
H - h

habar   n. 1 • news, information, intelligence, message. soňky ~lar the latest news. hoş ~ good news. ~ bermek to inform, notify, send a message.

2 • knowledge, information. Onuň ~y bar He is in touch (with the situation). He has his finger on the pulse. Habarym ýok. I don't know anything about it.

3 • predicate.

~ gatmak   address.

habarçy   n. 1 • correspondent. ýörite ~ special correspondent.

2 • messenger, courier. ~ ibermek to send a messenger.

habardar   [habarda:r] adj. 1 • notified (about), well-informed (about), knowledgeable (about), versed (in), conversant (with). ~ etmek to notify, inform, advise, send a message, let somebody know.

2 • careful, cautious. ~ boluň! Take care!, be careful!

habarlaşmak   v. to touch base, exchange news, get together for a chat. Işden soň habrlaşaly. Let's touch base after work.

habarnama   n. report.

haç   n. cross. gyzyl haç red cross. Gyzyl Haç we Gyzyl Ýarymaý jemgyýeti Red Cross and Red Crescent Society.

haçan   adv. when, at what time? Sen ~ geljek? When will you come? hiç ~ never.

haçly   adj. cross, with a cross. ~ ýöriş The Crusades.

haçparaz   n. Christian.

haçparazlyk   n. Christianity.

hadys   [hady:s] n. legend about Muhammed/The Prophet.

hadysa   [ha:dy:sa] n. 1 • event, case, incident. geň ~ odd event.

2 • phenomenon, phenomena. tebigy ~lar natural phenomena.

haj   n. Haj.

hajat   [ha:jat] n. to heed, necessity. ~y ýok no need!, no matter!, never mind! durmuş ~y

hajathana   [ha:jatha:na] n. 1 • lavatory, toilet, loo.

2 • restroom, bathroom.

hajy   n. hajji (also hadji, Hadji).

hažžyk   n. lizard, gecko.

hak   n. 1 • truth. ~ aýtmak to tell the truth.

2 • true. Bu ~. It is true.

3 • rightness, innocence. Siziňki ~ You are right.

4 • right. ~y bolmak to have a right. ~ym ýok. I have no right (to do something).

5 • pay, salary, wage. gulluk haky payment for services rendered. iş ~y earnings, wages, pay, salary.

6 • share, part, portion, lot. meniň ~ymy ber to give my share.

hak-hesip   [hak-hesi:p] n. settling (with). ~ talap etmek

hakyny alyp bermek   to take up his/her cause.

hak-hukuk   [hak-huku:k] n.

hak-hukukly   [hak-huku:kly] adj. 1 •  ~ söz ~ aýtmak

2 •  Bu ~. Siziňki ~

3 •  ses bermäge ~ Meniň işlemäge we zähmet çekmäge ~ym bar.

1 •  bir günlük iş ~y Gowy işleseň, gowy ~ alarsyň.

2 •  mirasdan ~ly bolmak ~ym ýok. Meniň ~ymy ber.

~y köýmek   

~ňy gidermek   

hakda   post. about, concerning. See: hakynda.

haklamak   v. to justify, warrant, deserve, fulfil, vindicate. ene süýdüni ~ to deserve your mother's confidence.

hakyda   [haky:da] n. memory. ~ gelmek to remember. ~ salmak to remember. Eger ~mdan çykmadyk bolsa. If my memory doesn't fail me. Ony haçan görenim ~ma gelmeýär.

hakykat   [haky:kat] n. 1 • truth, true. obýektiw ~ objective truth. ~a ýetmek to arrive at the truth.

2 • reality. ~y aýtmek Onuň gelmejegi ~ boldy.

hakykatçy   [haky:katçy] adj. truthful, upright, veracious. ~ adam truthful/upright man.

hakykatdan   [haky:katdan] adv. really, indeed, in fact, actually, truely. ~ ol öýdedi. Actually, he was at home.

hakyky   [haky:ky] adj. real, genuine, reliable, trustworthy. ~ dost reliable friend. ~ habar

hakyna   adv. hired. ~ tutma iş hired labour. ~ tutma işçi hired worker, wage worker. ~ tutma ganhor hired assassin. maşyny ~ tutmak

hakynda   post. about, of. ol ~ about him. söýgi ~

hal1   [ha:l] n. 1 • condition, state. bäbegi oňat ~da saklamak

2 • health. ~yny soramak to ask about someone's health. ~yny bilmek

3 • force, strength. ~dan düşmek to grow weak, lose one's strength.

4 • adverb. hal işligi gerund, adverbial participle.

hal2   [ha:l] n. birthmark, mole. Ol gyzyň boýnunda ~ bar.

hal-ahwal   [ha:l-ahwa:l] adv. ~ soraşmak See: hal-ýagdaý.

halal   [hala:l] n. 1 • meat prepared in this way; lawful food. halal et meat which can be lawfully eaten (according to Islamic law).

2 • honest, conscientious. halal adam honest person. halal gazanç honest earnings.

Halalyň bolsun!   Well done!

halal-haram   [hala:l-hara:m] n. 1 • legal and illegal, allowed and forbidden. ~y saýgaryp bilenok. He is not able to differentiate between that which is allowed and that which is forbidden.

2 • honest and dishonest. ~y saýgaryp bilenok. He is not able to differentiate between that which is honest and that which is dishonest.

halallamak   [hala:llamak] v. 1 • to (halalled, halalling) kill (an animal) as prescribed by Muslim law, kill an animal in the proper way. Ol öz hakyny halallap alýar.

iýen duzuňy/nanyňy/çöregiňi ~   

2 • to clean, cleanse, remove. maly ~ maşyn uran sygry halallamaly

halallyk   [hala:llyk] adj. 1 • legality, lawfulness.

