
O - o

o   [o:] interj. Usage: surprise, happiness, etc. oh.

o   pron. that, those. ~ näme üçin? Why is that?

oba   [o:ba] n. village. obada a) in the country, b) in the village. ~ dyrmyşy village life.

adj. rural, agricultural. ~ hojalygy agriculture. ~ hojalykçy agriculturalist.

obadaş   [o:badaş] n. fellow-villager.

obgan   [obga:n] n. Afghan. Category: geogr. Men ~ I am a Afghan. ~ dili Afghan, the Afghan language. Category: language.

Obganystan   [Obga:nysta:n] n. Afghanistan. Category: geogr, country.

odun   [o:dun] n. wood, firewood. ~ skladynda in the woodshed. öl ~ damp wood. ~ aýyrmak to chop/split wood.

odunçy   [o:dunçy] n. wood-cutter.

odur-budur   n. all kinds of things, some things. ol bazardan ~ zat getirdi he has brought all kinds of things from the market. men sen üçinem odur-budur alyb-a bilerdim I could have bought something for you.

ofiser   [ofi'ser] n. officer. ~ler ýygnagy officer's mess. See: serkerde.

oglan   n. 1 • boy, youth, young man. on ýaşly ~ ten-year-old boy.

2 • child. özüňi ~ ýaly alyp barmak to behave as a child.

1 • boy. on ýaşly ~ ten-year-old boy.

Usage: older than 12 years old 2 • youth, teenager.

3 • child. özüňi ~ ýaly alyp barmak to behave as a child.

gyz-oglan   n. children, youth, young people.

oglanlyk   n. childhood. olar ~dan tanyş they know each other from the childhood.

ogry   n. 1 • thief, robber. jübi ogrusy pickpocket. ~ny tutuň! Stop thief!

2 • burglar.

Ogry syrty gowşak.   An uneasy conscience betrays itself.

ogryn   [ogry:n] adj. secret, covert, clandestine. ~ bakyş covert glance. ~ duşuşyk secret meeting. ~ gürrüň secret talk. ~ garamak to watch on the quiet.

ogşamak1   v. to kiss. çagany ~ to kiss a baby. dodagyndan ~ to kiss on the lips. ýaňagyndan ~ to kiss on the cheek.

ogşamak2   v. to be like, look like. Ol kakasyna ogşaýar. He is like his father.

ogşaşmak   v. to kiss each other. See: ogşamak1.

ogşuk   n. young of camel.

ogul   n. 1 • son. Sen kimiň ogly? Whose son are you?

2 • boy. ~ dogurmak to give a birth to a boy.

Usage: term of address 3 • lad, son. Aý ~, hany bir aýak çek! Hey lad, wait up!

ogul-gyz   [ogul-gy:z] n. Usage: plural children, descendents. Onuň ~y ýok. He has no children.

ogullyk   n. adopted child, foster-child. ogullyga almak to adopt.

ogurlamak   v. 1 • to steal. kimdir birinden bir zat ~ to steal something from somebody. çaga ~ to kidnap. ... aýalyň iki palasyny ogurlany üçin tussag edildi. ... he was arrested for having stolen the women's two palas carpets.

2 • to pilfer, pinch.

ogurlanmak   v. 1 • to be stolen. Maşyn ogurlanypdyr! The car has been stolen!

2 • to be pilfered, be pinched.

ogurlyk   n. theft, burglary. ~ bilen meşgullanmak to be a thief. üşak ~ pilferage, petty theft. ~ etmek to steal, commit a theft. ~ zat(lar) stolen good(s).

oguz   n. Oguz. ancesters of Turmken, Seljuks, etc.

Oguz   n. June.

ojak   [o:jak] n. 1 • fireplace, hearth. a dug out fireplace inside a Yurt, or a circular clay construction outside to put the gazan on to keep it above the fire. ~da ot ýakmak to light a fire in the fireplace.

