
N - n

naçar   [na:ça:r] n. woman. naçar maşgala women.

adj. female. naçar adam woman. naçar bendeler female servants.

nadan   [na:da:n] adj. ignorant.

1 • uneducated, ignorant. nadan millet uneducated nation. hat-sowatsyz nadan galmak to remain illiterate and uneducated.

2 • coarse, uncultured, simple. nadan adam an uncultured person. ~ dost stupid friend.

nadanlyk   [na:da:nlyk] n. ignorance.

1 • ignorance. Nadanlyk bize täze ylmy açyşlary özleşdirmäge päsgel berýär. Ignorance gets in the way of us making new scientific discoveries.

2 • stupidity, foolishness.

nadyl   [na:dyl] adj. to be offended by or dissatisfied with something.

nagara1   n. criticism, catcall.

Sen bize nagaraňy döwme.   Don't get angry with us.

nagara2   Usage: music n. large drum. nagara kakmak to play the nagara.

nagaraçy   n. drummer.

nagma   n. song. ýürek nagmasy a song from the heart.

nagt   adj. 1 • available, on hand. ~ pul ready money; cash. ~ pul bilen tölemek to pay in cash.

2 • immediate. ~ jogap an immediate answer.

nagyş   n. pattern, design. owadan ~ beautiful pattern. milli ~ national design.

nagyşly   adj. 1 • patterned, figured, decorated, ornamented. nagyşly çäýnek decorated cup.

2 • embroidered. ~ köýnek embroidered dress.

nah   adj. cotton thread. ~ mata cotton. See: pagta.

nahal   n. sapling, young tree, young plant. alma ~y young apple tree. ~ oturtmak to plant young trees.

nahar   n. cooked food; meal; dish.

naharhana   [naharha:na] n. 1 • caf, small restaurant.

2 • cafeteria, dining hall, refectory. talyplaryň ~sy student refectory.

naharlamak   v. Usage: humans, pets & carnivores in a zoo to feed. syrkawy ~ to feed a disabled person. Bu ýerde oňat naharlaýarlar. They feed you well here.

naharlanmak   v. 1 • to be fed. Usage: animals wagtly-wagtynda naharlanmak to be fed on time.

2 • to have a meal, eat. restoranda naharlanmak

nakyl   n. proverb; saying.

nala   [na:la] n. 1 • protest, complaint, lament.

2 • groan, moan. zaryn ~ moan. ~ çekmek to moan, groan; complain.

nalaç   [na:la:ç] adj. forced; reluctant, unwilling, disinclined; involuntary. nalaç ýagdaý the fact of being compelled. Ol eden günäsini nalaç boýun aldy. He was forced to admit his guilt.

nalamak   [na:lamak] v. 1 • to moan or groan from pain or grief. Ol durmuşyndan ah çekip, nalamaga başlady. Moaning about his life, he started to groan.

2 • to complain or protest. Eger olar senden nalaýan bolsalar... If they are complaining because of you...

nalyş   [na:lyş] n. wail, lament.

v. to wail, to lament. Hudaýdan perzent diläp ~ çekdiler. They prayed for a child from God and lamented.

nalyş etmek   to lament.

nalyş çekmek   to wail.

nama   [na:ma] n. letter; written agreement, contract. nama ýollamak to send a letter.

namart   [na:ma:rt] n. 1 • coward.

2 • scoundrel, villain; rascal. namart adam villain.

adj. cowardly.

namart iş   a cowardly act.


namartlyk etmek   -. Namarda zar bolandan, gara derýa gark bol. It is better to drown in a dark river than to be dependent on a scoundrel! Category: prov.

namaz   [nama:z] n. namaz. set Muslim prayers, recited five times a day, as the Quran commands.

namazlyk   [nama:zlyk] n. prayer rug.

namys   [na:mys] n. 1 • honour, integrity. Namys ynsanyň bezegidir. Honour is humankind's decoration. namysyňy ýaşlykdan goramaly Your honour should be built up from your youth. watanyň ~yny goramak to protect the honour of your country.