2 • honesty, conscientiousness. ~ bilen honestly.

halamak   [ha:lamak] v. to like, love.

halanmak   [ha:lanmak] v. to be worthy of respect, deserve respect/love, be treated with respect/love.

halas   [hala:s] adj. saved, rescued. Men bu işlerden halas. I'm saved from this work. ~ etmek to save, rescue. ~ bolmak to be saved, be rescued.

halasgär   [hala:sgär] n. saviour, rescuer.

halas etmek   v. to save, rescue.

halaşmak   [ha:laşmak] v. to love each other.

halat   [ha:lat] n. 1 • time, moment. şol ~da at that moment.

2 • state, condition. Ol nähili ~da? In what condition is he?

halat   n. 1 • clothes given as part of the dowry. ýüpek ~

2 •  egni ak ~ly doktor

3 •  durmuşa çykýan gyzyň halady

4 • present, gift.

halaýyk   [hala:ýyk] n. people.

halk   n. 1 • people, nation. zähmetkeş ~ working-class people. köp ~ many people. Köçe ~dan doludy. The street was full of people. parahat ~ a peaceful nation.

2 • population, inhabitant, dweller, resident. şäher ~y city-people, townspeople. oba ~y countrypeople.

3 • folk. ~ döredijiligi folklore. ~ aýdymlary folk songs.

halka   n. 1 • loop on clothing.

2 • ring. açar üçin ~ key-ring.

3 • encirclement. duşmana ~ guramak to encircle the enemy.

halkara   [halka:ra] adj. international. halkara gatnaşyklar bölümi international relations/affairs department. Halkara aýallar güni international women's day.

hallanlamak   [halla:nlamak] v. to shake, rock, swing.

hallanlatmak   [halla:nlatmak] v. to shake, rock, swing. sallançagy ~ to rock the cradle. Ýel agaçlary hallanlatýar. The wind shakes the trees.

hally   [ha:lly] adj. birthmarked, with a birthmark, with a mole, having a mole. ýaňagy ~ gyz a girl with a mole on the cheeks.

halta   n. sack, bag. goş ~ rucksack, haversack, knapsack, kit-bag.

haly   [ha:ly] n. carpet, rug. ~ dokamak to weave a carpet.

halyça   [ha:lyça] n. rug.

halyçy   [ha:lyçy] n. carpet maker, carpet weaver.

halypa   [haly:pa] n. 1 • tutor, master, teacher, guru.

2 • friend (address).

halys   [ha:ly:s] adv. too, quite, totally, completely. ~ ysgyndan düşmek to grow completely weak, lose one's strength. Men işläp ~ boldym. I am fed up with working.

hal-ýagdaý   [ha:l-ýagdaý] n. 1 • health. ~yňyz nähili? How are you?

2 • life, existence.

ham   [ha:m] n. 1 • skin. ~yny soýmak to skin to fleece someone.

2 • leather. ~dan edilen made of leather.

1 •  malyň ~yny duzlamak

2 •  ~dan edilen

hamala   [hama:la] adv. suppose. ~, ol gijä galan ekendä. Let us suppose he is late.

hammal   [hamma:l] n. porter.

hammam   [hamma:m] n. bathhouse, baths.

hammamçy   [hamma:mçy] n. bath-house attendant.

hamyla   [ha:my:la] adj. pregnant.

hamyr   [hamy:r] n. dough. ~ ýugurmak to knead dough.

hamyrlamak   [hamy:rlamak] v. to knead dough.

hamyrmaýa   [hamy:rma:ýa] n. fermented dough, sour dough, leaven.

hamyt   [ha:myt] n. collar, harness.

han   [ha:n] n. 1 • khan, ruler. a title given to rulers and officials in Central Asia.

2 • the supreme ruler of the Turkish, Tartar, and Mongol tribes, the emperor of China in the Middle Ages.

hana   [ha:na] n. 1 • room. See: hajathana; aşhana.

2 • (eye) socket.

3 • boll, round seed vessel from e.g. cotton plant. Category: bot.

hanabizar   [ha:nabi:za:r] adj. indifferent.

hanha   adv. there, over there. ~ ol gelýär. There he is/goes.

hanjar   n. dagger.

hanlyk   [ha:nlyk] n. 1 • khan's power/authority.

2 • knanate.

hantama   [ha:ntama:] n. expectation, hope. ~ bolmak to cherish/nourish the hope, have hopes (for), expect. Men senden hiç zat ~däl. I want nothing from you.

hany1   adv. where?

hany2   interj. now, now then, come, well then. ~, ýeriňden tur! Come on now, stand up!

hanym   [ha:nym] n. title used for women; Miss, Mrs, Ms., Lady.

hapa   adj. 1 • dirty, muddy, filthy. ~ iş dirty work. ~ eller dirty hands. ~ bolmak to be dirty. ~ bolmak to be sad, be in low spirits.

2 • dross.

hapaçylyk   n. destruction, dirt, rubbish.

hapalamak   v. to make something dirty, dirty something.

hapalanmak   v. to get dirty/soiled.

har   n. ass, donkey.

har   [ha:r] *. neglect. ~ saklamak to neglect, allow to fall into neglect. bagy ~ saklamak to neglect a garden. ~ etmek to neglect, disregard, not to pay attention to.

haraba   [hara:ba] n. ruins. ~ bolup ýatmak to be in ruins. ~ öwrülmek to turn into ruins. ~ öwürmek to reduce to ruins.

harajat   [haraja:t] n. expense. ~ etmek to spend, expend, use. See: harç.

haram   [hara:m] adj. 1 • unlawful, forbidden. haram haýwan animals not allowed to be eaten e.g. because they were not killed in the way specified by Islamic law.

