill.

3 • little, low, poor. edilen işe ~ hak tölemek to pay a low salary for the work done.

Usage: sound 4 • lower, quieter.

n. down, below. ~den beýige up from below. ~e down, downwards.

~e düşmek   to collapse, decline.

ýeriň pesi bilen   stealthily, in an underhand way, on the quiet/sly.

ýeriň pesi bilen hereket etmek   to act stealthily.

~ göwünli   humble, modest.

peselmek   v. 1 • to fall, go down. Gök ekinleriň bahalary peselýär. The prices on vegetables are going down.

2 • to get worse, take a turn for a worse. Syrkawyň haly peselýär. The patient's health is getting worse.

Usage: wind 3 • to calm down, drop. Şemal peselýär. The wind is dropping.

peseltmek   v. 1 • to lower, reduce, bring down. bahalary ~ to reduce the prices. sesiňi ~ to lower one's voice. gulluk derejesini ~ to demote.

2 • to decrease. Toty guş ganatlaryny giň gerip, badyny peseltdi-de... The parrot spread its wings and decreased its speed...

3 • to worsen, make worse, deteriorate. hilini ~ to worsen the quality. See: peselmek.

pesinden   adv. at least. ~ on adam at least ten person.

peslemek   v. 1 • to descend, go/come down, lose height. pesläp uçmak to fly low.

2 • to decline.

peslik   n. 1 • shortness. onuň boýy ~ edýär he is short.

2 • lowland, depression.

Usage: fig 3 • baseness, meanness. ~ etmek to act meanly, act in a mean way.

pessaýlamak   [pessa:ýlamak] v. 1 • fall, go/come down, descend. uçar barha pessaýlaýar the plane is descending.

2 • to calm down, subside, drop. ýel pessaýlaýar the wind is dropping.

peşehana   [peşeha:na] n. 1 • mosquito net. ~da ýatmak to sleep under a mosquito net.

2 • room kept free from mosquitoes.

peşew   n. Usage: dial urine. ~ etmek to urinate, discharge urine. ~ analizi urinalysis.

peşgeş   adv. for nothing, gratis, free (of charge), reward for a present/gift. ~ bermek to give as a present/gift.

petir   [peti:r] n. unleavened bread. ne hamyr, ne petir neither fish, nor fowl. Category: prov.

~ bezelen ýaly bolmak   to be full of holes.

petle   n. hinge.

petruşka   n. parsley. Category: bot.

peýda   [peýda:] n. 1 • use, benefit, point. ~ görmek to profit from. ~ getirmek to be of benefit (to). ~ ýok. It is useless. Ne peýda? What is the use? Hawa, Igli rast aýdýar, öwünmekden ~ ýok. Yes, Igli is telling the truth; there is no point in boasting about it.

2 • help, assistance. ~ bermek to give help.

peýda bolmak   to appear, come out.

peýdakeş   [peýda:keş] n. second-hand dealer, tradesman, huckster.

peýdalanmak   [peýda:lanmak] v. to use, benefit (from), profit (from/by), make use (of). ähli serişdeleri ~ to use every possible means. tebigy baýlyklary ~ to use natural wealth. elektrik energiýasyndan ~ to use electric energy.

peýdaly   [peýda:ly] adj. useful, helpful, advantageous; profitable, lucrative. ~ iş useful/profitable affair/business. ~ maslahat useful advice. ~ kärhana profitable enterprise.

peýdasyz   [peýda:syz] adj. useless, unvaining, vain; unprofitable, non-lucrative. ~ bolmak to be useless. ~ iş unprofitable business/affair.

peýkam   [peýka:m] n. 1 • arrow.

Usage: dial 2 • blade.

peýlemek   v. to lie in wait.

peýnir   [peýni:r] n. Usage: sheep, goats curds, cheese. ~ etmek to make cheese. ~ taýýarlanýan ýer cheese dairy, creamery.

peýwagtyna   adj. voluntarily, of one's own accord, of one's own free will. ~ gelmek to come of one's own accord.

peýzaž   n. view, scenery, landscape. owadan ~ beautiful landscape.

pähim   n. advice, wisdom, wise sayings, thoughts.

pähimdar   [pähimda:r]  See: pähimli.

pähimli   adj. reasonable, wise, clever, smart, judicious, quick-witted, sharp , bright. ~ bolmak to be wise/reasonable/quick-witted.

pähim-paýhas   wisdom. See: pähim; paýhas. ~ öwrenmek to learn sense, grow wise.

päk   adj. 1 • clean. ~ ýüz clean face.