2 • shame, dishonour.

v. ~ getirmek to bring disgrace; to dishonour. Meniň oglum ogurlyk edip, maşgalamyza namys getirdi. My son brought shame on the family by stealing. ~a goýmak to disgrace, shame, dishonour someone. Sen bizi namysa goýma. Do not disgrace us. ~ etmek to shame someone, humiliate someone.

namys-ar   [na:mys-a:r] n.

namysjaň   [na:mysjaň] adj. honourable.

namysly   [na:mysly] adj. honourable. ~ adam a man of honour.

namyssyz   [na:myssyz] adj. shameful, disgraceful.

nan   [na:n] n. bread. ~ bişirmek to bake bread.

~ ursun   Lit: Let bread hit me (if) ... I swear by the book that... Ýalan aýdýan bolsam, goýmeni nan ursun. If I've lied may I be run over by a double-decker bus! Lit: If I've lied let bread hit me! (lit.)

~y bitin   lucky. Awtomobil heläkçiliginde oňa hiç zat bolmandyr, nany bitin eken. In the car crash nothing happened to him, it turns out he was uninjured (lit. the bread was whole). Lit: In the car crash nothing happened to him, the bread was whole, as it happened. See: çörek.

napaga   n. pension.

napagaçy   n. pensioner.

nar1   [na:r] n. pomegranate.

nar2   [na:r] n. flame. ýanyp duran ~ fire, flame.

narkotiki   adj. Usage: medical narcotic, drug. ~ jisimleri ulanmak to use drugs, dope; to be a drug addict. See: neşe.

narpyz   n. 1 • mint. Category: bot.

2 • annoying. Sen narpyz ekeniň! It turns out that you are quite annoying!

nas   n. chewing tobacco. smokeless tobacco often including ash, tar, and rumoured to have pigeon droppings. ~ atmak to chew nas.

nasos   [na'sos] n. pump. guýudan suw çykaryjy nasos tigire ýel berýän nasos

naýbaş   adj. the best (of something); imposing, dignified, impressive.

naýynjar   [na:ýynja:r] adj. 1 • pitiful; pitiable, poor, wretched. ~ görnüş pitiful/sorry sight. ~ sözler pathetic/heart-rending words.

2 • sorrowful, moanful, plaintive. ~ ses sad/plaintive voice; moan.

1 • pitiful. ~ adam ~ çaga a pitiful child.

2 • poor, sad. ~ ses sad/plaintive voice; moan. ~ zeýrenç a poor complaint.

3 • pitiful. ~ görnüş pitiful/sorry sight. ~ seretmek to look pitiful.

naýza   n. spear, lance.

nazar   n. sight, look. nukdaý ~ point of view, conception. nukdaý ~dan according to. ~ salmak to look at, cast a glance/look (at); to favour. ~yňy dikmek to gaze (at), stare (at). ~da tutmak to take into consideration.

1 • sight, look. ~ salmak to look at, glance at. ~yňy dikmek to gaze (at), stare (at).

2 • perspective, view. nukdaý ~ point of view, conception. nukdaý ~dan according to. ~da tutmak to take into consideration.

~ akmak   a) to keep in mind b) to aim for.

n. gaze; look. Ol şübheli nazar bilen seretdi. She watched with an uncertain look.


nazar dikmek   to look straight at someone or something; to fix your attention on someone or something. bir zada nazaryňy dikmek to fix your sight on something.

nazar kaklyşmak   to meet someone's eye; to exchange looks. nazar aýlamak to look back. nazary düşmek to notice something. nazardan sypdyrmak to loose sight of; to ignore. Awçy sülgüni nazaryndan sypdyrmady. The hunter did not loose sight of the pheasant. nazara almak

1 • to bear in mind; to remember.