2 • illicit, dishonest. ~ pul money earned dishonestly/with dishonest way.

3 • mean, base, ignoble.

haram-halal   [hara:m-hala:l] n. See: halal-haram.

haramzada   [hara:mza:da] n. scoundrel, villain, rascal.

harap   [hara:p] adj. 1 • bad, damaged, spoiled, broken. ~ bolmak (of foodstuffs) go bad; (of teeth) decay, rot; get out of order.

2 • bad, sad, mournful. iş ~ the matter is in a sad state. Onuň haly ~ He is in a sad state.

harasat   [harasa:t] n. 1 • hurricane, storm, squall.

2 • war.

haraz   n. mill. süw ~y water mill.

harby   [harby:] adj. plain clothes. ~ uçilişe military college. ~ borçly liable for call-up. ~ borçlulyk liability for military service. ~ ýesir prisoner of war. ~ gullukçy serviceman. ~ komissariýat military registration and enlistment office. ~ geýim uniform. ~ däl geýim civilian clothes, civies.

harby-deňiz   [harby:-deňiz] adj. naval. ~ floty Navy.

harby-howa   [harby-howa:] adj. air. ~ güýçleri Air Forces.

harç   n. expense, expenditure, expenses. ýol harjy travelling expenses. ~ etmek to spend, expend.

harçlamak   v. to spend, expend, use up, waste. puly biderek ~ to waste one's money.

haremhana   [haremha:na] n. harem.

harjylyk   n. pocket-money.

harlamak   v. to roar, bellow, howl.

harman   n. threshing floor. ~ döwmek to thresh. pagta ~y

harp   n. letter (of the alphabet). baş ~ first/initial letter. setir ~y small letter. uly ~ capital letter. ~ tanamak to differentiate letters. ~ tanamak to be able to read.

harplyk   n. alphabet book, ABC book.

harpyk   n. chaff, husk, husks. pagta çigidiniň harpygy husks of cotton seeds.

harsal   [ha:rsal] adv. roughly, coarsely, inaccurately. ~ ýazmak to write inaccurately.

harsallyk   [ha:rsallyk] n. roughness, untidiness, inaccuracy. ~ bilen roughly, inaccurately.

haryt   [hary:t] n. goods.

1 • goods. kömekçi haryt; ätiýaç haryt stock.

2 • shopping. Magazine ~uçin gidýäler. They go to do their shopping at the shop. azyk ~lary food products.

3 • commodity. ~ çalşygy barter.

has   [ha:s] adv. 1 • too, over-much, very. ~ bişen gawun over-ripe melon. ~ gowy best. ~ owadan very beautiful.

2 • peculiar, specific, characteristic.

hasa   [hasa:] n. staff, stick.

hasabat   [hasa:bat] n. account, report. ~ bermek to report, give an account. ýyllyk ~ annual report.

hasap   [hasa:p] n. 1 • counting, calculation, reckoning, inventory. ~ ýöretmek to keep count (of). hasaby ýitirmek to lose count (of). ~ etmek to count, reckon.

2 • registration, register. hasaba almak to register.

3 • report, account. ~ bermek give an account (of), report (on).

4 • arithmetic, mathematics.

5 • (sport) score.

6 • abacus.

hasap-hesip   *. See: hasap.

hasapçy   [hasa:pçy] n. accountant, accounts clerk, ledger clerk.

hasapçylyk   [hasa:pçylyk] n. 1 • accounting.

2 • profession/work of an accountant.

hasaplamak   [hasa:plamak] v. 1 • to count.

2 • to calculate.

3 • to consider, reckon. gelşiksiz ~ to consider something awkward.

hasaplanmak   [hasa:planmak] v. 1 • to be counted.

2 • to be calculated.

3 • to be considered, be reckoned. Ol oňat işgär hasaplanýar. He is considered to be a good worker.

hasaplaşmak   [hasa:plaşmak] v. to settle up, settle accounts (with), be quits (with).

hasaplaşyk   [hasa:plaşyk] n. 1 • calculation, reckoning.

2 • settling (with).

hasrat   n. grief, distress, sorrow, trouble. ~ çekmek to grieve (for), be sad, sorrow.

hasratlanmak   v. to grieve, sorrow, be sad, mourn.

hassa   adj. sick, ill. ~ bolmak to be ill.

hasyl   [ha:syl] n. harvest, yield, crop. oňat ~ ýygnamak to gather in a good harvest. ~ bermek to bear fruit.

~ bolmak   to be fulfilled, to come true. Onuň çagalykdaky arzuwy ~ boldy. His childhood dream has come true.

hasylly   [ha:sylly] adj. 1 • producing high yield, productive. ~ ýyl good year (of a crop).

2 • fertile, fecund.

3 • fruitful, fruit-bearing.

1 • productive, high yielding. ~ ýyl good year (for crops).

2 • fertile.

3 • fruitful, fruit-bearing.

hasyr-husur   adv. quickly, hurriedly, in haste. gapyny ~ ýapmak to close the door quickly.

haşal   n. weed. ~ ot weed, weeds. ~otlary otamak to weed.

haşamly   adj. decorated, beautified, beautiful.

haşhaş   n. poppy. Category: bot.

haşlamak   v. to puff, pant, gasp for breath.

hat   n. 1 • letter. zakazly haty registered letter. ~ ýazmak to write a letter.