2 • pure, clean. ...Alla Tagala günälerden ~ eder. ... God will cleanse [that person] from sin.

3 • clear, fresh.

4 • honest, honourable. ~ adam honest man.

5 • devoted (to), faithful (to). ~ dost devoted friend. söýgüsine ~ gyz a girl faithful to her love.

~ ýürekden   in all sincerity.

päki   razor, razor-blade. ~ ýaly ötgür sharp as a razor. ~ bilen syrmak to shave.

päkize   [päki:ze] adj. clean, neat, tidy. ~ geýinmek to dress well.

päklik   [päklik] n. honestness, truthfulness.

päl   n. intention, plan, scheme. pälinden tapdy it serves him right. ~i bozuk adam ill-intentioned person, a man with bad intentions. uly ~li haughty, arrogant, overweening. ~ine görä according to smb's deserts. päliňden gaýtmak to change one's intention to turn over a new leaf. Usage: fig

päliýaman   adj. ill-intentioned. ~ adam ill-intentioned person. Päliýaman adamdan gowy zada garaşma. Don't expect anything from an ill-intentioned person.

pälwan   [pälwa:n] n. wrestler. güýçli ~ strong wrestler.

päsgel   n. 1 • hindrance, obstacle. ~ bermek to hinder (from), prevent (from). söwdada ~ bermek to hamper trade.

Usage: sports 2 • obstacle, hurdle.

päsgelçilik   n. obstacle, hindrance. her hili ~leri ýeňip geçmek to overcome all obstacles and move forward. See: dürli manylarda.

päsgel bermek   v. to interrupt, disturb someone, prevent someone doing something. Sürüji maşyn sürüp barýarka päsgel bermek bolanok. Aşpezhanada nahar bişirip durkam päsgel bermeseler gowy bolýar. Ýol düzgün görkezýan ýol polisiýasyna päsgel bermek gadagan.

pianino   n. piano. ~ çalmak to play the piano.

pida   [pida:] n. 1 • sacrifice. ~ etmek to sacrifice (to), make a sacrifice (to). janyňy ~ etmek to lay down one's life.

2 • victim. ~ bolmak to fall prey (to), fall victim (to).

pikir   n. 1 • thought, idea. ~ etmek to think. Bu zat meniň ~imde-de ýokdy. I didn't even think about it.

~ derýasyna gark bolmak   to be lost in thought. ~e batmak to be in deep thought. ~iňi üýtgetmek to change one's mind. Kelläme bir ~ geldi. It occurred to me. Oňat pikir. It is a good idea.

2 • opinion, point of view. jemgyýetçilik ~i public opinion. meniň pikirimçe in my opinion, to my mind. oňat ~de bolmak to have a high opinion (of). erbet ~de bolmak to have a low opinion (of). öz ~iňi aýtmak to express one's opinion. ~ alyşmak to exchange opinions/views, discuss. ~ alyşma exchange of opinions/views, discussion.

Pikir beriň!   Attention, please!

küý-pikir   n. See: küý; pikir.

pikirdeş   n. like-minded person, person of like mind, person holding the same views.

pikirlenmek   v. to think, reflect, meditate (on), think about, consider. Bu meselede pikirlenmek gerek. This question must be considered. Pikirlenmäge bäş minut wagt berýärin. I give you five minutes for reflection.

pikirli   adj. thoughtful, wise, clever, reasonable. ýiti ~ witty. erbet ~ having a bad intention.

içi ~   reserved.

içi ~ adam   reserved person, unsociable person.

pikirsiz   adj. 1 • light-hearted, carefree, careless. ~ adam carefree person.

2 • rash, thoughtless, hasty. ~ edilen iş rash work. ~ çykarylan karar hasty decision.

pil   n. 1 • elephant. ~ çagasy elephant calf. ~ süňki ivory.

2 •  urkaçy ~ cow.

Usage: chess 3 • pawn. ~i göçmek to move a pawn.

piliň gulagynda uklamak   to be uninformed, in the dark.

peşeden ~ ýasamak   to make a mountain out of a molehill. Category: prov.

pil   [pi:l] n. spade. ~ sapy spade handle. ~ bilen ýer depmek to dig over the ground with a spade.

pilçe   [pi:lçe] n. 1 • small spade.