2 • to aim.

nazarda tutmak   to keep in one's sight. See: nukdaýnazar.

naz-nygmat   [na:z-nygmat] n. all kinds of tasty treats.

ne   adj. neither...nor. Ertiden bäri men ne naharlanyp bildim, ne dynç aldym. Since yesterday I have been able to neither eat nor rest. Sen ne geldiň, ne telefon etdiň. You neither came nor phoned.

intens. what, such. ~ gözel howa! What fine weather! ~ gözel ýigitler al ganyny bu topraga akdyrdylar. What handsome young men shed their blood on this land? Baý-ba öýuň tozany ne bela. Oh, the house is dusty - what a disaster!

nebis   n. greediness, self-interest. nebse çapmak to be greedy.

nebsiň agyrmak   to feel sorry (for).

nebsimiz agyrsada   unfortunately.

n. to covet. nebsiňe buýurmak nebsine ejiz

nebsiň agyrmak   to feel sorry for. Gedaýyň bolup durşuna nebsim agyrap, oňa ýardam berdim. I felt so sorry for the down-and-out's whole situation, that I gave him help.

nebsimiz agyrsa-da   unfortunately; regrettably. Nebsimiz agyrsa-da, biz utuldyk. Unfortunately, we were defeated.

nebit   n. petroleum, oil.

nebit ýagy   kerosene.

nebitçi   n. oil worker.

Nebitdag   [nebitda:g] n. Nebitdag. Category: geogr.

nebsewürlik   adv. nebsewürlik ýaramaz gylyk See: nebisjeňlýk.

nejis   [neji:s] adj. 1 • nasty, unpleasant. ~ howa foul weather. nejis iş unpleasant work.

2 •  nejis duşman horrible enemy. nejis jynysparaz

nejislik   [neji:slik] n. 1 • wickedness, evil. Seniň bu eden işiň nejislik.

2 •  Ol öz dostlaryna nejislik etdi.

nem   n. 1 • moisture, dampness. ýerde ~ ýok the soil is dry.

2 • rain, precipitation. bu tomus ~ dammady there was no rain this summer.

3 • tear. onuň gözünde ~ göründi tears were seen in her eyes.

neme   pron. umm. Neme, maňa seret!

nemes   ['nemes] n. German. ~ aýaly German woman. ~ dili the German language. ~çe geplemek to speak German. Category: language.

neneň   pron. how. Onuň naly ~? How is she? neneňsi ýagdaý

nepes   n. breath. ~iňi dürsemek to take a breather; to have a short rest.

nepis   [nepi:s] adj. beautiful, elegant, fine. ~ haly beautiful carpet. nepis keşde

ner   n. dromedary, camel.

neresse   n. poor chap/boy/girl/thing.

1 • youngster, child.

2 (qlen adam) •  Aman neresse örän gowy adamdy.

nerw   n. Usage: anatomy nerve. ~ keselleri nervous diseases. ~ merkezi nerve centre. ~ öýjükleri

nerwine degmek   to get on smb's nerves. Maşynlaryň güwwüldisi meniň nerwime degýär.

nesibe   [nesi:be] n. 1 • share, part, portion. bu meniň nesibäm this is my share.

2 • lot, destiny, fortune. nesibäňe düşmek to fall to one's lot. ~däkini görmek to try one's destiny.

1 • luck, good fortune. bu meniň nesibäm this is my share.

2 •  nesibäňe düşmek to fall to one's lot. ~däkini görmek to try one's destiny.

nesihat   [nesi:hat] n. advice.

v. ~ bermek to advise.

nesil   n. 1 • descendants. Onuň nesli köp. His descendents are many. Ol öüznden ~ galdyrmady. He left no direct descendents.

2 • generation. täze nesil new generation. ýaş ~ young generation. nesilden-nesle geçirmek Bu däbi ~ler uzak ýyllar boýy unutmandyr. It turns out that over long years this tradition was not forgotten.

nesip   [nesi:p] n. destiny, fate, providence, lot. Nesibeli gün giderin. I will when it's my fate. nesibedäkini görmek to see if it's one's fate. Men ertir bararyn, nesip bolsa. I'll go along tomorrow, God willing.

1 • destiny, fate deltd lot, (usu negative) providence,(cos means God's protection. if also true, then make into sn2). nesibedäkini görmek to see if it's one's fate.

2 • God's blessing. Men ertir bararyn, nesip bolsa. I'll go along tomorrow, God willing.

fate, destiny. Amerika gitmek maňa nesip etmedi. It was not my destiny to go to America.

Nesip etse; nesip bolsa   fate permitting, God willing 1. Nesip etse, biz bu işi on günde gutararys. If fate permits, we will finish this work in ten days. Men ertir bararyn, nesip bolsa. I'll come tomorrow, God willing.

neşe   n. 1 • narcotic, drug. ~ söwdasy drug trafficking. ~ çekmek to smoke dope.