2 • handwriting. ~y tanamak to recognize someones handwriting.

3 • reading and writing, ability to read and write. ~ tanamak to be literate.

4 • note, letter, memo, slip. düşündiriş ~y explanatory note.

5 • official document, certificate, deed. hormat ~y letter of appreciation. talak ~y certificate of divorce.

dil ~y   receipt.

hat-pet gatnadýan   postman.

hata   [hata:] n. mistake, error, blunder; transgression. ~ iş sinful act.

hatar1   n. row, line, rank, file. birinji ~ front row. ~ma ~ row upon row. ~a durmak line up.

~dan çykmak   to be out of order, go out of use, become obsolete, fall into disuse.

adam ~yna goşmak   to consider somebody to be a good man.

hatar2   adj. dangerous, perilous.

hatarly   adj. dangerous, risky, perilous. ~ iş risky business. ~ ýer dangerous place. ~ oýun risky game, gamble.

hatda   adj. even, even so, even then.

hatyn   [ha:ty:n] n. 1 • woman.

2 • wife.

hatyra   [ha:ty:ra] n. 1 • respect, esteem, honour, tribute. ~syny saklamak respect, honour. ~ güni Rememberance Day.

2 • sake. adamyň ~syna for somebody's sake.

hatyrjem   [ha:ty:rjem] adj. relaxed, sure, certain. ~ bolmak to rest assured, be sure, be certain.

hawa   interj. yes. Sen ertir gelermiň? -hawa Will you come tomorrow? -Yes, I will.

hawlamak   v. to bark.

haýa   [haýa:] n. shame. ~ etmek to be ashamed (of).

haýal   adv. slowly. ~ ýöremek to walk slowly. ~ etmek to do something slowly.

adj. slow.

haýalrak   adv. more slowly, slower. haýalrak aýt to speak more slowly.

haýasyz   [haýa:syz] adj. shameless, impudent, insolent, impertinent. ~ adam impudent fellow.

haýat   [ha:ýat] n. 1 • yard. ~yň içinde in the yard.

2 • wall.

3 • fence.

haýbat   n. threat, menace. ~ atmak to threaten, menace, frighten. biriniň ~yndan gorkmak to be afraid of one's threat/menace. Bu haýbatmy? Is that a threat?

haýbatly   adj. 1 • menacing, threatening. ~ garaýyş menacing/threatening look.

2 • bold, audacious, courageous, daring.

haýdamak   v. to do something quickly, do sth. with a lot of energy. haýdap işlemek to work quickly and vigourously.

haýp   interj. pity, shame, unfortunate. Haýp, sen düýn gelmediň. It is a pity you didn't come yesterday.

haýpyň gelmek   to be sorry (for), feel sorry (for); to take pity on.

haýran   [haýra:n] n. surprise, astonishment, amazement. ~ galmak to be astonished (at), be surprised (at), be amazed (at). ~ galdyrmak (etmek) to astonish, surprise, amaze.

haýsy   pron. which? ~ ýerden? Where from?

haýwan   [haýwa:n] n. 1 • (wild) animal. öý ~lary domestic animals.

2 • swine, beast.

haýwanat   [haýwa:na:t] n. animals. ~ bagy zoo.

haýyn   [ha:ýyn] n. hypocrite; traitor, betrayer.

haýyr   n. 1 • benefit, use, advantage, good. Ondan häme ~ bar? What good will it do?

2 • help, support. ~ tapmak to be helpful, be profitable.

agzyňy ~ açmak   to speak profitably.

haýyrly   adj. 1 • profitable, advantageous. ~ ylalaşyk profitable deal/bargain.

2 • beneficial, useful, helpful. ~ derman beneficial medicine.

Ertiriňiz ~ bolsun!   Good morning!

haýyş   [ha:ýyş] n. request, application, solicitation, petition. ~ bilen ýüzlenmek to make a request (for), ask. ~yny kanagatlandyrmak to comply with smb's request. ~ etmek to request, make a request for, solicit (for), send an application (for), apply (for), implore.

Hazar    Category: geogr.

n. Caspian. Hazar deňzi Caspian Sea.

hazyna   [hazy:na] n. 1 • treasure. ~ tapmak to find treasure.

2 • treasury, treasure-house, storehouse, depository. ~da saklamak to keep in a treasury.

hazynaçy   [hazy:naçy] n. treasurer, bursar.

hebeşi   n. Ethiopian, African. Category: geogr.

heder   n. fear, terror. ~ etmek to be afraid (of), fear.

hek   n. 1 • chalk. ~ bilen ýazmak to write with a piece of chalk.

2 • lime. ~ ergini whitewash. ~ daşy limestone. söndürilen ~ slaked lime.

hekaýa   [heka:ýa] n. story. ~lar ýygyndysy collection of stories. gyzykly ~ interesting story.

hekaýaçy   [heka:ýaçy] n. story-teller, narrator.

hekaýat   [heka:ýat] n. event, incident, the story of what happened. Aýdyber, düýn nähili ~ boldy. Tell me the story of what happened yesterday.

hekim   [heki:m] n. herbalist, medicine doctor, doctor who uses folk remedies.

heleý   n. wife.

heläk   n.

heläkçilik   n. 1 • catastrophe, disaster, accident. demir ýol heläkçiligi railway accident. ~ çekmek to die.

ýol heläkçiligi   car accident.

2 • torment, suffering. agyrydan ~ çekmek to be racked with pain, suffer from pain.

heläklemek   v. 1 • destroy, kill, annihilate.

2 • torment, harass.

hem   conj. 1 • also, too, and. Bu gyz hem owadan. This girl is beautiful too. ~ ýagyş ýagýardy, ~ gar. It was raining and snowing.