2 • centre, hub, seat. medeniýet ojagy centre of culture, cultural centre. uruş ojagy seat of war.

ojar   n. haloxylon, saxaul. Category: bot. a stunted tree which grows in the desert and is used as firewood for shish kebabs.

ok1   n. 1 • projectile, shell. top ~y ~a tutmak to fire (at, on), centre fire (on), shell.

2 • arrow. ýaý ~y arrow.

~ ýaly   swift as an arrow.

Ol ~ ýaly bolup geçip gitdi.   Lit: He passed by like an arrow from the bow. He passed by in a flash.

~ ýaly göni   straight as an arrow.

Atylan ~ daşdan gaýtmaz.   Lit: A bullet, once fired, won't come back. There's no point locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.

ok2   n. 1 • axis. Ýeriň ~y the equatorial axis axis of the Equator, terrestrial axis. Ýer öz ~unyň daşyndan aýlanýar. The Earth rotates on its axis.

2 • axle, spindle. Category: technical. ~ly haraz bilen bilelikde hem işläp bilýär. It can work together with an axled mill.

okalga   n. reading-hall, reading-room.

okalmak   v. to be read. okalan kitap the book which has been read.

okamak   v. 1 • to read. sesli ~ to read aloud. kitap okamak to read a book. leksiýa ~ to lecture, give/deliver a lecture. doga ~ to say a prayer. Her molla öz bilenini okar. Each mullah prays from his own knowledge. Category: prov.

2 • to study. mekdepde ~ to attend school. uniýersitetde ~ to study at the University.

1 • to read. sesli ~ to read aloud. Gazet okap bilýär. He knows how to read a newspaper,

2 • to study. mekdepde ~ to attend school. uniýersitetde ~ to study at the University.

3 • to recite, say. Category: relig. doga ~ to say a prayer, pray.

4 • to give. Category: speech. leksiýa ~ to lecture, give/deliver a lecture. Her molla öz bilenini okar. Each mullah prays from his own knowledge. Category: prov. alkyş ~ to give thanks for.

okara   n. Usage: wooden bowl, large dish. ~ doly süýt. a bowl full of milk.

okaraňy getir süýt bereýin   ladybird. Category: zool.

okatdyrmak   v. 1 • to arrange tuition for, get someone to teach. Men oglumy okatdyrýaryn. I have got someone to teach my son.

2 • to make someone teach. See: okatmak.

okatmak   v. 1 • to make someone read, make someone study.

2 • to teach. Altyn asyrda (XX1-da) dilleri okatmagy metodlary language teaching methods in the Golden Century. See: okamak.

ok-däri   n. ammunition. ~ sklady ammunition store.

okdurylmak   v. to dash, dart, rush. okdurylyp barmak to take to one's heels, rush away.

okgunly   adv. quick, fast; swift, headlong, impetuous; swiftly, impetuously, quickly. ~ hereket swift movement.

oklamak1   v. to throw, hurl. daş ~ to throw/hurl stones. pökgi ~ to throw a ball.

oklamak2   v. Usage: weapon to load, charge. tüpeňi ~ to load a rifle/gun.

oklaw   n. rolling-pin.

~ ýaly   straight.

oktýabr   n. October. ~ aýy October. ~ aýynda in October. See: Garaşsyzlyk.

okuw   n. 1 • studies. Usage: education ~y gutarmak to complete one's studies. ~ kitaby textbook. ~ ýyly academic year. ~a girmek a) to start school b) to start university. ~ bölümi office of the head of studies. ~ wagty school hours.

Usage: work 2 • training. ~ kitaby manual.

Usage: instruction 3 • classes, lessons. ~dan soň öýe gaýtjak. After classes I'll go home.

okuwçy   n. 1 • student.

Usage: school age 2 • pupil, school child. Okuwçylaryňkymyka? I wonder if it belongs to the school children?

Usage: work 3 • apprentice.

okuwçylyk   n. period spent as a pupil/student; apprenticeship.

okuwly   adj. educated, literate. ~ adam educated person. ~ bolmak to be educated.

okuwsyz   adj. uneducated, illiterate.

okuw-ýazuw   n. reading and writing. ~ öwrenmek to learn to read and write. ~ bilmezlik to be unable to read and write.

okyjy   [oky:jy] n. Usage: person reader.

ok-ýaý   [ok-ýa:ý] n. bow and arrow.

ol1   pron. him, her, it.