Usage: anatomy 2 • shoulder-blade. ~ süňki shoulder-blade; the scapula.

pile   [pi:le] n. cocoon. ~ sotrlamak to sort cocoon. ~ sortlaýjylar cocoon sorters. pile arassalamak to clean cocoons (in preparation for making thread). pile saramak

pilmahmyt   n. giant.

pir   [pi:r] n. 1 • pir. high ranking muslim teacher. Aman noşy oňa musulmanlaryň pire, işana ynanyşy ýaly ynanypdy. The ishan trusted the Muslim pirs' healthy appetites as much as his own faith.

2 • patron saint. the guardian of a certain area of life. awçylaryň piri the patron saint of hunters.

pirim   n. 1 • cunning, slyness, guile, craft, swindle, tricks. ~ etmek to use cunning, be cunning/crafty; to swindle.

2 • intrigues, machinations, crafty designs. biriniň garşysyna ~ gurmak to scheme/plot agaist somebody. duşmanyň ~leri the crafty designs of the enemy.

biriniň ~ine düşmek   to fall for the bait.

pirog   n. pie, tart. almaly ~ apple pie/turnover.

pis   [pi:s] adj. 1 • bad, wicked, nasty, ill-natured, ill-tempered; base, mean. ~ adam bad/wicked man. Ýüregi ýaman,päli azan,niýeti erbet,özem deýus adama pis adam diýilýar. Ýaş wagtymyz jigim bilen dawalaşsak sen ‘ýaman pis’ diýip, menden öýkede bolýardy.

Usage: medical 2 • albinism, albino. ~ açmak to suffer from albinism. Biziň goňşymyzyň eline kislota guýulan ýalydy,şoňa eli pisli diýilýardi.

pisint   n. appearance. daş pisindi exterior. daş pisindi boýunça kesgitlemek to judge by appearances. ~ etmezlik not to pay attention (to), not to care.

pislemek   [pi:slemek] v. to dislike, hate, conceive a hatred (for), come to hate. ony hemmeler pisledi all disliked him.

pislik   [pi:slik] n. badness, wickedness; baseness, meanness. ondan her hili ~ çykar one can expect all kinds of dirty tricks from him.

pisse   n. pistachio nut. ~ agajy pistachio tree.

~ dahan   small pretty mouth.

pişe   [pi:şe] n. Usage: colloq work, profession, occupation, business, trade. ~ edinmek to be involved (in), be occupied (with), trade (in). awçylygy ~ edinmek to trade in hunting, be occupied with hunting. ~ etmek to work, be involved (in), be engaged (in). sen näme ~ edýärsiň? what are you engaged in?, what is your business?

pişgelemek   v. to prepare wool for spinning. egirmek üçin ýüň ~ to prepare wool for spinning.

pişijek   n. kitten.

pişik   n. cat. ~ çagasy kitten.

it bilen ~ ýaly bolup ýaşamak   to lead a life like cats-and-dogs.

~ basyşyny etmek   to tiptoe.

~ ýuwnuşyny etmek   to wash oneself somehow or other.

çaga pişigiň güni ýaly ýaşamak   to live like a lord.

pişme   n. pishme. deep-fried dough, rather like a doughnut, eaten on special occasions. ~ bişirmek to cook pishme.

piti   n. saucepan.

pitiwa   [pitiwa:] n. attention. ~ etmezlik not to pay attention (to).

pitne   n. revolt, mutiny, riot, rebellion. ~ turuzmak to raise a revolt/munity, rise in rebellion, revolt.

piwo   ['piwo] n. beer, lager. ~ içmek to drink beer. ~ gaýnadylýan zawod brewery.

plan   n. plan, scheme. bäş ýyllyk ~ five-year plan. sapagyň ~y lesson plan. okuw ~y curriculum. ~ bölümi planning department. ~ düzüji planner. köp ýyllyk ~ a long-term plan. ~ boýunça according to plan. ~y dolmak to fulfil the plan. ~y wagtyndan öň dolmak to complete the plan ahead of time/schedule. ~y artygy bilen dolmak to overfulfil the plan. ~ düzmek to plan, make plans, draw up a plan. See: meýilnama.

planeta   [pla'neta] n. planet. Category: astronomy. ~ sistemasy solar system. uly ~lar major planets. kiçi ~lar minor planets. See: yklym.

planlaşdyrmak   v. to plan, make plans, draw up a plan. işi ~ to plan the work. senagaty ~ to plan industrial development. See: meýilnamalaşdyrmak.

planly   adj. planned, systematic. ~ okulwlar planned lessons. ~ iş planned work. ~ ösüş development on planned lines. ~ işlemek to work according to plan. See: meýilnamaly.

plastik   adj. plastic. ~ sumka plastic bag. ~ jisimler plastics.