2 • even though, although. Ol ýaş ~ bolsa köp zat bilýär. Although he is young he knows much.

hemaýatçy   [hema:ýatçy] n. supporter, helper, protector, patron.

hemişe   adv. 1 • always.

2 • before, formerly. Sen ~ bu ýere gelýärdiň. You used to come here.

hemişeki   [hemi:şeki] adj. usual, customary, ordinary. ~ tertipde in usual order.

hemişelik   [hemi:şelik] adj. constant, premanent, invariable. ~ ýaşaýan ýeri permanent place of residence.

hemle   n. threat, menace. ~ urmak to threaten.

hemme   pron. all, every. hemme zat everything. hemmämiz all of us. hemmesi all of them. ~ ýerde everywhere.

hemmetaraplaýyn   adj. all-sided.

hemra   [hemra:] n. 1 • satellite. ýeriň emeli ~sy artificial earth satellite, sputnik.

2 • companion, fellow-traveller.

heniz   [heni:z] conj. 1 • although, though, yet, before. Heniz jaň kakylmandygyna garamazdan, mugallym auditoriýa girdi. The teacher entered the classroom, though the bell hadn't rung yet. Ol ~ gelenokmy? Hasn't he come yet? heniza çenli until today (not).

2 • still.

heň1   n. melody, tune. bir ~ gaçyrmak to play a melody.

heň2   n. mould.

heňkirmek   v. to shout (at), to (verbally) abuse, to scold.

hepde   n. week. bir ~ mundan öň a week ago.

hepdelik   adj. weekly. ~ gazýet weekly newspaper.

her   adj. every, any. her bir every. her hili every kind, all sorts, various, different. her kes, her kişi everyone. her kim anybody.

hereket   n. 1 • action, motion, movement; effect. ~e getirmek to set in motion. ~ etmek to move, to act, to be an effect (on).

2 • traffic. bir taraplaýyn ~ one-way traffic. köçe ~iniň düzgünleri traffic regulations.

hereketlendiriji   adj. moving, acting. ~ güýçler driving force.

n. motor, engine.

hereketlendirmek   v. to move, to set in motion, to put into operation. eliňi ~ to move one's hands.

hereketsiz   adj. motionless, immobile, immovable.

hergiz   [hergi:z] adj. never, for nothing, in no case.

hersi   adj. each, every. ~ bir ýerden from everywhere.

hesip   n.

hesret   n. sorrow, grief, woe. öz ~i bilen to one's sorrow. ~ çekmek to grieve (for).

hesretli   adj. sorrowful, sad, grievous, mournful.

heşelle   adv.

het   n. 1 • limit, bound, boundary, end. ~den aşmak to overstep the limits (of), exceed the bounds (of). ~diňi bilmek to know when to stop, to know the limit (of).

2 • courage, boldness, audicity. Ol ~ edip bilmez. He won't have the courage; he won't dare.

heý1   particle. really?, Is it possible? ~ sen biziň bu ýerdedigimizi bilmediňmi? Did you really not know that we were here?

heý2   interj. heigh!; hi!

heýgenek   n. fried eggs.

heýkel   n. statue, sculpture. mermerden edilen ~ marble statue.

heýkeltaraş   n. sculptor. See: heýkelçi.

hezil   n. pleasure, enjoyment, delight. ~ etmek to take pleasure (in), enjoy, delight (in).

hezillik   n. gaiety; cheerfulness, pleasure.

hezret   respected (cn prophet).

hezzet   n. 1 • respect, honour. ~ etmek to do honour (to).

2 • hospitality. ~ etmek to display one's hospitality, be hospitable (to).

hezzet-hormat   n. ~ bilen garşylamak to welcome someone warmly and serve them well. See: hezzet; hormat.

hezzetlemek   v. to do honour (to), display one's hospitality; to make a feast. myhmany ~ to be hospitable to a guest.

hezzetli   adj. respectable, honourable.

   interj. yes, true, right, I see.

häkim   n. mayor.

häkimiýet   n. authority, power, rule.

häkimlik   n. 1 • domination. häkimlik etmek to dominate, have dominion (over).

2 • mayor's office.

häli   adv. 1 • recently.

2 • just about (to).

hälki   adv. that, what has been. Hälki gürrüňiň soňy nähili boldy? How did the discussion finish?

häsiýet   n. character, nature. ýaman ~ bad character.


gylyk-häsiýet   *. ~i gowy adam good man, a man of good behaviour. See: gylyk; häsiýet.

häsiýetli   adj. having a certain character/nature. mylaýym ~ adam warm-hearted person.

häzir   adv. now, presently, at the moment. Häzir! Just a minute!

häzir bolmak   to be somewhere immediately.

häzirki   adj. present. ~ zaman present, current, modern present tense.

häzirlemek   v. to prepare.

häzirlenmek   v. 1 • to get prepared.

2 • to be about to do something.

2 • to have nearly completed an action, nearly finished.

hiç   adv. none.

~ kim   nobody.

~ wagt   never.

~ haçan   never.

~ zat   nothing.

~ ýerde   nowhere.

~ haýsy   none of them, nobody.

~ hili   no kind of. ~ hili täzelik ýok. There isn't any news.

~den giç ýagşy.   Better late than never.

hijri   n. hidjra. the beginning of muslim chronology. ~ ýyl hasaby muslim chronology.

hikirdemek   v. to giggle, to titter, to snigger.

hikmet   n. wisdom.

hil   [hi:l] n. 1 • quality, capacity; property.