1 • he. Ol sakgalyň aldy. He cut his beard.

2 • she. Ol owadan köýnek satyn almaly. She should buy a beautiful dress.

3 • it. Men zemzem gördym. Ol gaty uly boldy. I saw a lizard. It was huge.

ol2   pron. that. ~ jaý that house. ~ ýerde in that place. ~ taýda there. Ondan soň arak içmeli. After that you should drink vodka.

olar   pron. Usage: 3rd person plural they. olaryň of them, their. olara to them.

olja   n. booty, loot, plunder. 50 sany düýä ~ alypdyr. He took as plunder 50 camels.

~sy oňmak   to make a fortune.

omyn   [omy:n] interj. amen. omyn etmek to say grace. See: töwwir galdyrmak.

omzamak   v. to move/push forward/on/further.

on   [o:n] num. ten. ~ adam ten people. ~ sekiz eighteen.

onça   adj. many, much, lots of. ~ puly nähili tapjak? how can you find so much money?

onçakly   adv. very + (neg.) onçakly köp däl not very much. onuň haly bu gün ~ gowy däl he is no better today.

onda   conj. then.

ondan-mundan   pron. 1 • from someone.

2 • about this and that. Olar ~ gürrüň etdiler. They talked about this and that.

3 • from something, somewhere. Elli ~ eşiden sözlerini ýadyna saldy. I rememered the number fifty from somewhere.

ondan soň   conj. afterwards, after that.

onluk   [o:nluk] num. 1 • a ten, a number ten. Usage: as a unit ~ manat a ten manat note, tenner. ~ awtobus a number ten bus.

2 • decimal. Category: mathematics. ~ drob decimal fraction.

onsoň   conj. then, after that, afterwards, later on. ~ ol näme diýdi? What did she say after that?

onunjy   [o:nunjy] num ord. tenth. ~ klas tenth form. ~ May the tenth of May. ~ sahypa page ten. ~ nomer number ten.

ony-muny   this and that.

onýança   [onýa:nça] adj. at that moment, just then. Jaň kakyldy, onýança mugallym klasa girdi. The teacher entered the class at the (precise) moment when the bell rang.

onýyllyk   [o:nýyllyk] n. tenth anniversary. Garaşsyzlygyň onýyllygy the tenth anniversary of Independence.

   adj. successful, happy. işiň oň bolsun! good luck!

oňalmak   v. to improve, become better, take a turn for the better. onuň durmuşyoňalyp başlady his life has begun to imporove.

oňarmak   v. 1 • to repair, mend. radiony ~ to repair a radio.

2 • to cope (with), manage. işiňi gowy ~ to manage/handle one's job well.

özüňi ~   to be able to live by one's own means.

oňat   adj. good, well, fine. ~ howa fine weather. Bu oňat iş. That's a good thing. ~ işlemek to work well. ~ bol! Behave yourself!

oňatlyk   n. 1 • from oňat.

2 • kindness, goodness, good. ondan ~ tama etme no good wil come of him. ~ bilen peacefully, in an amicable/friendly way.

3 • good quality. matanyň oňatlygy good quality of the cloth.

oňaýly   adj. 1 • comfortable, comfortably. ~ oturmak to sit comfortably.

2 • suitable, appropriate. ~ pursat right moment, opportunity. ... ~ täsir edýär. ... It makes a positive impression.

3 • favourable. ~ howa favourable weather.

oňaýsyz   adj. 1 • uncomfortable. ~ kreslo uncomfortable armchair.

2 • inconvenient, unsuitable, wrong; unfavourable. ~ pursat wrong moment.

oňlamak   v. to approve (of), consider something right, accept, agree. men onuň gelen hetijesini oňlaýaryň I agree with the decision that he came to.

il oňlasa atyňy soý   If the people find it right flay your horse. Category: prov.

oňlanmak   v. to be approved, be found/considered right, be agreed, be accepted.

oňly   adj. 1 • good, honest, kind, decent. ~ adam beýle iş etmez good man wil not do such kind of thing.