~ operasiýa   plastic surgery.

plastinka   n. disk, record, plate. ~ görnüşli lamellar, lamelliform. Usage: music ~ diňlemek to listen to a record.

1 • plate. ~ görnüşli laminate.

Usage: music 2 • record. ~ diňlemek to listen to a record.

Usage: photography 3 • plate.

platforma   [plat'forma] n. platform.

plita   [pli'ta] n. 1 • stove, cooker. gaz ~sy gas stove, cooker.

2 • plate, slab, flag. mramor ~ marble slab. beton ~ concrete slab.

plýaž   n. beach. çägeli ~ sandy beach. ~da bolmak to be on a beach. See: deňiziň boýunda.

plýonka   [pa'lonka] n. 1 • film. ~ düşürmek to photographask.

Usage: audio 2 • tape, cassette. ~ ýazmak to record.

poçta   ['poçta] adj. postal.

1 • post office. See: aragatnaşyk bölümi.

2 • post, US mail. See: aragatnaşyk bükjalar.

poçtalýon   [poçtal'ýon] n. postman, letter-carrier. See: aragatnaşyk işgäri; hat-pet gatnadýan.

podwal   n. basement, vault, cellar. ~da saklamak to store something in the cellar. See: ýerzemin.

podýezd   [pod'ýezd] n. porch, entrance, doorway. ikinji ~ the second entrance. See: girelge.

požarnik   n. fireman. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a fireman. See: ýangyna garşy göreşýan işgär.

pol   n. floor. tagta ~ wooden floor. ~ düşemek to lay a floor.

polat   n. steel. polat-beton aggregate granolithic concrete. ~ guýujy steel founder. ~ erediji steel founder/maker. ~ pyçak steel knife. poslmaýan ~ stainless steel.

poliklinika   [po'liklinika] n. clinic, surgery, out-patients'. The system does not correspond exactly to that in the West. All patients register at a clinic, which is responsible for making sure innoculations are carried out etc. There is, however, no such thing as a general practitioner.

polis   ['polis] n. police.

polisiýa   n. police. See: polis.

politehniki   adj. polytechnic(al). ~ institut polytechnical institute. ~ okuw polytechnical training. ~ bilim polytechnical education.

polkownik   [pol'kownik] n. colonel.

polotense   [polo'tense] n. towel. ~ bilen süpürmek wipe or dry with a towel. See: desmal.

pomidor   [pomi'dor] n. tomato. ~ suwy tomato juice.

porhan   [porha:n] n. shaman. ~ bolmak to be a shaman.

poroşok   [para'şok] n. powder. diş poroşogy tooth-powder.

porsy   adj. stinking. ~ ot fetid herb.

port1   adj. fragile, frail. ~ agaç frail tree.

port2   n. port, habour.

deňiz ~y   Usage: sea port.

derýa ~y   Usage: river port. See: gämi duralgasy.

portfel   n. briefcase, bag.

pos   n. rust. ~ baglamak to become rusty.

posly   adj. rusty. ~ çüý rusty nail.

possun   n. sheepskin coat.

post   n. post. garawullyk ~y sentry post. ~da durmak to be at one's post. ~y taşlap gitmek to desert one's post.

posylka   [pa'sylka] n. package, parcel. ~ ibermek to send/post a parcel.

posýolok   n. village, settlement. işçiler posýology workers settlement. ~da ýaşamak to live in a village. See: şäherçe.

potolok   [pata'lok] n. ceiling. beýik ~ly high-ceilinged. pes ~ly low-ceilinged.

potrat   n. contract. ýeri ~a almak to take a piece of land by a contract. ~ ýerde işlemek to work in the land given/taken by the contract.

potratçy   n. contractor.

potratçylyk   n. contact. ýerleri potratçylyga bermek to give lands by a contract.

powest   n. Usage: lit narrative tale, story. ~ ýazmak to write a story.

pozmak   v. to erase; break, ruin.

pökgi   n. ball. ~ oýnamak to play a ball. ~ zynmak to throw a ball.

pöwhe   adj. empty, hollow, meaningless.

predmet   n. 1 • object, article. uly bolmadyk ~ler small articles. See: zat.