2 • opium. ~ çekmek to smoke opium.

~si ýetmek   to be in high spirits; narcotics, drugs.

neşekeş   n. drug addict.

neşekeşlik   n. drug addiction.

neşir   n. 1 • publication. kitabyň birinji ~i the first edition of a book. ~ etmek to publish; to edit.

1 • publication.

2 • edition. kitabyň ilkinji neşiri

v. neşir etmek to publish.

neşirýat   [neşirýa:t] n. publisher, publishing house.

neşirýatçy   [neşirýa:tçy] n. someone working in publishing.

netije   [neti:je] n. 1 • result, outcome. ~ bermek to yield results. oňat ~leri gazanmak to get good results.

2 • result, conclusion, decision. netijä gelmek to come to a decision, arrive at a conclusion. ~ çykarmak to draw a conclusion, conclude. nädogry ~ wrong conclusion. netijede as a result, thus. Biziň işimiz ahyrynda gowy netije berdi. Our work finally yeilded a good result.

v. netije çykmak; netijä gelmek to reach a conslusion; to come to a decision. Sen meniň aýdan teklibimden nähili netije çykardyň? What conclusion have you reached as a result of my proposal? Sen ilki takyk netijä gel, soň maňa pikiriňi aýt. First you come to a definite decision, then tell me your thoughts.

netijeli   [neti:jeli] adj. effective, efficacious, productive. netijeli iş Terbiýäni netijeli alyp barmaly.

netijelilik   [neti:jelilik] n. efficiency, productivity.

   pron. what. Bu nä ýagdaý?

näbelet   [nä:belet] adj. unfamiliar. Meniň näbelet aýdymçym aýdym aýdýar. A singer I don't know is singing.

näbelli   adj. not well-known, unknown, unheard of; uncertain. ~ ada unknown island. näbelli şahyr onuň haçan geljegi ~ no one knows when he will come.

eýesi ~ sözlem   Usage: grammar indefinite-personal sentence.

näçe   pron. how much, how many. Ýygnaga näçe adam geldi? How many people came to the meeting? Wagt näçe? What's the time? Gaýun bahasy näçe? How much do the melons cost? Usage: dial. Ashgabat

nädip   pron. how.

nädogry   adj. incorrect, wrong, false. ~ sözlem ungrammatical sentence. Ol görkezme berende, nädogry zatlary aýdýardy. As he was giving the instructions, what he was saying was wrong.

adv. incorrectly, wrongly. Men meseläni nädogry çözüpdirin. I answered the problem incorrectly. Sen pagtany nädogry ölçedyň. You have incorrectly weighed the cotton.

~ hereket etmek   to behave inappropriately. Sen muzeýda ylgap, nädogry hereket etän. If you run in the museum, you behave inappropriately.

nädürs   adj. incorrect.

nägile   [nägi:le] adj. dissatisfied, discontented, displeased (with). ~ bolmak to be dissatisfied/displeased. ol senden ~ he is displeased with you.

nägilelik   [nägi:lelik] n. displeasure.

1 • displeasure, discontent, dissatisfaction, disapproval; anger. ~ bildirmek to express one's dissatisfaction/displeasure.

2 • protest.

nähak   adj. 1 • wrong, mistaken. Siz ~ pulsuz gelipsiňiz. It was a mistake for you to come without money.

2 • without any reason, unnecessary. Inim, sen ~ azar galýarňyň! Little bro, you are putting yourself out for no reason!

~ gürrüň   gossip.

1 (dogry däl) • false, untrue. Inim, sen nähak aýdýaň! Young brother, you are wrong!

~ gürrüň   

~ gan dökmek   

2 • without reason, unnecessarily. Siz nähak alada galypsyňyz. It seems you worried unnecessarily.

nähili   pron. 1 • how? Nähili-ow? How are you doing? Ýagdaýlaryň ~? How are things?