2 • good, appropriate, worth-while. ol ~ zat getirmändir he didn't bring anything worth-while.

oňmak   v. 1 • to do (without), manage (without), make (without). kömeksiz ~ to do without any help.

2 • to limit (to), restrict (to). ol "hawa" diýdi-de oňaýdy he limited his answer to "yes".

oňşuk   n. 1 • peace, concord, harmony.

2 • living conditions, living wage. oňşugymyz ýagşy we are better off.

oňurga   n. Usage: anatomy vertebra; backbone, spine. ~ süňki vertebral/spinal column. oňurganyň ýazylmagy fracture of the spinal column.

oňuşdyrmak   v. to reconcile (somebody with). See: oňuşmak.

oňuşmak   v. to get (on), agree (with), be on good terms (with). olar oňuşmaýarlar they don't get on, they are at odds.

operasiýa   n. 1 • surgery, operation. Usage: medical ~ etmek to operate, perform an operation. ~ bolmak to have/undergo an operation, to be operated (on).

2 • operation, plan. Öz ~laryny dolandyrmagyň formalaryna we metodlaryna täzeden seretmäge mejbur edýär. It requires a new look at the forms and methods of carrying out its operations.

opurmak   v. to destroy, demolish. Sil köprini opurdy. The flood destroyed the bridge.

orak   n. 1 • scythe. Usage: large, two-handed oragyň sapy scythe handle.

Usage: small, one-handed 2 • hook.

Usage: symbolic 3 • sickle. ~ görnüşli sickle-shaped, crescent(-shaped).

4 • harvesting, reaping. ~ maşyny combine harvester. ~ wagty harvesting season. ~ ormak to reap, cut, mow.

orakçy   n. harvester, reaper.

oramak   v. to wind, wrap (up), muffle (up). ol boýnuna şarf orady he wrapped the scarf around the neck.

oraza   [ora:za] n. Usage: religious fast. ~ tutmak to fast, keep the fast.

Usage: Muslim month 1 • Oraza.

Usage: religious 2 • fast. ~ tutmak to fast, keep a fast. Aşy ýok ~ tutar, işi ýok namaz okar. When there's no food, then fast, when there's no work, then pray.

Muslim month of fasting from sunrise to sunset. 3 • Ramadan. ~ tutmak to fast, keep the fast. Aşy ýok ~ tutar, işi ýok namaz okar. When there's no food, then fast, when there's no work, then pray.

orden   n. order; decoration. ~ bilen sylaglamak to confer a decoration upon someone, award someone a decoration.

organ   [o:rgan] n. organ. gep ~lary speech organs. döwlet ~lary organs of government. jyns ~lary genitals.

organ   [orga:n] n. Usage: music organ.

organizm   n. organism. adam ~i human organism. See: beden.

orkestr   n. 1 • orchestra.

2 • band. halk saz gyrallarynyň ~i folk music band.

ormak   v. 1 • to reap, harvest. Category: agriculture. bugdaý ~ to harvest wheat.

Usage: grass, fodder 2 • to cut, mow. ot ~ to cut grass.

ornaşdyrmak   v. 1 • to fix up, find. Usage: for someone else işe ~ to fix someone up with work, find someone a job.

2 • to put up, accommodate. Biz olary boş otaga ornaşdyryp bilerdik. We could put them up in the spare room.

3 • to locate, settle.

4 • to put, place. birinji sahypa ~ to place on the front page.

5 • to implement, put something into effect. täze plany ~ to put the new plan into effect. See: ornaşmak.

ornaşmak   v. 1 • to find a job, gain employment. Ol demir ýolda koçegar bolup işe ornaşdy. He found a job on the railway as a fireman.

2 • to fit, to go in. Meniň kitaplarym bu şkafa ornaşmaz. My books will not fit into this bookcase.