Usage: plural 2 • goods. giňden ulanylýan ~ler consumer goods. See: haryt.

Usage: education 3 • subject, topic. taryh ~i a subject (to study) in history. See: sapak; dersi.

prezident   [prezi'dent] n. president.

prezidentlik   n. position of a president.

prinsip   ['prinsip] n. principle. bir ~e eýermek to follow the priciple (of).

~e gitmek   to do something deliberately/on purpose.

problema   [pro'blema] n. problem. ~ny çözmek to solve a problem. See: kynçylyk.

professor   n. professor.

profsoýuz (professional soýuz)   n. Usage: abbr trade union. ~ ýygnagy trade union meeting.

programma   n. 1 • Brit programme, US program. Usage: TV or radio broadcast

Usage: computer 2 • program, software. hasaplaýjy maşynyň ~sy computer program.

Usage: TV or radio 3 • channel. birinji ~ channel one.

3 • plan, agenda, policy. reformalar ~syny goldamak to support plans for reform. See: maksatnama.

Usage: theatre, concert 4 • listing. tetatrlaryň maý aýy üçin ~lary theatre listing for May.

5 • syllabus, curriculum. okuw ~sy syllabus, curriculum. türkmen dilinden ~ Turkmen syllabus.

prokuratura   [prokura'tura] n. prosecutor's office, Office of Public Prosecutor.

prokuror   [proku'ror] n. prosecutor, public prosecutor, barrister for the prosecution. ~ bolup işlemek to work as a prosecutor.

prosent   [pro'sent] n. per cent, percentage, rate. iki ~ two per cent. plany ýüz ~ ýerine ýetirmek to fulfil the plan 100%. çylşyrymly ~ler compound interest. Usage: mathematics ýönekeý ~ler simple interest. ~ gatnaşygy percentage.

1 • per cent, rate. iki ~ two per cent. plany ýüz ~ ýerine ýetirmek to fulfil the plan by 100%. ~ gatnaşygy percentage.

Usage: finances 2 • interest. çylşyrymly ~ler compound interest. ýönekeý ~ler simple interest. See: göterim.

prostyn   n. sheet, bed-sheet. ak ~

prowokasiýa   [prowo'kasiýa] n. provocation. See: öjükdirme.

proýekt   n. 1 • project, scheme. ~ düzmek to plan, design. See: maksatnama.

Usage: drawing 2 • design. jaýyň ~i design of a building.

psihika   [psi'hika] n. psychology, psyche, state of mind. ~ňa täsir etmek to have an effect on one's mind.

puç   [pu:ç] adj. empty, wasted, hollow.

~ bolmak   to come to naught/nothing.

puja çykarmak   to cause sth. to come to nothing.

pudak   [pu:dak] n. 1 • branch. Category: bot. agajyň ~lary branches of a tree.

2 • branch, field, sphere. ylym pudagy sphere/department/field of knowledge. halk hojalygynyň ~lary branches of the national economy.

pudaklamak   [pu:daklamak] v. 1 • to branch out, ramify. agaç pudaklapdyr a tree has formed branches.

2 •  See: pudamak.

pugta   adj. 1 • durable, hard, solid, firm, strong. ~ mata hard-wearing fabric. ~ ýüp hard rope.

2 • serious, thorough, careful; seriously, thoroughly, carefully. ~ taýýarlyk görmek to prepare thoroughly.

3 •  işine ~ adam Ol agzyna ~, ýeke söz hem aýtmaz.

pugtalandyrmak   v. to strengthen, make strong. See: pugtalanmak. parahatçylygy ~ to consolidate the peace.

pugtalanmak   v. 1 • to be strengthened, be/become consolidated, gain strength.

2 • to be fixed, be firmly established.

pukara   [pukara:] adj. poor, needy. ~ adam poor man.

pul   n. 1 • money.

2 • cash. nagt ~ cash, ready money.