2 • what kind, how. Ol ~ kitap? What kind of book is it? Gör, dünýäde ~ gowy mugallymlar bar. See what wonderful teachers there are in the world. Inim, ýagdaýyň nähili? Young brother, how are you? Sen nähili adam?! What kind of person are you?! Gör, dünýäde nähili gowy mugallymlar bar. Look what great teachers there are in the world.

nähoş   adv. See: näsag.

nälet   n. 1 • curse. ~ bolsun! Damn it! ~ etmek to curse someone.

2 • shame. Sen ýaramaz iş edip, maşgalaňa nälet getirme. Don't bring shame on your family by behaving badly.

näletkerde   adj. contemptible, despicable. ~ ogul contemptible son??

näletlemek   v. 1 • to curse, damn.

2 • to brand, stigmatize.

näme   pron. what. ~ boldy? What's happened? ~ gulluk? What can I do for you? ~ etmeli? Maňa başga ~ gerek? What else do I need?

2 • pron. what, whatever. Näme bolsa, şol bolsun! Whatever will be will be.

Näme-de bolsa   nevertheless, all the same. Sen näme-de bolsa, gaýrat et. Nevertheless, you be patient.

~ üçin   a) Why? b) What for? ~ üçin gitmedi? Why didn't he come?

närazy   [nära:zy] adj. displeased, dissatisfied, not satisfied. Men senden ~ I am not satisfied with you.

närazylyk   [nära:zylyk] n. dissatisfaction, disagreement. ~ bildirmek to express/show one's dissatisfaction. Harydyň eýesi ~ bilen ýüzüni çytdy.

näsag   n. sick person. Tebip dag otlary bilen näsaglary bejerýär. The folk doctor heals sick people with mountain herbs.

adj. sick, unhealthy.

näsaglamak   v. to be/fall ill. ol näsaglapdyr he has fallen ill.

näsaglyk   n. 1 • illness; disease; sickness.

2 • falling ill, falling sick. Näsaglyk esasan hapaçylykdan döreýär.

nätanyş   adj. unfamiliar, unknown. ~ adam stranger. Biz öň nätanyşdyk. ~ köçe ~ şäher Men Aşgabatde azaşdym, sewäby ul şaher maňa nätanyş. I got lost in Ashgabat because it is a large city unfamiliar to me. Meniň ejem, nätanys adamdan süýje alma diýip maslahat biriýärdy. My mother told me not to take candy from strangers.

nätmek   v. How should it be done? Ýeri, onsoň nätdiň? So then what did you do? ~ gerek?

näzik   adj. 1 • tender, affectionate. Usage: emotions ~ duýgy ~ göwün

2 • soft, tender. ~ beden tender skin. ~ ýüz

3 • delicate, fine. ~ çaga ~ gyz

4 • fragile, easily breakable. ~ gül ~ ýaprak

1 • sensitive, tender. ~ duýgy tender feelings. Garry adamyň näzik göwüny gynandyrmak we begendyrmek hem aňsat. An old person has a sensitive heart that is easily pleased and easily offended.

tene näzik   1 • sensitive skin.

2 • tender skin.

2 • feminine. Bu gyzyň näzik beden gürseň, onuň ballet bilen meşgülanýarlagy belledi. When you see that girl's feminine body, one can instantly tell she studies ballet.

3 • kind, gentle. Men ejemiň ýüzi ýaman näzik, ol owadan bolmasada meniň üçin iň owadan eje. My mother has a very kind face, she is not pretty but to me she is the most beautiful mother. Meniň joram örän näzik - men hiç wagt onuň gaty gaýram soz aýdanyny äşdemek. My friend is very gentle - I have never heard her speak a harsh word.

4 • spoiled. Myrat ene-atasynyň näzik oguly hiç kimyň diýeny ädemok. Myrat is a spoiled boy who does not listen to anyone.

Usage: animate 5 • delicate, fragile, brittle. Gyrmazy gülüň näziklygynden ýaňa digsen dowüläjykýaly. The red flower is so delicate that if you touch it the petals will fall off.

näzli   adj. 1 • coquettish, affected, flirty. ~ gözel flirty woman. ~ garaýyş flirty look.