2 • kind, sort, character. Ol bir hili adam. He's that kind of person. (i.e. strange, odd). her hili adamlar all sorts (of people).

hilegär   [hi:legär] adj. cunning, sly, crafty, wily. ~ adam cunning person.

hilegärlik   [hi:legärlik] n. cunning, guile, craft, wiles. ~ etmek to use cunning/guile, to dissemble.

hillilik   [hi:llilik] n. quality. ýokary ~ high-quality.

himiki   adj. chemical. ~ element chemical element. ~ birleşme chemical compound. ~ usulda arassalama dry-cleaning.

himiýa   ['himiýa] n. chemistry. ~ kabineti chemistry study/laboratory.

hin   [hi:n] n. den, lair, hole, form, burrow. garynja ~i ant-hill.

hindi   n. Indian. Category: geogr. ~ aýaly Indian woman.

Hindistan   n. India. Category: geogr.

hiňňildik   n. swing. for Gurban Baýram (festival)- young people swing away their sins on a plank suspended from a large metal frame. hiňňildik uçmak to swing.

hoja   see FT for \de.

hojalyk   n. 1 • economy. öý hojalygy housekeeping. hojalygy ýöretmek to keep house, be occupied with one's household. oba hojalygy agriculture, farming, rural economy. tokaý hojalygy forestry. halk hojalygy national economy.

2 • farm, small-holding. iri ~ large-scale farm. kollektiw ~ collective farm.

hojalykçy   n. farmer. öý hojalykçy house keeper, house wife, house husband.

hojaýyn   n. landlord, master, owner, proprietor, innkeeper. myhmanhananyň ~y innkeeper, landlord. öýüň ~y master of the house.

hol   pron. that, those. ~ adam that man. ~ gün that day.

holodilnik   [holo'dilnik] n. refrigerator. See: sowadyjy.

hopukmak   v. be frightened (by), be startled (at), be afraid (of)|.

hor   [ho:r] adj. 1 • thin, lean, skinny. ~ adam lean man. ~ bolmak to be lean/thin. ~ mal skinny animal.

2 • poor. ~ ýaşamak to live in poverty, be in need of something. ~ düşmek

hor-zar   [ho:r-za:r] adj. impoverished, needy, indigent. ~ bolmak to be in need of something, be hard-up.

horaz   n. cock. ~ jüýje cockerel, young cock. ~ kekeji cockscomb. ~ urşy cock-fighting.

Horezm   n. Khorezm.

horjun   n. 1 • camel bag, saddle bag.

2 • wallet, purse.

horlamak   v. to snore. arkan ýatyp ~

horlanmak   [ho:rlanmak] v. 1 • to become thin, to become weak. Ol kesellän döwründe horlanypdyr. Saňa birneme ~ gerek.

2 • suffer. yssydan ~ to suffer from heat. deňsizlikden ~

3 • need, want, stand in need (of), be in need (of). pulsuz ~ to stand in need of money.

horluk   [ho:rluk] n. torment, torture, pangs. açlyk horlugy pangs of hunger. ~ çekmek to suffer. ~ görmek to experience torment.

horlyk çekmek   [ho:rlyk çekmek] v. to suffer.

horma   n. date.

hormat   n. respect, esteem, honour, tribute. hormat goýmak to comply; respect, esteem, treat with respect, pay tribute. ~ garawuly guard of honour. ~ haty ~ tagtasy

hormatlamak   v. to respect, esteem, honour. ~ bilen yours faithfully, respectfully yours.

hormatly   adj. respected, esteemed, distinguished, honourable, estimable, respectable. ~ myhman guest of honour, respectable guest.

horramlyk   n. gaiety, cheerfulness, joviality, liveliness, merriment.

hossar   [ho:ssa:r] n. 1 • close relative.

2 • guardian. ~ çykmak to be guardian (to), take care (of).

hossarlyk   [ho:ssa:rlyk] n. 1 • relationship, kindred, kinship.

2 • guardianship, wardship, tutelage. biriniň hossarlygynda bolmak to be under smb's guardianship, be under smb's care.

hossarsyz   [ho:ssa:rsyz] adj. 1 • having no relatives, alone in the world; orphaned. ~ çaga orphan, homeless child.

2 • neglected, uncared for.

hoş   adj. good, happy, really enjoyable. ~ günler happy days. wagtyňy ~ geçirmek to have a really enjoyable time.

interj. okay, fine.

hoşa1   [ho:şa] n. sheaves of wheat (after harvest-time). ~ çöplemek to gather in the sheaves.

hoşa2   [ho:şa] n. cluster. üzüm ~sy bunch of grapes.

hoşal   [hoşa:l] adj. satisfied (with), content (with), pleased (with). ~ bolmak to be satisfied (with). öz-özünden ~ self-satisfied, pleased with oneself.

hoşallyk   [hoşa:llyk] n. acknowledgement, satisfaction, contentment, content. ~ bildirmek to express one's satisfaction/gratitude/thanks (to).

hoşamaý   [hoşama:ý] adj. affable, polite, kind, courteous, civil; complimentary. ~ adam kind man. ~ geplemek to speak politely/kindly.

hoşboý   [hoşbo:ý] adj. aromatic, fragrant. ~ ys fragrant smell.

hoşlaşmak   v. to say goodbye (to), take one's leave, say farewell, say "au revoir". Olar uzak wagtlap hoşlaşyp durdular. They were a long time saying goodbye to one another.

hoşniýetli   adj. kind, kind hearted, showing willing.

howa   [howa:] n. 1 • air. ~ ýoly airline. ~ ýagtylyp başlady Day is breaking.