3 • to be settled, be established. Şeýle hem olar günorta Italaýada ornaşýarlar. In this way they were established in southern Italy.

ornaşykly   adj. comfortably. ~ oturmak to sit comfortably, to find a comfortable seat/place.

ors   n. Russian. Category: geogr. See: rus.

orsça   adv. in Russian. See: rusça.

Orsýet   n. Russia. Category: geogr, language, culture.

orta   n. middle, centre. obanyň ~sy centre of the village. ~ boýly adam a man of medium height. ~ mekdep secondary school. ~ ýaşly middle-aged. ~ hasap bilen on average.

Ýerorta Deňzi   the Mediterranean Sea.

Orta Aziýa   Central Asia.

~ asyr   the Middle ages.


ortasynda   in the middle (of), in the centre (of).

ortasyna   to the centre (of).

ortaça   adj. average, on average; roughly. ~ iş haky average wage, average earnings.

ortaky   adj. middle. ~ gat middle storey. ~ barmak middle finger, third finger.

ortalyk   adj. common, public. ~ mal public property.

ortara   [orta:ra] adj. middle, centre. ortarasy middle/centre of something. jaýyň ortarasy middle of the room. şäheriň ortarasy centre of the city.

Orta Azyýa   [orta a:zyýa] n. Central Asia. Category: geogr, language, country.

orulmak   v. to be cut, be mowed, be reaped, be harvested. ot oruldy the grass was mowed. bugdaý oruldy the wheat was harvested.

orum   n. mowing, harvest.

orun   n. 1 • place. boş ~ vacant place. birinji orny almak to take/win first place. ýatylýan ~ bunk. Usage: train Maldarçylyk oba hojalygynda görnükli ~ tutýar. Cattle-breeding is of great importance in agriculture.

Usage: work 2 • post, appointment, position. ýokary orny eýelemek to hold a high post.

~ doldurgyjy   Usage: grammar adverbial modifier of place.

ornuna   instead of him/her/it.

orunbasar   n. deputy, assistant. dekanyň ~y assistant dean. direktoryň ~y assistant director. minisriň ~y deputy minister.

oruslaşan   adj. Russified.

ot   n. 1 • grass, greenery. haşal ~ weed. ~ basmak to be overgrown with grass. ~ ýygmak to mow, cut the grass.

2 • herb. nahara ~ atmak to garnish with herbs.

3 • fodder, feed. mallara ~ bermek to give fodder to cattle, feed cattle.

ot-elek bolmak   to run around like a headless chicken.

ot   [o:t] n. 1 • flame, fire. ~ ýakmak to light the fire. Usage: fig ~syz tüsse bolmaz There's no smoke without a fire. Category: prov.

Usage: weapon 2 • firing, shooting. ~ açmak to fire (at), shoot (at).

~ almak   1 • to be destroyed by fire.

2 • to burn with rage.

~ gorsamak   to be naughty.

janyna ~ salmak   to make worry, disturb.

iki oduň arasynda galmak   to be between the devil and the deep blue sea. Category: prov.

~ ýakdyrmazlyk   to put under pressure, to not give any rest.

ot   [o:t] n. 1 • flame, fire. ~ ýakmak to light the fire. Usage: fig ~syz tüsse bolmaz There's no smoke without a fire. Category: prov.

Usage: weapon 2 • firing, shooting. ~ açmak to fire (at), shoot (at).

~ almak   1 • to be destroyed by fire.

2 • to burn with rage.

~ gorsamak   to be naughty.

janyna ~ salmak   to make worry, disturb.

iki oduň arasynda galmak   to be between the devil and the deep blue sea. Category: prov.

~ ýakdyrmazlyk   to put under pressure, to not give any rest.

otag1   n. 1 • room. bir adamlyk ~ single room. iki adamlyk ~ double room. mugallymlar ~y staff room. öz ~ym my room, my bedroom.