2 • capricious, wilful. ~ çaga wilful child.

niçik   how, in this way. her ~ nonetheless, in any case. Ýagdaýyň niçik?

nika   [nika:] n. marriage. raýat ~sy civic marriage. ~ şahadatnamasy marriage certificate. ~da durmak to be married. ~ny bozmak to get a divorce. ~ gyýmak (Olara nika gyýyldy.) to go through a wedding ceremony, say one's marriage vows.

nikaly   [nika:ly] adj. engaged; married. ~ aýal ~ aýalyndan bolan çaga

nil   [ni:l] n. barrel. tüpeňiň ~i barrel of a gun. topuň ~i goşa ~li ýeke ~

nire   [ni:re] pron. where? (locative). Sen nirä gitjek? Where are you going? Sen nireden geldiň? Where have you come from? Bu ýer ~? nirede Sen ~de?

niýet   n. intention, plan.

v. ~ etmek to intend, plan, have intention (to). Ýokary okuwa girmegi niýet etdim. I intended to enter higher education. ~iňe ýetmek to achieve one's goal. ýagşy ~

niýetlemek   v. to intend for. Bu balygy ýoldaşyma niýetläp aldym. I bought these fish for my relative.

niýetlenmek   v. to be intended, be planned.

nobat   [no:bat] n. 1 • turn. ~yňa garaş! Wait for your turn! Meniň ~ym. It is my turn. öz ~ynda in one's turn. ~ boýunça in turn, in order.

2 • queue, line. ~a durmak to queue (for), stand in line (for).

birinji ~da   first of all, to begin with. Bu iş birinji nobatda edilmeli.

3 • work plan, rotation, schedule.

nobatçy   [no:batçy] n. person on duty. Kim ~? Who is on duty?

adj. on duty. ... ~ şepagat uýasy peýda boldy. ...the nurse on duty appeared.

nobatdaky   [no:batdaky] adj. next; next in turn. ~ meseleler immediate tasks. ~ goýberiliş latest issue (of a journal, etc.) ~ edilmeli işler

nogsan   [nogsa:n] n. shortcoming, imperfection, defect. kitapdaky ~lary düzetmek

nogsanlyk   [nogsa:nlyk] n. See: nogsan.

nohut   n. pea.

nokat   n. 1 • full stop, Amer. Usage: grammar oturly ~ semicolon. goşa ~ colon. ~ goýmak to put a full stop; to finish, come to an end.

Usage: physics 2 • point. gaýnama nokady boiling point. ereme nokady melting point. doňma nokady freezing point.

3 • place, destination, point. soňky ~ last place.

4 • dot. Alysdan göründi bir gara ~. Bilmedin men onda niçik hereket. From far off a black dot appeared. I don't know which way it was moving.

nokatma-nokat   exactly, word for word.

~ göçürmek   to copy something word for word.

Onuň gahary soňky nokada ýetdi.   He has flown into a rage.

Usage: grammar 1 • full stop, period. oturly nokat semi-colon. iki nokat, goşa nokat colon.

2 • point, dot. bir nokatdan çykýan çyzyklar lines going out from a point. kesişme nokady point of intersection. gaýnama nokady boiling point. doňma nokady freezing point. söwda nokady naharhana nokatlary Uzakdan bir gara nokat görünýär. From a distance he looks like a black dot. Gyzyň ýüzünde ~ ýaly haly bar. There was a mole like a black dot on the girls' face.

3 • end point. Ol grrnine ahyry nokat gody. He finally brought an end to the discussion.

nol   num. 1 • nought, zero.

Usage: score 2 • nil.

nomer   ['nomer] n. 1 • number. See: belgi.

2 • issue. žurnalyň täze nomerli See: san.

3 • size. Sen näçenji ~li köwüş geýýäň? What size do you take in shoes? See: ölçegli.

4 • hotel room. myhmanhana ~i See: belgi.

Usage: music 5 • number, piece. Konsertiň başky nomerinde N. Halmämmedowyň 1-nji simfoniýasy çalyndy. See: ?.

normal   [nor'mal] adj. normal, usual, average. ~ agram usual weight. ~ ýagdaý See: kada.

noş   [no:ş] n. ~ bolsun! Bon appetit!, Enjoy your meal!

v. noş etmek to eat.

nowa   n. 1 • drinking trough. Guýynyň ýanynda mallar üçin nowa bar. Next to the well there is a drinking trough for the animals.