3 • coin. bir kümüş pul one silver coin.

pully   adj. 1 • requiring payment. ~ okuw studies requiring payment. ~ iş paid work.

2 • with money, having money. ~ adam rich man. ~ gapjyk a purse with money.

pulsuz   adj. 1 • free (of charge), gratuitous. ~ okuw free education.

2 • having no money, without money, impecunious. ~ adam poor man.

punkt   n. point, station, post. ahyrky ~ terminal, terminus. ilatly ~ settlement, populated area. daýanç ~y strong point. gözegçilik ~y observation post. gepleşik ~y public (telephone) call-boxes, trunk-call office. ~lar boýunça okamak to read paragraph by paragraph.

pursat   n. moment, time, season, period. agyr ~ hard moment. tiz ~da immediately. ~ tapmak to find time. ~dan peýdalanmak to seize the moment.

1 • moment. tiz ~da immediately. ~dan peýdalanmak to seize the moment.

2 • right moment, convenient time.

3 • season, period. agyr ~ hard moment. ~ tapmak to find time.

puşman   [puşma:n] adj. to make somebody regret/repent. ~ etmek to regret, deplore, repent, be/feel sorry (about). ~ etdirmek ol bu barada öň pikirlenmändigine ~ edýär he wishes he had thought of it before.

putýowka   n. to travel, for travelling. voucher, pass, authorization. sanatoriý üçin ~ voucher used to gain entrance to a sanatorium. 24 günlük ~ a 24-day pass. sürüjiler üçin ýol ~sy schedule of duties.

durmuşa ~   a start in life.

pürepür   adj. overflowing, full. käsäni ~ doldurmak to fill a cup until overflowing.

pürkmek   v. to spray, sprinkle, spatter, splash. suw ~ to splash water.

ajyňy (zäheriňi) ~   to shout at somebody.

pürkülmek   v. to be sprayed, be sprinkled, be spattered, be splashed.

gül pürkülen ýaly   clean.

gül pürkülen ýaly etmek   to clean.

pürs   n. log, beam, timber.

pyçak   n. knife. kütek ~ blunt knife. ýiti ~ sharp knife. Kim çöregi ~ bilen kesse, Allatagala onuň rysgyny kesermiş. Whoever cuts his bread with a knife, God will cut off his fate.

pygamber   [py:gamber] n. Usage: religious prophet.

pygamberlik   [py:gamberlik] n. the profession or position of a prophet.

pygyl   n. intention, purpose, plan.

pylan   [pyla:n] adj. such. ~ adam such a person (indefinite). ~ wagtda such-and-such a time, at that time.

pylança   [pyla:nça] adj. a certain... , several, some. ~ gün several days. pylança adam gelse if a certain number of people come...

pynhan   [pynha:n] adj. secret, covert; secretly. ~ duşuşyk secret meeting. ~ syr secret.

pyntyk   n. bud, leaf-bud. Category: bot.

pyrlamak   v. to spin, turn. tigri ~ to spin the wheel.

pyrlanmak   v. to rotate, revolve, turn. Ýer öz okunyň daşyndan pyrlanýar. The Earth turns on its axis.

pyrtykal   n. Usage: fruit orange.

pyşbaga   [pyşba:ga] n. tortoise.

pyşt   n. Usage: colloq generation. ýedi pyşdyna çenli bilmek to know one's ancestors up to the seventh generation.

pyşyrdamak   v. to whisper. pyşyrdap geplemek tp speak in whispers.

pyşyrdy   n. whisper, whispering.

pytramak   v. 1 • to crumble, break or fall into crumbs or fragments. daş maýda bölekleri pytrady the stone has fallen into crumbs.

2 • to disperse; to dissipate; to clear away. duman pytrady the mist/fog has cleared/lifted. märeke pytady the crowd has dispersed.

pyýada   [pyýa:da] n. 1 • pedestrian. ~ ýoly footpath. ~ ýöremek to walk.

Usage: military2 •  ~ goşun infantry.

3 • foot passenger (on a boat).

4 • man. daýaw ~ strong man.

4 • (chess) pawn. ~ny göçmek to move with a pawn.

pyýala   [pyýa:la] n. drinking bowl. bir ~ çaý a bowl of tea.

pýan   adj. drunk, tipsy. ~ bolmak to be drunk/tipsy. ~ adam drunk man. See: serhoş.