2 • study, consulting-room, surgery.

otag2   n. weeding. gowaça ~y cotton weeding. ~ işleri pulling weeds. ~ otamak to weed.

ot-çöp   n. vegetation, verdure. meýdanda ~ ýok there is no vegetation on the field, the field is bare. See: myhmanhana.

otel   hotel.

ot-iým    See: ot2; iým. ~ bazasy forage reserve. gyşa ~ taýýarlamak to lay in a supply of fodder for the winter.

otkrytka   [at'krytka] n. postcard, card. See: gutlag; bukjasy.

otlamak   v. to graze, pasture. Goýunlar otlap ýörler. The sheep are grazing.

otlamak   [o:tlamak] v. 1 • to light, set fire (to), ignite. otluçöpi ~ to strike a match. çilimi ~ to light a cigarette.

2 • to start. motory ~ to start (up) an engine.

3 • to shoot.

maňlaýyndan ~   to fire point-blank.

otluçöp   [o:tluçöp] n. match, light. bir gap ~ box of matches. ~ gaby match-box. ~ ýakmak to light/strike a match.

otly1   [o:tly] adv. burning. ~ kesindi burning log. Dawudiň otly demi onuň ýüzüne çabyrady. Dawut's hot breath burned his face.

~ köýnek geýmek   Lit: to wear a flaming shirt to be horrified. Täze terror akty adamlara otly köýnek geýdirdi. The recent act of terror paralyzed people with fear.

otly2   [o:tly] n. train. ~ bilen gitmek to go by train. tiz ~ fast train.

otly   adj. grassy. ~ ýer pasture, grassy land. ~ halta sack full of grass.

otparaz   fire-worshipper; Zoroastrian.

otrýad   n. 1 • detachment, vanguard. Usage: military

2 • task force. See: topar.

Usage: biology 3 • order.

otur   n. Usage: grammar comma. nokatly ~ semicolon.

otura   n. paralytic. ~ bolmak to be paralysed.

oturdaş   n. assessor. halk ~y People's assessor.

oturgyç   n. chair. ~da oturmak to sit on a chair.

oturmak   v. 1 • to sit (down).

2 • to be, spend time. türmede ~ to be in prison. bütin gün öýde ~ to be at home all day.

Usage: (following gerund) marks the continuous mood Lit: He's sitting laughing. Ol otyr. He's sitting. Ol gülüp otyr. He's laughing. telewizor görüp otyrka . . . while watching television . . . Ol maňa nesihat berip otyr. He is giving me moral advice.

1 • sitting. ... saçagyň başynda otyrkalar... ... while they were sitting around the tablecloth...

2 • to rest, have a meal. Otyrmysyňyz? colloq Otyrmyň? -. A greeting used when coming into a room where people are having a meal.

3 • to live, stay, settle. Ol nirede otyr? Where does he live? Lit: Where does he sit?

otur ýeri   sit-upon, bottom.

oturtmak   v. 1 • to make someone sit down. Ol çagany dyzynda oturtdy. She sat the child on her knee.

2 • to plant.

3 • to install, set up. ...görnükli ýerde ýadygärligini oturtmaly. ...the monument should be set up in a visible place. jaýda kamera oturtmak to install a surveillence camera in a house. kompýutere DVD oturtmak to install a DVD drive on a computer.

oturymly   adj. sedentary. ~ halk settled people.

oturyş   meal; get-together.

otuz   num. thirty. ~ ýaşly adam thirty-year-old man.

otuzynjy   num ord. thirtieth. ~ mart the thirtieth of March. ~ sahypa page thirty. ~ nomer room number thirty.

otwýortka   [at'wýortka] n. screwdriver.

otyr   [oty:r] v. See: oturmak.

otyrýer   [oty:rýer] n. 1 • buttock.

2 • sit-upon.

3 • bottom.

owadan   adj. 1 • beautiful, pretty. ~ gyz beautiful girl. ~ ýer beautiful place.

Usage: clothes 2 • elegant, smart. ~ köýnek elegant dress.