2 • boot, trunk, back. arabanyň ~sy maşynyň ~sy

nowbahar   [no:wbahar] adj. 1 • spring. ~ gülleri

2 • young. Ol meniň ~ oglum. He is my first son.

nowruz   n. Novruz. Muslim new year, according to the Persian Calendar. nowruz baýramy

noýabr   [no'ýabr] n. November. See: Sanjar.

noýba   [no:ýba] n. beans (inc. kidney beans). noýba tohumy bean, bean seed. noýba aşy bean curd.

nukdaýnazar   n. opinion, point of view. meselä dürli nukdaýnazardan seritmek so look at a problem from various points of view.

nur   [nu:r] n. radiant light, brightest bright, ray. nur saçmak shine brightly, give radiant light.

nurana   [nu:ra:na] adj. beautiful, handsome, good-looking, fine-looking; radiant. ~ gözel beautiful woman. ~ ýüzli goja good-looking old man.

nurbat1   n. 1 • screw. ~y towlamak to screw. ~ly çüý

Usage: part of a screw 2 • thread.

nurbat2   n. guard, watch. ~! ~ ber!

Nusaý   Nisa. Category: geogr.

nusga   n. 1 • example, model. Ybraýym Hudaýa ynanmaklygyň, oňa wepalylygyň ~syny görkezen ynsan bolupdyr. Abraham was a person who showed an example of belief in God and trust in Him. Sen özüňden kiçilere nusga bol.

2 • pattern. dokumentiň asyl ~sy

3 • copy. ~syny almak to make a copy. ~syny köpeltmek

nusgawy   [nusga:wy] adj. classic.

nutukçy   n. reporter.

nygmat   n. Usage: cooked food, dish, meal. süýji ~lar sweets.

nygtalmak   v. to be underlined, be emphasized, be marked, be stressed.

nygtamak   v. to emphasize, stress, mark. aýratyn ~ to particularly emphasize. nygtap geçmek to emphasize.

nyrh   n. cost, price, value. arzan ~dan ~ kesmek to price, to set a price on.

nyşan   [nyşa:n] n. 1 • sign; indications. keseliň ~y symptom. ~ bolun hyzmat etmek to be a sign (of). baharyň ~y sign of spring.

2 • sign; token, mark. ~ goýmak to mark, make a mark.

3 • award; reward. nyşan bermek award, give an award; to give a reward (to).

4 • badge.

5 • trace, track; sign. Ol hiç hili ~ galdyrmady. He left no trace.

1 •  Onyň ädim ädişinden we beýleki ~laryndan çen tutup... His step from steps and great note thought hold ...

2 • award, reward. ~ bermek award, give an award; to give a reward (to).

3 • sign, indication. keseliň ~y symptom (of an illness). ~ bolun hyzmat etmek to be a sign (of). baharyň ~y sign of spring.

4 • sign, symbol, mark. ~ goýmak to mark, make a mark. Türkmenistanyň özygtyýarly döwlet hökmündäki ~lary - onuň döwlet baýdagy, gerbi, gimni. Turkmenistan's symbols as a sovereign state are its state flag, its seal and its anthem.

5 • badge.

6 • trace, track, sign. Ol hiç hili ~ galdyrmady. He left no trace.

1 (doshe dakylvan nyshan) •  deňizçiniň ~y demirýolçynyň ~y şepagat uýasynyň ~y

2 •  döwlet ~lary -- döwlet baýdagy, gerbi hem gimni.

3(alamat) •  keseliň ilkinji ~y garrylyk ~y

4 (yz) •  ~ goýmak (Ogry hiç bir nyşan goýmandyr.)

nyşana   [nyşa:na] n. 1 • target. ~a almak to aim at a target. ~dan urmak

2 • appearance, look. Onuň ~sy üýtgäpdir. His appearance has changed.

nyşanalamak   [nyşa:nalamak] v. to take aim (at). Ol ýylanyň kellesinden nyşanalady.

nyzam   [nyza:m] n. system, order, line. ~a durmak to stand in a line.

1 • system, order. Baglar ~ bilen ekilipdir.

Usage: military 2 • line. ~a durmak to stand in line. ~ bilen ýöremek to march.