2 • weather, atmosphere. açyk ~ clear/serene weather. ~ maglumaty weather forecast. Bu gun ~ gowy. It is fine today.

howandar   [howanda:r] n. 1 • patron, protector, sponsor.

2 • close friend, friend.

howandarlyk   [howanda:rlyk] n. 1 • sponsorship, patronage, protection. ~ etmek to sponsor.

2 • friendship, friendly relations.

howatyr   [howa:ty:r] n. alarm, worry, trouble, anxiety, fear.

howaýy   [howa:ýy] adj. groundless, baseless, unfounded, vain, ungrounded. ~ haýbat empty/idle threat. ~ sözler empty/meaningless words. ~ arzuwlar castles in the air, pipe-dreams.

howdan   [howda:n] n. 1 • reservoir, cistern, pond.

2 • swimming pool. ýüzülýän howdan swimming-pool, swimming-baths. Köp adam saglygy üçin howdan gatnaýarlar. Lukman näsaga howdana gatnamaly diýip kepilnama berdi.

howes   n. 1 • wish, desire, inclination. ~ etmek to wish, desire, want. ~ bilen with pleasure.

2 • interest, love, passion. ~ bildirmek to display/show one's interest (in).

howlukmaç   adv. hurriedly, hastily, in a hurry, in haste, quickly, in a rush.

howlukmak   v. to hurry, to be in a hurry, to hasten. Howlukma. Don't hurry! Ol howlukma:n gepleýär. He doesn't speak quickly.

howly   n. 1 • yard, garden, courtyard. howluda in the yard.

2 • house with a yard.

howp   n. danger. ~ abanmak to be in danger. ölüm ~y danger of death. Oňa hiç zat ~ salanok. He is in no danger.

howply   adj. dangerous, perilous. ~ ýer dangerous place.

howpsuz   adj. safe. ~ ýer safe place.

howpsuzlyk   n. safety, security. ~ tehnikasy industrial safety, accident prevention.

döwlet howpsuzlygy   State security.

~ organlary   security services.

~ Sowýeti   Security Council.

howsala   n. alarm, worry, anxiety, uneasiness. ~ düşmek to worry, be anxious/uneasy/worried (about), become anxious (about).

howur   n. heat.

howut   n. camel saddle.

howutçy   n. saddler (for camels), a person who makes camel saddles.

howuz   n. pool.

1 • pond, artificial reservoir.

2 • swimming pool.

hoz   [ho:z] n. nut, walnut. ~ agajy nut-tree. ~uň gabygy nutshell.

ýer hozy   peanut.

höçjet   adj. obstinate, stubborn, refractory, opinionated, pig-headed. ~ oglan stubborn/obstinate boy.

hödür   n. 1 • entertainment, diversion, provision of food or drink. ~ etmek to treat (somebody to), entertain (somebody to), to offer a little diversion, to provide a little something.

2 • offer, suggestion. ~etmek to offer, suggest.

hödürlemek   v. to offer, propose, suggest. öz hyzmatyňy ~ to offer somebody one's services. täze plan ~ to suggest a new plan.

hödürlenmek   v. be offered, be suggested, be proposed. Oňa oňat iş hödürlendi. He was offered a good job.

hökman   [hökma:n] adv. definitely, without fail; surely. Men ~ gelerin. I shall come without fail. Ol ~ ol ýerde bolar. He is sure to be there, he is bound to be there. ~ gelmeli. Attendance is obligatory.

hökmany   [hökma:ny] adj. compulsory, obligatory, binding. ~ bilim compulsory education. ~ karar binding decree.

hökmünde   post. as. şaýat ~ as a witness. mugallym ~ as a teacher.

hökmürowan   [hökmürowa:n] n. master, one who dominates, ruler, lord.

höküm   n. 1 • order, command.

2 • sentence, verdict. ýowuz höküm harsh sentence. ~ etmek to command. ~ çykarmak to convict, pass sentence, to sentence, issue a verdict. ~i ýerine ýetirmek to carry out a sentence.

3 • power, domination, empire, sway, rule, reign. ~ sürmek to reign, rule; dominate.

hökümdar   [hökümda:r] n. ruler, the one who has dominion.

hökümdarlyk   [hökümda:rlyk] n. domination, empire, sway. ~ etmek to rule (over), dominate, reign, execute control (over).

hökümet   n. government.

höre-köşe   [hö:re-kö:şe] n. caress, endearment. ~ etmek to caress, fondle, pet; calm, quiet, soothe.

höwes   n. enthusiasm, interest, desire. ~ etmek to be enthusiastic, to desire.

höwesjeň   adv. willingly, readily, gladly. Ol bu işi ~ eder. He will be glad to do this work.

höweslendirmek   v. to interest, encourage, give an incentive (to), stimulate the interest (of).

höwür1   n. partner, companion.

höwür2   n. sire, stud. ~ at stud-horse. ~ erkek camel-sire. ~ öküz bull. höwre goýmak to couple, to pair (with), mate. ~den çykmak to copulate.

höwürtge   n. bird's nest.

hözir   [hözi:r] n. pleasure, delight, enjoyment. durmuşyň ~ini görmek to enjoy life.

hristian   adj. christian.

hristianlyk   n. Christianity. See: haçparazlyk.

hudaý   [huda:ý] n. god. Hudaý God. hudaýlar gods. Eý ~! good God!; my God! ~ bilsin! God knows! ~a şükür. Thank God! ~yň haky üçin! For God's sake! ~ saklasyn! God forbid!

hudaýýoly   [huda:ýýo:ly] n. 1 • sacrifice-meal, God's way. hudaýýoly goyun öldürýärler a sheep is killed at a 'God's way' meal.