3 • picturesque, scenic. ~ tebigat scenic countryside.

owadanlaşmak   v. See: owadanlamak.

owadanlyk   n. 1 • beauty, charm, fascination. nähili ~! what a beauty!, how lovely!

2 • elegance, smartness. kostýumyň owadanlygy elegance of a suit.

3 • picturesqueness. tebigatyň owadanlygy picturesqueness of a nature.

owal   first, start. See: ozal.

owal-ahyr   [owal-a:hy:r] adj. sooner or later. ~ sen gitmeli bolarsyň sooner or later you'll have to go.

owal-başdan   adj. at first, at the beginning.

owalky    See: ozalky.

owaz   [owa:z] n. 1 • voice. ýakymly ~ pleasant voice.

2 • melody, tune.

3 • sound. dutaryň ~y the sound of a dutar playing.

owazly   [owa:zly] adj. euphonious; melodious, sweet-sounding, sounding pleasant, harmonious. ~ ses melodious voice. ~ seslenmek to sound melodiously.

owgan   [owga:n] n. Afghan. Category: geogr. ~ gyzy Afghan girl. ~ dili the Afghan language. Category: language, country.

Owganystan   [Owga:nystan] n. Afghanistan. Category: geogr, language, country.

owkalama   massage.

owkalamak   v. 1 • to rub with use of hands; to massage. gözüňi ~ to rub one's eyes.

2 • crumble; to crumble; to rumple. köýnegi ~ to rumple a dress.

owkat   [owka:t] n. 1 • meal; food. tagamly ~ delicious food. ~ edinmek to eat; to dine.

Usage: fig 2 • life. owkadyň nähili? how is your life?

owlak   n. Usage: young goat kid. ~ mäleýär. A kid bleats.

owlak-guzy    See: owlak; guzy.

ownamak   v. 1 • to be/become pounded, be/become crushed, be/become crumbled.

2 • to become degenerated. goýunlaryň tohumy ownapdyr the breed of sheep has become degenerated.

3 • to become/grow weak. hojalyk ownapdyr the farm has grown weak.

ownuk   adj. 1 • small. ~ pul change, small change. ~ galalar walled towns. ~ şahly mal sheep and goats. ~ hojalyk small-scale farming.

2 • fine. ~ gum fine sand.

3 • insignificant, minor. ~ mesele minor issue. ~ çykdajylar minor expenses.

4 • petty. ~ ogurlyk petty theft.

ownukly-irili   [ownukly-i:rili] adj. 1 • small and large. ~ mallar sheep, gaots and cattle.

2 • insignificant, unimportant. ~ kemçilikler insignificant shortcomings.

ownuk-uşak   adj. small. ~ zat satyn almak to buy all kinds of things. ~ iş small work. ~ pul small change.

owratmak   v. to crush, crumble, break into pieces. odun ~ to chop/split wod.

otuz ikiňi owradarin   I'll beat all your teeth out.

owsun   adv.

owuntyk   n. crumb, small pieces; splinter, fragment, sliver. çörek owuntygy crumb of bread. agaç owuntyklary splinter of wood. aýna owuntyklary fragment of broken glass.

owuz   n. colostrum; beestings. sygryň owzy beestings of a cow.

1   [o:ý] n. idea, thought. meniň kelläme bir ~ geldi It occurred to me. oýa batmak to be deep in thought, be absorbed in thought.

2   [o:ý] n. 1 • depression, low place. goýunlar oýa indiler the sheep went down the depression.

2 • pit, hole, hollow. ~ gazmak to dig a hole.

oýa   adj. awake, not asleep. ol oýa he is not asleep.

oýan-buýan   [oýa:n-buýa:n] adj. here and there, all around. ~ garamak to look all around. Şahere gelen oglan oýan-buýan seretdi. Olar meseläniň oýan-buýan tarapyny maslahatlaşdylar. They looked at the question from various angles.

oýandyrmak   v. to wake someone up, awaken. See: oýanmak.

oýanmak   v. 1 • to wake up, awake. daň atanda ~ to wake up at dawn.

2 • to come alive. Tebigat oýanýar. Nature comes alive.

oýarmak   v. 1 • to wake someone up. Men ony irden oýardym. I woke him up in the morning.

2 • to awaken, arouse. Onda öz güýjüne beýik ynanç duýgusyny oýarýar. Then you will awaken a feeling of powerful faith in yourself.

oýatmak   v. to have somebody woken up. Seni haçan oýatmaly? When do you want me to have you woken up?

oýkamak   v. to rub, massage. arkaňy ägaja ~ to rub one's back against a tree.

oýlamak   [o:ýlamak] v. to think, consider. Men beýle oýlamandyryn. I never thought of it that way. Şu beýik maşgalada özüniň nähili derejede orun tutandygyny oýlar. This great family considers itself to hold a good position in society.

oýlap tapmak   to invent.

oýlanmak   [o:ýlanmak] v. to think, consider. uzak oýlanman without a moment's thought. Men olar geler diýip oýlandym. I thought that they would come.

oýlanyşykly   [o:ýlanyşykly] adj. thought-out, considered. ~ çözgüt considered decision. ~ çemeleşmek to think over, consider. bu meselä ~ çemeleşmek gerek this task must be considered.

oýmak1   [o:ýmak] v. to carve, hollow out. agajy ~ to hollow out a tree.

gözlerini ~   to put out somebody's eyes.

oýmak2   [o:ýmak] n. thimble.

oýnalmak   v. 1 • to have a raffle.

2 • to be played, be performed.

3 • to be made a fool, be made a laughing-stock. ol özüniň oýnalýandygyny aňdy he understood of being made a fool.

oýnamak   v. 1 • to play. Çagalar bagda oýnaýarlar. The children are playing in the garden. küşt ~ to play chess. kart ~ to play cards. futbol ~ to play football. roluny ~ to play a part. Ol Magtymgulynyň syýasy we ruhy durmuşynda möhüm rol oýnapdyr. It played an important role in Magtymguly's political and spiritual life.

2 • to play a trick (on), play a practical joke (on).

3 • to act, play. roluny ~ to play a part. Gamletiň roluny ~ to play/act Hamlet.

oýnaş   n. lover, boy-friend, girl-friend; mistress.

oýnaşmak   v. to play around (with), flirt (with). See: oýnamak.

oýnatmak   v. See: oýnamak.

oýnawaç   [oýnawa:ç] n. toy. ~ dükany toyshop. ~ tüpeň toy-rifle.

~ ýaly   beautiful, like a toy, nice.

oý-pikir   [o:ý-pikir] thought. gutarnykly ~ complete idea/thought. ol ~e batdy he has been lost in thought, he has been plunged deep in thought. See: ; pikir.

oýuk   [o:ýuk] adj. hollow, cut, dug out. ~ agaç hollow tree.

oýun   n. 1 • (sports) game. gyzykly ~ interesting game. ~yň ikinji ýarymynda Aşgabat has gowy oýnady. In the second half of the game Ashgabat played extremely well. howply ~ dangerous game.

2 • joke, trick. Ol ~ edip aýtdy. He told it for fun. ~ etmek to joke, tease. ~lyga salmak to joke, make fun (of). ~ götermek to take a joke.

3 • play, show, performance.

başyna ~ getirmek   to make someone suffer.

oýunçy   n. 1 • player. Ol gowy ~ He is a good player.

2 • actor.

3 • joker, comedian. Ol bir oýunçy oglan eken. He seems to be a bit of a joker.

oýunjak   n. toy.

adj. Usage: fig easy, simple. Bu ~ iş däl. This is not an easy matter.

ozal   post. 1 • ago. bäş ýyl ~ five years ago.

2 • before. Rewolýusiýadan ~ zähmetkeşler hor ýaşaýardylar. Before the revolution the workers lived poor lives.

adv. first, at first, first of all. ~ oka, soň geple! First read, then speak! ~y bilen first of all, at first.

ozmak   v. 1 • to outrun, outstrip, outdistance, leave behind; overtake. gaty ~ to have a long start (over).

2 • to win a victory (over).