2 • wake, funeral banquet.

hudožnik   n. artist, painter. See: suratkeş.

hukuk   [huku:k] n. 1 • law. raýat hukugy civil law. ~ öwrenmek to study law.

2 • right. raýat ~lary civil rights. sürüjilik hukugy driving licence.

hak-hukuk   [hak-huku:k] n.

hukukly   [huku:kly] adj. possessing rights, competent. deň ~ possessing/enjoying equal rights. doly ~ enjoying full rights, competent. ~ bolmak to have the right (to), be entitled (to).

hak-hukukly   [hak-huku:kly] adj.

hupbat   n. torture, torment, suffering. ~ görkezmek to make somebody suffer, torture, torment. ~ görmek to suffer, torment oneself (about, over).

hurma   n. Category: bot.

1 • persimmon.

hurma agaçy   persimmon tree.

2 • date.

hurma agaçy   palm tree.

hurma palmasy   date palm.

hususan   [hususa:n] adj. strictly. ~ aýdanda strictly speaking, properly speaking, as a matter of fact.

hususy   [husu:sy] adj. private, personal, privately-owned, own. ~ eýeçilik private property. ~ öý private house. ~ maşyn own car.

hususyýetçi   [husu:syýetçi] n. owner, proprietor.

husyt   [husy:t] adj. stingy, miserly, niggardly. ~ adam miserly person, miser.

husytlyk   [husy:tlyk] n. stinginess, miserliness, niggardliness. ~ etmek to stint, grudge, skimp, to be sparing (of).

huş   [hu:ş] n. memory, consciousness, a person's sound mind, conduct. ~uňy ýitirmek a) to lose consciousness, faint b) to lose one's memory. Aýna özüni Artygyň gujagyna oklanda, bütin huşuny ýitirdi. When Ayna threw herself into Artyk's arms, he completely fainted. ~a gelmek a) to come to one's senses, to regain/recover consciousness b) to remember.

hut   n. 1 • exact, exactly, really, just. Bu ~ meniň gözleýän zadym. That's just what I was looking for.

2 • personally, in person. ~ özi himself/herself. ~ özüm eşitdim. I heard it personally.

1 •  Bu ~ meniň gözleýän kitabym.

2 •  ~ özi ~ özüm gördüm.

Men ~, ýagny balyk aýynda doglupdyryn.

huzur   [huzu:r] n. before, in front of. ~ynda durmak to stand in front of somebody. ~a barmak to come up to somebody.

hüjüm   n. attack, offensive, assault. ~e geçmek to assume the offensive. ~ etmek to attack, to assault.

hünär   n. 1 • profession, trade. ~ edinmek to specialize (in), to get a profession. ~ öwrenmek to learn a profession.

2 • skill, ability. ~iňi görkezmek to show/display one's ability.

hünärli   adj. 1 • having a profession/trade/specialization/skill. ~ adam professional, skilled worker.

2 • skilful, expert, able, capable.

hünärment   n. artisan, craftsman; specialist.

hünärsiz   adj. without a profession, unskilled.

hünji   n. bead.

hüşgär   [hü:şgär] adj. watchful, vigilant. ~ bolmak to be vigilant. ~ bolmak to be careful.

hüşgärlik   [hü:şgärlik] n. vigilance, watchfulness.

hüşür   n. charity, alms.

hüşür-zekat   [hüşür-zeka:t]  ~ bermek to give alms. See: hüşür; zekat.

hüwdi   n. lullaby.

hyjuw   n. 1 • passion, heat, ardour. ~ bilen with a passion. ýaşlyk ~y youthful ardour/enthusiasm.

2 • wish, desire, thirst. ar almak ~y thirst for revenge.

hyjuwly   adj. passionate, impassioned, ardent, fervent. ~ söýgi fervent/burning love.

hyna   [hy:na] n. henna.

hyrly1   adj. spiral, curled, curving. hyrly çüý screw.

hyrly2   n. rifle.

hyrsyz   [hy:rsyz] adj. wicked, malicious, malevolent, vicious. ~ adam wicked person. ~ gülki malevolent smile.

hyrydar   [hyry:da:r] n. admirer, lover (of), enthusiast (for), worshipper. Owadan gyzyň ~y köp bolar. A beautiful girl will have many admirers.

hysyrdy   n. bustle, fuss, trouble, bother.

hyşa   n. a kind of grass found in Turkmenistan. Category: bot.

Hytaý   n. China. Category: geogr.

hytaý   n. Chinese man, Chinaman. Category: geogr.

adj. Chinese. ~ aýaly Chinese, the Chinese woman. ~ dili Chinese, the Chinese language. Category: language. See: çynma-çyn.

hyýal   [hyýa:l] n. 1 • thought, idea.

2 • fantasy, imagination.

hyýanat   [hyýa:nat] n. harm, malice, injury. hyýanat etmek to do harm.

hyýar   [hyýa:r] n. cucumber.

hyzmat   n. 1 • service. hyzmat etmek to serve, serve (as something). husga bolup ~ etmek to be an example. Näme ~? What can I do for you? biriniň ~ynda bolmak to be at one's service. hyzmat ediş býurosy service bureau.

2 • merit, desert, services. Olaryň watanyň öňündäki ~y uludyr. They have performed great services for their homeland. kommunal ~lar public utilities.

hyzmatçy   n. servant. otag hyzmatçysy chambermaid.

hyzmatdaşlyk   n. co-operation, collaboration. ýakyn ~da in close collaboration/co-operation.

hyzmatkär   n. servant. ~ aýal maid, servant, housemaid, maidservant.